Hellscream Alliance Reconnections

Nariel - Gnome Warlock
Return to Honor/Attrition in classic, Ascension in BC
Bruenor, Lloth, Hamadarling


Dasanitoad - Human warlock
Hybrid Council


Searus - 60 Rogue

EDIT - Seeing some of the old guilds in this thread really brings back memories

Hazara, Human warrior, Lordaeron Crusaders. Miss you guys.

1.0: Nicthalon - NE Warrior Cannot remember any other guild names, but I remember Silent Legion.

2.0: Nicthalur - Human Mage

3.0: Becvar - Draenai Shaman


I remember Clocks!

Moonsmile, NE Priest
Honor Clan, Veracity, Unfriendly


Malfurionus - NE Druid
Sylius - NE Warrior

Midnight Marauders


Axaron - Night Elf Priest <(._.<)

<Silence <(._.<)

<Athenas Avatars <(._.<)

Looking for Lahli Zyden Gheldayre Gizmoduck Matthais Wrathy Worr Varth Warriorgharb Altwight Mateo Kayla Zifnab Jantaliana Nalvar Toy Chobits Sandwich Tuzuo Console Agamemnon Aelfaba and countless others <(._.<)

We plan to play Alliance on Fairbanks in classic | Battletag: Axaron#11327, let’s get something together.


Tyzim Nelf Hunter and Guild Master of Dragonfire Deathknights

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Ranma - Human Priest - Honor Clan :grinning:

Waves @ Moonsmile

Aayyyeeee <3

Apaul - Dwarf Paladin in and

Server/faction transferred to Kael’Thas - Horde for Wrath.

Sillk NE Rogue
Moonbunny NE Priest
Brassbeard Dwarf Warrior
Destrica Gnome Warlock
Athena’s Avatars and a few others that after 15 years I’ve forgotten the names to.

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Krisjian - Human Ret Paladin
Gathnan - Dwarf Priest

Savage Dawn-Honor Clan-Armored Justice

Looking for my old PvP and Guild buddies…Mateo, Zahrkon

edit: Hey @Ranma and @Moonsmile !

Drysordan… Maybe this time I can get into Keepers of the Faith :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: LF my buddy Nalvar or Warriorlord!

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Harlot Human Warlock
Nubzilla NE Druid
Guild Altus Praesul

I played Jotona a NE Hunter and was in Senji Kun in Vanilla until I transferred servers.

I am struggling to remember names from the guild, but I do remember running some dungeons with a dwarf hunter named Rockridge who loaned me 40 gold for my mount, cool dude.

My most active characters during Vanilla were:
Llamacola - Night Elf Rogue, guilds: Ehrenguard, Veracity.
Llamaofdoom - Night Elf Priest, lvl 19 twink, guilds: You No Take Candle, Emo Ninja Pirates.

Some other characters while I was still active on Hellscream through mid-wrath:
Jocelin - Night Elf Druid
Holyllama - Night Elf Priest
Midgetllama - Gnome Warrior
Keiis - Draenei Mage
Other guilds: Faith of the Fallen, Helix, Forgotten Legacy, Armored Justice.


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