(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Sure, sure, now get on your table and dance, little draino. Amuse me. Maybe next time your race will be included on the objectively true and honest canonical list of cuteness.

Edit: today I learned there is a daily cap on likes.


Blizzard hates fun.

That is also canon.


As a representive for the Tennis balls for Worgens group, I object to your elven propaganda. Everyone knows worgen, fem drainos and fem dwarves are top 3 in cuteness.

This is truth :smiley_cat:


Ew. Ew ew we.

No, that is some fake news Q-Alliance crap.

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Fem dwarves are under-rated.


Because they are also undersized. All four of them.


I will have you know I am at least 6 female dwarves.

Probably more.


If six female dwarves exist but cannot be in the same place at the same time?

It’s one single female dwarf that does a lot of cosplay.

I’m just three gnomes in a trenchcoat.


There are billions of worlds across the cosmos but the Legion’s crusade actually was quite effective in wiping out most life from the universe. There aren’t many left that are still habitable. But your point stands. When we get to the Maw we see plenty of “otherworldly souls”. I know this is an Ethriel post so only night elves matter but the truth is they don’t have a monopoly on suffering. If you’re night fae you know Droman doesn’t even have a world to return to. And while doing the garden, you awaken more who have nowhere to return to so they just stick around.

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All lies!

I must have been stealthed while the list was being made… because I don’t see Vulpera listed. And we are clearly cuter than Night Elves, at least.


It’s all elven propaganda. Don’t listen to those silly elves! :laughing:


Not true, they give us Khadgar’s head to kick around every Anniversary!

At least they’re going to free them… eventually

Night Elven souls aren’t being imprisoned, they’ve chosen to fuel a seed of rebirth.

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Yea hopefully the new world tree will be bigger and nice rebirth for the night elves.