Hellscream Alliance Reconnections

HI I was Daizie, Human Paladin on Hellscream during Vanilla and Burning crusade :slight_smile:

Crydon!!! It’s Sillk!

Cencio its Sillk!

Oceano Human Warlock

Play/Oath/Every guild

Still playing with Ollieskies and others. Lol

Hey Dasani!

Former < Hybrid Council > member here:
Crit - Gnome Rogue | Crrit - Gnome Mage | Critt - Gnome Lock
Quentinn - Gnome Warrior | Faeth - Human Priest

Looking for some others too:
Orinn Dwarf Priest (GM), Fuzzywuzzy Dwarf Hunter, Cambria Gnome Mage, Taelani NE Druid, Armoredsaint Human Lock, Blindshadow NE Rogue, Thunders Dwarf Paladin, and any others I missed!

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Ogkngoftrees - NE Druid - The Awakening

Remember playing with Briguy (Bryguy?) a human pally that had the hand of rag, and Rezidential, another druid, who was our guild leader. Downing Twin Emps in AQ40 is one of the most memorable parts of playing the game to this day.

Torgrun - Dwarf Warrior; Myrmidons

Ayeeeee. I recognize those names. Hopefully some of them still play

  • Searus

Posting on my original toom
That I ever played changed race on her lol.

Sweetfenix- The Reformation, ancient hysteria, light storm, dark storm

If anyone is still playing shoot me a message

I remember this name :grinning:

Hot damn! An old TA player!

I was in the guild stating in BWL, still remember our C’thun kill to this day and is the best experience i’ve had in WoW. Stayed in the guild until the end of Vanilla, including our 2 wings of Naxx40 cleared.

I played a human rogue named Asys, I used to play/talk with Briguy quite a bit back then.

I think I remember you. I played Ziaku, a human pally.

Ziaku, Human Paladin, Silence.

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Holy crap, it’s, Axaron. I definitely remember you from raids. Ziaku was my main. I’ve seen Altwights name up on the vanilla friends website as well.

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Akromaa - Human Paladin - The Awakening. I’m still here, same guild same toon, just a slight server change.


Arhim - Paradise Lost, Litl
Discord- @Etherithy#9409


Good to hear from you, let’s try to touch base in classic. I’m getting a btag change soon so I’ll post again later this week.


Talarious - NE Warrior

Unfortunately cant remember the guild name

HEY CRIT!!! How are you?!

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I recognize your name. 10 years goes by quick, as does my memory. I was in High School then so I don’t remember much.

If you get a hold of some of the old guys/gals from Silence let me know, would love to reconnect with you all