Hello will low level players be compensated for their downtime by Blizzard?

Spy’s almost at 900 comments there. We’ll see where that ends up.
Also, there’s huge raids of alliance RN in the main zones too. I’d say we’re evened out. Makes it easy to farm honor as well, as I just went and healed for 20 min and got over 100 hk’s.

Ah. So, the RPing human male paladin is a champion for those who whine and complain about being PvPed on a PvP server! What a righteous soul he has.

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Don’t worry. When people log on next Tuesday evening and realize they haven’t gotten rank 14 yet and haven’t even upgraded to rank 2 or 3, they will be demoralized. Everyone right now wants to grind to HWL for the gear and think it’s as easy as doing 1 or 2 MC runs. They are farming a lot because none of them have played vanilla during this “phase” of the game or at any point in vanilla wow and have no idea how the honor system truly works (aka 40 man raids for honor farm, ganking lvl 50s, and farming honor less targets on boats/FPs/zepplins). I’m pretty sure people cant get HWL/GM by only grinding scouts/grunts, more honor is obtained by grinding higher ranked players. Also GL with farming the world bosses, pro tip they dont spawn similar to the gurubashi arena chest. Vanilla players had to use warlock scouts even at 2am on week days to camp spawns. Want to be hardcore and not put forth the effort to get HWL and world boss camps? Then quit your job, social life, be a popular streamer, and play 14 hours a day grinding honor for 3 months straight.


Well Dungeon farming should be available.

This is a player driven environment. You are crying to the wrong source. Blizzard should add a disclaimer for PvP servers explaining the basics, because there IS a solution for this, a PvE server.

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Back to BfA, little man


most pvp servers right now have groups of 5 max levels with spy addon looking for anyone leveling to camp they have been doing that to even find level 20s hiding or questing

I do remember getting a few days of game time added to my account during WotLK. It was because the Ulduar patch borked up the entire game and everyone was getting DCed constantly. It definitely wasn’t because I rolled on a PvP server and PvP happened.



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I’ve been PvPing in raid groups from Winterspring, Xroads, Tarren Mill, Felwood, etc. Haven’t seen this happening myself. You don’t get honor for that, it’s a waste of time.

You got 2 options. Reroll on a pve server or go to retail.

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Of course, of course this post was made by a human male paladin.

Yes, I realize that you’re on an RP-PVE server, you that is the gallant and noble upholder of all that is good and pure. However, you need to remember that we’re playing by the classic WoW server ruleset, where the only real difference between PVP and Normal servers was that on Normal servers you aren’t flagged by default in contested areas. Nothing else in the ruleset protects players on any Classic server from pvp happening anywhere.

I hate to use the term “safe space” but it especially fits here if you’re looking for a place where you can never ever ever be touched by the evil that is PVP. That place exists. It’s called retail.

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Compensated? Like, you want your game time refunded because you got killed on a pvp server?

Hahahah! Bwahahahahah!! Seriously? LOL and ROFLMAO!!

How about a big fat NOPE. Reroll PvE if it’s that much of a problem.

FWIW, it’s just a big siht show right now because honor just released and all people wanted to do yesterday was get HKs. It will smooth out over time.

No. If you rolled on a PvP server, you took the risk of being killed by the opposing faction from the moment you first logged in at level 1.

Kinda odd that Blizzard decided this was a fine thing to do to their casual players on significantly imbalanced PvP realms.

Like, oh well, time to drive some players away…

I guess Classic’s numbers were making retail look bad.

5 days is like what, $2? Just go play on a PvE server or stop complaining

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Due to your own desire to stay you’ll get nothing. Quit blaming Blizzard for your failures.

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I did find it comical seeing lowbies trying to quest in hillsbrad last night as the 200v200 was going on…

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There is nothing to compensate you for. This is exactly what your sub gives you access to in a game you didn’t even have to buy.

If you don’t like it, there are pve servers that are available. Nobody at Blizzard made you roll on a PvP server or pay for a sub. They are offering a functional game. You are getting what you paid for.

Re-roll on a pve server?