Hello, WrA. Anyone from my time still around?

Been a long while, I’ve not returned to this game since 2019. A good friend of mine hopped back in for Dragonflight and convinced me to poke around a bit and see what was happening, maybe even log back in for the first time in years.

I was scrolling through the threads looking for names I recognized and a few triggered some memories. I was curious if there are still some roleplayers around from the Battle for Azeroth days or before. I’d say my “prime” was likely Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor for RP.

What’s happening on the server these days? What’d I miss? Any major RP events or neat happenings in the last few years? What’re the usual spots for walk-ups? What’ve you been writing recently?

Sorry for the potentially useless thread, just wanted to make my presence known and reminisce a bit with some old friends. :slight_smile:


Heya Cannibal! It’s been ages! I hope you’re going well. You may remember me as Verlinnea or Crazyprophet, but I’ve been Sarestha for a good long while.

Gotta admit I’m a bit out of the loop as I’ve been involuntarily unsubbed for about a month. Rental crisis in Australia has gone and left me temporarily homeless for a time so I’ve no gaming pc at present - all in storage. But last time I played things were looking up.

BFA and SL especially dealt a big blow to WRA, especially allyside but I’d say all around. Defs less active guilds than the Legion days for instance. That said, the community is still active. I’d suggest looking up the Wyrmrest Community Project. Their discord community has been keeping things going really well.

It’s really good to see you again. Your departure was a significant loss for the WoW RPer community generally. I’d say things are looking up with Dragonflight but I guess that’ll be for you to decide for yourself. I remember you made a faction neutral guild in BFA - I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Dragonscale Expedition. Reliquary and Explorers League types from both factions just nerding out with no animosity is quite a polarity shift.

In any case, I hope you have a good experience with the expansion. And again, it’s good to hear from you!


Hail, Cannibal.

The server is alive on both sides with the sounds of RP. Many more guilds are active and events can be found in the Wyrmrest Accord Community Project thread (it has a discord link).
If you - like me - are looking for where to start; it’s best to abandon your quests and pick up timewalking from Chromie. Maybe go run an old raid and get some better gear. Also playing with your talents. Sure, there’s a meta, but it seems less important than playing how you want. (Like I am currently running single-minded fury and having a blast).

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Hey mate, Krenk here, still puttering around. Glad to see you again, and hope to see you around!

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Hi Cannibal. If you remember a Human Hunter by the name of Avers, that was me.

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Hi Cannibal. It’s good to see you again.

I’m squarely on Discord and the forums now because I can’t justify spending the money to fly a dragon. I’ve flown so many dragons already. I want to fly some pathos.


Hey, good to see you! Hope all is going well for you.

There’s walk up in Orgrimmar and you can find weekly events on the Wyrmrest Community Project Discord: https://discord.gg/Cn9qQD6tYs

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just came back last week,

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Hey, I remember all the helpful guides you made, like the herb ones! I was just settling into the server when you left, though, so we didn’t cross paths too much. It’s nice to see you here again.

Orgrimmar’s still bustling, but alas, Silvermoon was lost to the Shadowlands. I have hopes that the damage left by that expansion will heal as the more RP friendly Dragonflight continues on. When the elves have returned to Silvermoon, we shall know nature has healed.

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Welcome back, Cannibal. I used to have a second S at the end of my name, but I’m still here; I know we only talked a bit, but I always enjoyed your posts. It’s really good to see you again.

I second/third/fifth all the recommendations above about joining the Wyrmrest Community Project. You’ll find a lot of Wyrmrest events listed there, as well as discussion channels and an LFRP channel. It’ll help with networking, which should help offset the fact that it’s true that the RP community on WrA – especially in terms of public/walk-up RP – quieted down a lot during Shadowlands (though I think it had already started to during BfA).

In counterpoint to the above, though, I’d also say that it’s already doing a lot better than it was, and I think it’ll continue getting better through Dragonflight.

Regarding walk-up RP:

  • I haven’t checked in on the Valley of Honor in a long time, but I think RPers still go there.
  • Silvermoon has gotten very quiet, but while people have taken to calling it dead, it’s actually starting to pick back up again these last couple months – just not consistently. There are also a few people trying to foster activity there. My guildie and I aim to go to SMC and hunt around for walk-up RP for at least an hour or two every Sunday evening.
  • Stormwind is also much quieter, but there have been some recent efforts to revitalize it. I know someone has run a couple of impromptu bar nights at the Pig and Whistle in Old Town in the last few weeks.
  • Alliance walk-up does still exist, but it’s moved to Duskwood. All over Duskwood, not solely Darkshire, and there’s lots of crossfaction RP there, too. It seems to happen mostly late at night, though, like post-8pm – people in the WCP Discord could tell you more.

