Iks - NE Warrior Tank
Orionys - NE Druid Resto/Boomy
Altec - NE Hunter
Dark Empire/Imperial Guardians/a few other raiding guilds.
Darkrebel - Human Paladin - Impact
Swiftmoon, ne hunter was my main for most of classic
Bruze - human war my main afterwards
Arybeth - draenei shammy
Dont remember any guilds. I think End was one.
Playing horde on Bigglesworth, Bruze#1641
Man, cool seeing some old names.
Jiffypop - Human warlock
This toon, Fearnot a human warrior. I’m not the “original” Fearnot. I adopted the toon in AQ40 and going forward and mained it wotlk -> present. But if you’re looking for the OG lemme know, I talk to him daily.
Anyway Disc @Fearnot#8705 Bnet @Jiffypop#1960
omg i rem u
Barbs, Human Paladin. Senji Kun guild, Ascension guild. Renamed Grimbarbs after it was hacked when i quit in wrath.
All these names are like so much nostalgia. SOME (I’m old I can’t remember u all Lol) of the people who defined my 2004-2006 years were ode, dahna, valerik, akuma, arathis, constantine, stinkyfinger, sailias/lynna. Every1 in ascension I’ve alrdy reconnected with in legion. I truly appreciated u guys and think about ya every blue moon. The gizmoduck meme, blackiisky -bringers of blood- i still have ur letter u sent me in my bank when u quit.
Barbs#1746 have fun in classic all
Holy crap…BARBS!!!
Yeah, man, keep in touch. I plan on playing classic a lot and have a guild in the works.
Yeah , that’s for sure. It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago haha. Are we gettin’ old? After seeing a few of the names in Axarons post I totally remember you.
Unfortunately I haven’t seen too many of the old crew. Justmental, the druid, is still around.
itsa me! Quillathe priest of priestliness! Power Infusing warlocks in BWL because ROFL u gonna get wrecked.
- Order of the Red Rose - GM
- Quiet Professionals - Priestly Priest
Hi Cencio!
I remember you. Was Cyong - NE Hunter back then
Barbs! I remember you tanking us through Kara with the pre-nerf Thunderfury.
I also forgot like half the guilds I was in during BC
Hey Cap, we used to play together. I was Mythrin (human rogue). Interested in reconnecting?
My body feels old. F aging
Where are you planning on going to level/raid? Myself and a couple buddies are heading to Whitemane on Alliance. Going to level as Searus all over again. Wish I still had the free time to raid like we used to. Not going to lie, I do slightly miss the constant wiping in Naxx
Hey Cencio Jeisenne here!
Gheldayre is one of my friends on FaceBook.
I played Jeisenne, NE rogue, on QuietProfessionals and then leader of Notabilis Kruoris, from 2004 until I switched to Jeisey, bikini spacegoat paladin extraordinaire, from end of BC until end of MoP. Retired shortly after, but came back for a brief stint for BfA.
I will be following my friends Horde side this time, sorry Alliance! But looking to connect with any old friends that I don’t have on FaceBook or BNet.
omg bandar lol the prettiest dwarf warr on hellscream. I’m headed to faerlina i think. Hit me up if you’re around!
I hear ya lol. Playing on Thalnos with a bunch of old buddies. We have a guild in the making and we want to get some raiding done, with casuals as well. Personally I have a lot of time to put into it so I’m just going to lead the guild. If you guys have a change of heart on servers, there’s always room in my guild. and if not i’ll definitely make an alt on your server. I know how it can be with server decisions xD