Heya everyone! This is such a good idea. theres a couple people ive always wanted to reconnect with.
Giggz - gnome mage
Geely - dwarf paladin
hopefully someone recognizes me? i mainly played on the mage though.
Heya everyone! This is such a good idea. theres a couple people ive always wanted to reconnect with.
Giggz - gnome mage
Geely - dwarf paladin
hopefully someone recognizes me? i mainly played on the mage though.
Wulfbane-Night elf druid before i switched to shaman
Scuba/Rekkof - Human Paladin
to left server when guild transfer to Staghelm.
Connecting with any of the old crew would be sweet.
My bnet is Rekkof#1497
Holy crap dude!!! I remember you. I think we randomly met in westfall before inviting you to the guild. Let’s connect Rekkof#1497
Varazslat Human Mage - Ascension
Hiya! Things are good. Looking forward to classic. Kid had open house at school, so I missed grabbing my name. Alternate isn’t terrible. Send me a message to catch up. Puzzler#1577
Haste | Human Rogue | Pagle
Feyrunner | NE Druid | Pagle
Abbysynth | Gnome Warlock | Pagle
I played Crydon and Gensou in the guild Vox Populi. I played with Santhera, Hayate, Clericmagnum and more. Sorry I lost touch guys. And sorry I bailed out. I was a kid and didn’t know how to handle the stress at the time. Please DM me I’ve started a guild on Pagle. Miss the crew from Vox.
Hi, I got this as a reply message but I can’t tell the original context. Do we know eachother?
Hey Ridion, what was the name of the guild leader for Lordaeron Avengers?
Airen - Dwarf Priest - Silent Legion, Vanilla Guild
Raisetrunks - NE hunter - Alliance of kings/Athenas Avatars in classic/bc.
Gogita - Dwarf hunter - Silent legion/Oz Inc in Woltk to present
added my bnet tag to the original post
So many Ascension people responding, fond memories of early BC raiding with ya’ll
Kriss - Human Mage
Kiro - NE Druid
Korrak - Dwarven Hunter
Spent most of my time in Running With Scissors, but I was in a number of other guilds as well. Don’t really remember their names. Used to run with Ishmaer - NE Priest and Oerai - NE Rogue.
I’m hoping to see some old familiar faces in classic.
Oh wow, the Silence days… I wish I had written down my history of Hellscream years ago.
So many names and guilds I recognize. Kayla -LITL, RA, Spite n Malice, Silence… hi everyone. Long time no see.
Kayla its Sillk!
I think we used to know each other - I was a human paladin circa 2005-2006?
I used to always creep you in IF when I saw you - I was always envious of your gear!
Eulynn - Nelf Druid… one and only main since 2004, hah. Not my fault that Druid is the only right answer when it comes to rolling a toon in WoW.
The Grey Council
The Legends
Remember some fun runs with Echoes of Elysium way way back in the day-- had a raid break up in MC after a dispute about loot, of course—
Had a guild break up in Blackwing Lair
Had a guild break up in AQ40
Wanted to badly to be in KotF because I knew old guys from Brainstorm in there-- but never could get into much more than a few raids with them in AQ40 or Naxx40.
Always loved being a resto druid, but in BC played a lot as a bear off-tank before transitioning back to healing full-time since Wrath.
I’d love to reconnect with some of the old folks like me who have not kept up with the current state of the game for whatever reason.
Anyway— I’m still on Hellscream-- and I just resubbed for 6 months… hmu!