I hope you decide to stick around a while, and I hope the game sparks joy.


Cannibal! It’s so good to see you! I was just thinking about you the other day. Hope you are doing well!

So SL was a bad time for Rp. My guild dropped down to 10 people on a rare good day and just two or three normally. However, a bunch of guilds got together for a year long rp campaign called Year of the Scourge and made our owwn lore that focused on what was taking place on Azeroth at the time. Was a ton of fun! We didn’t stop there and continue to do stuff just a bit more loosely.

Dragonflight has been fun. A little grindy and buggy but enjoyable. Thankfully rp has been recovering with both new and returning players.

I can testify that the VoH still has Rp. Most stand around but some rp does happen. It can get a little deserted at times though.

I have seen talk about efforts. With enough effort and determination, SIlvermoon City can be a hub again.

I am currently working on doing the same with Thunder Bluff. Been working on a Tauren Rp community. Right now we have Mulgore Mondays which is usually successful. We have a few events in the works for and are getting ready to advertise more openly.


I remember all three! It’s fantastic to hear from you again. :slight_smile:

I’m very sorry to hear about your current situation. There’s a bit of a rental crisis here in Vegas as well, and those without support systems are finding themselves in similar situations. Rent on my apartment went from $1250 to $2000 in the few years I was there and I had to leave myself. I hope things start looking up for you soon and you can hop back into WoW as soon as you’re able.

I’m happy to hear about the state of the server and appreciate the little history lesson. I wasn’t sure how BfA or SL impacted the community and am honestly a bit surprised things went the way they did. I’m hoping there’s a bit of resurgence with Dragonflight as well.

Again, it’s wonderful to hear from you. :slight_smile: I hope things start looking up, for what little it’s worth. What sort of hobbies are occupying your time these days?

Nice to hear from you Thokk! I appreciate the tips on how best to hop back in. If I take the handful of extra steps, I’d imagine I’ll likely stick to RPing for the time being. The Timewalking bits, they seem a bit different than before. Are items scaled to still be useful at end-game, or would it mostly be for getting up to max level (which seems to be 70)?

Likewise, Krenk / Gentarn. Both staple names still ingrained in my memory. :slight_smile: I hope everything has been well for you. Any fun developments for your characters recently?

I do! And unless my memory is playing tricks on me and he’s new, I believe I remember Vanndrel as well. Nice to hear from you, friend. What’s been new in the writing world for you? Anything you’re working on recently?

Enekie! A wonderful constant. It’s so nice to see your name again. I hope the writing has been good and life even better. Certainly seems to be an abundance of dragons these days haha. Have you been able to adequately scratch that RP itch from forums and discord?

Hello Kirsy. :slight_smile: It’s great to hear from you. I appreciate the link to the discord, I’ll be checking it out as soon as I can! How is it best used? Do people RP within the channels or is it more for linking up in-game?

Nice to hear I’m not the only returning face, Nakhu! Need to get Banrok back in here to get the Orc Warrior squad rolling again, haha. What drew you back to the game?

I’m glad the guides are still seeing use! And I’m very sorry to hear about Silvermoon, that was always an absolute favorite of mine for walkups. Something about the air of that place and the crowds it would draw was just a wonderful creative outlet. I’m hopeful it’ll return one day as well.

Nice to hear from you Eledris(s). :slight_smile: You’re certainly a name that’s ingrained in there as well.

Thank you for the write up on the state of things. The discord is on my list and I appreciate the the little updates on the usual spots. I’m hoping SMC gets back to where it was one day, and the Alliance side of things picks back up too. It’s interesting things have shifted to Duskwood, though, I’m honestly surprised to hear that. Any particular reason you know of?

Raton! It’s great to hear from you as well! I certainly hope to see Thunder Bluff and Silvermoon return in all their glories. I remember quite a few events in TB back in the day, including a story telling one that I attended as often as I could. How have things been with you otherwise?


Nothing super substantial. My non-WoW writing remains atrophied on the vine (I’ve moved creative expression onto Miniature painting and tabletop war gaming).

Story-wise, Vanndrel here has quasi-retired to Kul’Tiras after coming to the realization that the only person he was ever happy serving was the Proudmoores. He’s now growing tobacco and keeping the coastline clear of Naga.

Great to see and hear from you again!

