Hellcaller stealth nerf?

Do they just hate warlock or something, this is utter BS… why, just why?

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There is some speculation that they just doing this to spite the warlock class designer they fired his name was xelnath he actually had the class running nice and balanced back in MoP.

Some people say they dont know how to balance casters but we were fine and they went out of their way to nerf something that wasnt an issue while ignoring the complaints about drain life.

Frost mage is absolutely killing it in dungeons and pvp, as is shadow priest. We all know balance will get some unneeded buffs soon

I dont understand their thought process when it comes to making these decisions and they never explain anything to us. So yea im thinking they hate us

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I am 99% sure it’s unintended. If they don’t at least acknowledge this by Tuesday though, I will be very annoyed.

Blizzard has done unjustified nerfs of underperforming specs in the past for reasons unknown… but they seldom outright break specs without even bothering to mention it in a patch note.


I feel you. After testing out the new affliction for weeks and learning it, I decided to main my lock and put too much into prep and season start only for this to happen.
Now relearning Demo as I already put too much work into this character, but am seriously bummed.
If a “hot fix” broke it, a “hot fix” should have come already to fix it.

Have a mind to roll a mage or shaman since they seem to be only getting nothing but love.


I’m reading on the bug report forum that this has been hotfixed. Can anyone confirm? Can’t log on right now

no it hasnt just tried

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Well thx. Hopefully soon



To pull this on a weekend with radio silence till one day before season starts is so off putting. (Assuming they even address the reports, worse if they don’t) Legit killed the hype I had, now I’m just waiting on an answer & will head into the season start flat :confused: lol thanks blizz

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I just tried Diabolist and saw no internal cooldown.

After getting the Ritual buff I would get back to 5 shards then do HoG and Dreadstalkers immediately after and both reduced the cooldown of Ritual.

So, what are people talking about with Diabolist?

Diabolist is also a destruction hero tree.

I don’t know what I find more incredible, this horrible unwarranted nerf or the fact Snoz isn’t in here telling everyone it’s fine they are just trash that don’t know to warlock.

Also bump.

This needs to be fixed asap

1st of all, dev are off the weekend and you may hear a response from them until either today or later this week. Sure HC nerf sucks but AFF SV is still pretty darn strong so locks are not useless.

Destro feels messed up the most because of this… “bug”

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What’s interesting about all this is that none of the warlock specs were performing in either top spot for anything in any of the game events.

Like demo/destro/affliction with any of the hero trees aren’t in the S plus tier range where it was the intended pick. Id say maybe affliction by a small margin but not to the point to do this sort of change in hero tree mechanics.

A mechanical change like this should have happened in the beginning of beta not a few days before the release of the season.

I also don’t understand this whole thing where the devs are consistingly trying to slow down the class as a whole on a game where the mechanics in either pvp/pve it either makes it or breaks it due to designing them with heavy movement / stop casting mechanics in place.

Yet you have things like some casters/melee specs throwing out procs and damage like theyre the energizer bunny.

Additionally if it is intended for warlock to be the ramp specs then the damage has to reflect that. Casted spells when they go off or the ramp should be reaching sky high sealing regardless of the possible break in damage. That’s the whole design on a ramp / casting mechanic.


You mean like some phases where you need to keep moving and moving and moving, while melee can keep dps up?

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The strange things is that is almost seems like they wanna slow down our hero trees and require some sort of management behind casting or such but it has no benefit end on the reward of that build up.

And it’s also messing up some of the specs to be more cumbersome and less fluid. If this is intended then there better be some sort of world ending damage at the end of that scale but if it’s just some mediocrity end of a DPS meter than I’d bet some would rather keep the fluidity with some sort of hit to damage.

You can’t be a professional good developer designing something like this and just decide to change it up a few days before it actually see use for a season.

Especially when you had a beta phase for several months, with several top players testing it (with plenty of feedback) to decide on this.

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Might need to also post this in the bugs forum?

Just tested it - not fixed yet :frowning:

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hey blizz, just checking in again. kind of important to fix/change this for tomorrow or we’re looking at destro being a dead spec and only soul harvester being reasonably viable in any challenging content. not good man