Hello, WrA. Anyone from my time still around?

Welcome back, dragons are fun and I hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:


It’s not an IC Discord and there’s no IC channels. There’s general chat, RP resources, lore, spoilers, etc. A lot of the forum regulars hang out there and RPers from both factions coordinate and advertise events.

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I see the community project listed, but there’s also the general WrA discord to check out. They’re mostly the same, but sometimes one will have events the other doesn’t and such. https://discord.gg/nhYgPEZ

And welcome back. I’ve been kicking around since wrath (with a break or 2 thrown in), though I don’t think we’ve ever really interacted. I think the only name anyone from the forums might possibly recognize me from is Moo, but I even doubt that much.

We all passed on.
Nah we are here still

passed on and now haunting the forums

No, sadly.

For some reason, people mostly just do planning RP in Discord and prefer to actually play the game they pay for instead of doing it anonymously over text over the course of hours, even days.

Weird, right?

Work around I found for this! Opening up the /who panel, you can type into the lil box that normally auto-populates for you when you do a /who search, and for some reason this returns much more accurate results. Typing /who Big Guild will get you yknow, 3 out of the 40 people actually online, but manually typing in the box in the Who panel g-“Big Guild” will usually give you the goods.

Same with zones, as well. Just swap the ‘g’ for ‘z’!


That’s great to know – thank you!

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My family and I had to live in a tent for a month but I’ve gotten a place today so all is falling into place. A humbling experience though. I’ve learned a lot about taking things for granted.

There’s a long story behind it all that i may get into when i have more than just my phone, but things are looking up now :slight_smile:


I am glad things are looking up for you! Really hope that something is done. It has been a struggle.

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I died and went to heaven

(hi cannibal)

What is dead may never die.

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Death is but a door. Time is but a window.

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Death is only the beginning.

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He was the edgiest of edgy boys. Called Orcs “Piggies”.

We all are still alive here! Woot!

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Speak for yourself, I’m dead and loving it!


It’s good to see people come back to the server.

I came back with this expansion myself and its been pretty good on server. Left at the end of BFA with a rather sour mood and took a break away during SL.

I am still wondering what happened to a lot of the folks who used to play in the Stormblood Warband during Legion/BFA. We had some good folks in there. Not sure if any of them still play or play elsewhere though.

Regardless, welcome back and I hope you reconnect with many of your people here!

You were here briefly when I started. I was Butterfield. Always liked your lore posts. Glad you’re back, even if it’s just on the forums.

Ayyyy I’m in a similar situation my guy!