That is not all that different from the U.S. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Given that you said temporarily I assume you have shelter. Are you in a good place at the moment or still in a process of getting back where you want to be? Whatever your current status is, I hope things get better.

I hope you are doing better as well, Cannibal. Or that things look up for you soon.

We had a similar problem in Illinois. My Bf’s job would pay much better than what the government would make them and despite being a great worker, wouldn’t support him. At the same time the Landlord noticed rent going up and decided to increase our rent so we decided to move.

It was quite a journey to move to California and we are now four hours from Vegas. Rent is about the same as it was for us before the increase. However, he got a job at a local credit union that treats him great. Also the CEO is the mayor so that is awesome. Things are finally starting to settle for us and this place has started feeling like a home.

I am still trying to find work though so we can prepare to get kittens.

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Going to gently echo everything else said here and also plug Duskwood late night crew if you’re a night owl.

Everyone is welcome to RP in Duskwood. And we are more than happy to make accomidations to RP with horde guests.

And yes. Please check out WCP. So many great world wide RP venues and events are posted there.

Alliance RP is not dead.


I can’t recall if Thomas Bates was posting on the forums yet when you left, but if not, their character is the ghost of a knight, and he patrols Duskwood in eternal vigil.

In addition to actually patrolling Duskwood IC with great dedication, Thomasbates the player frequently posted on the forums, particularly when people made threads asking where they could still find walk-up RP, to let people know they were there. After a while, they made a thread. Over time, people started actually going to Duskwood. And, as people started to hear that there was RP to be found in Duskwood, more people went to Duskwood. Now there’s RP pretty much every night in Duskwood. There’s a guild – the Bright Guarde – based there as well; I’m afraid I don’t know at what point in all this they were founded.

It’s a really good study, I think, in how to make RP alive – show up, RP, tell people where they can find you, and don’t stop. The opposite process, meanwhile, was – to my eye – instrumental in the phenomenon of both Stormwind and Silvermoon becoming so quiet.

The population did take an actual hit during BfA, and that contributed to SW and SMC being less crowded than they once were. People noticed that, and some people started commenting on how much emptier they were. This got a little more pronounced through Shadowlands, and after a while, when people asked “what happened” and “where is the RP,” there started being more and more responses stating that Stormwind (and SMC, but especially Stormwind) was “dead,” that WrA RP is “in guilds,” and that “WrA is for Horde, MG is for Alliance.”

So, fewer people went to Stormwind and Silvermoon, because they’d been told those places were dead. Fewer people rolled on WrA for Alliance RP, because they’d been told WrA wasn’t “for” that. With fewer people coming by, Stormwind and Silvermoon got quieter. And even more people said they were dead. And it was harder to argue. And even fewer people went to the cities, and a bunch of people transferred to Moon Guard, and so on, and so forth, in a self-perpetuating cycle.

This is probably simplistic and leaving various factors out (I think the introduction of Warmode was also a problem for Silvermoon; it took a while for it to be common knowledge that it phased you in SMC, even though it didn’t in Org, and by the time people got that, they’d been saying “I can’t find anybody in SMC anymore” for a while), but I really think the perception that SW and SMC weren’t hubs anymore preceded and, in large part, caused their severe drop in activity.

Edit: Another thing that was an issue was the sudden, still-unfixed failure of the /who command. Just so you know, /who is totally broken; for some reason, it can no longer be relied upon to return the names of everyone who’s online in a zone. You can /who a zone with thirty people in it and get five names back; you can /who a guild with fifteen members online and see nobody; you can /who a friend who you know perfectly well is online right this minute because you’re talking to them, and the system will tell you nobody by that name is online right now. I don’t know how many times I saw people ask why there were so few people in SMC or Stormwind, when in fact there were plenty of people, because /who didn’t work and nobody knew it.


Welcome back Cannibal! I used to post mostly as my undead Versca but switched to playing big blue boi Juspion full-time now!

Hope all is well for you!

Like others have said, check out the WRA community project! It’s a good group!

SL was a humongous stinker of an expansion, BfA didn’t help but whew SL really did some damage to the community. Not just in terms of the writing but lack of enjoyable content as well. DF is a huge improvement, I’d actually rank it up there with Legion as my favourite. There’s plenty to do that you don’t need to go no lifer, just causally playing the game will get you there.

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I’ve been gone a good long while myself, but for some reason this name is ringing bells for me…

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Boredom…nostalgia…the fact I don’t have 1 million HKs… :upside_down_face:

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Oh wow, Cannibal!