Hello will low level players be compensated for their downtime by Blizzard?


10 char.

You will be compensated by being able to PvP endlessly on a PvP realm. If that’s not your cup of tea. There are other options.

The majority are 60 by this point and playing alts. Sorry you level slow, but you aren’t the majority no matter how much you THINK you are.

If you can’t hack it, you shouldn’t have rolled on a PvP server.

youre making us paladins look bad girder please stop

I’m on Kromcrush, a pretty full well balanced server, and I quested at the mirage raceway last night during peak hours. Not another player in sight. They’re all at Hillsbrad and BRM. Just avoid the major PVP areas.

Edit: Oh, and LHC. It’s pretty bad there too.

I will enjoy equipping all this pvp gear I acquired on my way to 60 cutting out all that unnecessary grind. Seems fair enough.

awww man… do you want a hot chocolate while we are here ?

Go level in other zones and quit crying. =.=

You’re going to have to explain how you’re getting GY camped on a PvE server there chief. If you’re flagging yourself and then complaining about dying, then I have absolutely no idea what to tell you.

I’d say about half of our guild has hit 60. Just because you see a lowbie doesn’t mean it’s someone’s alt.

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OP is already on a PvE server. He’s on Bloodsail Bucaneers, an RP-PVE server.

This has to be a troll post… right?

No one is dumb enough to flag themselves on a PvE server and then cry about getting corpse camped for it… are they?

You joined a PVP server. You knew what you were signing up for. So don’t expect any sort of compensation for people on the server behaving very exactly as predicted by everyone. This is why some of us signed up to PVE servers. We are still enjoying a wonderful leveling experience without all the griefing and imbalanced PVP.

Sounds like you’re SOL, original poster. Nothing Blizzard or anyone else can do to help you here. You dug your own grave. Now lie in it.

EDIT: People keep saying he’s on a PVE server … but you can’t get corpse camped or griefed on a PVE server unless you willingly flag yourself as PVP. So either poster is NOT on a PVE server, or he’s turning PVP on on purpose.

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Remember, there is a correct way to use "entitlement "
Entitlement: the fact of having a right to something.
“full entitlement to fees and maintenance should be offered”
OP on the other hand is displaying a "sense of entitlement " wherein his request for compensation is misplaced.

it took an extra half hour of dead running to get to said dungeon…rofl.
Great game. Just release bgs please so raids of people don’t stand around doing nothing but camping instances for honor.

LOL this is hilarious

Should have been basic common sense to quest elsewhere. Heck, STV would be safer than Hillsbrad Foothills.

Can you please link a source for this?

The Deadmines, The Stockade, and Gnomeregan.
Alliance dungeons where you aren’t flagged, can go run those at low level with no ganks.
Uldaman is easy for alliance to get to without having to travel through a contested zone for long.
Temple of Atal’Hakkar, and Maraudon are contested, but don’t have large groups around there often. There are options to dungeon…

At 60 you could go to MC and run some of those, should be able to make it through the door before getting ganked as there’s usually members of both factions. You could even hit Plaguelands if those are swarmed.

Sure, let me go run at 60 until bg’s are released.

You can see people’s Server in their URL link at the bottom left of the web page when you mouse over their portrait. He’s on Blood-Sail Buccaneers, which is very much a (RP) PvE server.

So yea, he’s either trolling, or actually upset that he flagged himself and is getting punished for it. Either way, incredibly confusing stuff.

What else were you going to be doing? Either join the WPvP at 60, raid or farm. I can do it as a holy priest, I suspect you can too.