Hellcaller stealth nerf?

Destro was dead already but hellcaller affliction will be dead as well

Blizzard please fix this!

RIP Monday before season no news.

please address this bug no way this was intentional. it makes hellcaller unplayable

bumpity bump bum bump

God awful change, revert please and thank you.

The whiplash with the changes they make hurt a ton, Gives me PTSD trying to choose a class as they flip crap on a dime.

It is extremely frustrating before this change/bug I was enjoying aff more than I had since MoP/WoD, my motivation to play has plummeted.

dang, I shelved the rogue that I was really enjoying to fill the role as a lock for my guild as we had none. I was already bad before and now it’s going to be much worse =(


This was an unintended change and a fix for it has been deployed.

The original change was intended to prevent Vile Taint from activating Blackened Soul for every enemy it affects by providing a small enough internal cooldown that would have no effect on gameplay.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Lord they do exist. Good job.


Thank you very much for the update :hearts:


Now what about the double nerf to Elemental shamans pets, guardians, totems and Ancestors?

Thank you! :smiley:

Thank you!

Well I take some of what I said back since it wasnt intended.


Hey if you were planning to main a Lock, as I was, one could be forgiven for what would amount to “Ritual of Despair” lol :sweat_smile:

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Great ty. now that our AOE is fixed… can we please work on our ST…

Finally a Blizz W

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Thank you!