Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

No need to remove. I would not bother upgrading to higher levels since leveling isn’t too bad anyway. Some levelers probably love them.

I love them and still view them as very useful. I think people really sell the rested exp duration boost short.

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Movement speed so I can run around at 160% speed with my full heirloom set on, like with the buff you get in Exile’s Reach. Only works outdoors, of course…

I’ve used heirlooms since day 1. Some days, I miss the EXP bonus. Other days, I don’t miss it as much.

What I do miss is the days when the heirlooms were powerful, stats-wise.

I agree with others who say:

  1. The stats should be buffed on the heirlooms. Not to a ludicrous level, but better than now.
  2. The heirlooms needs to be cheaper!
  3. We need the “missing pieces” filled in — gloves, bracers, boots, and belt.

I’ve got a maxed out set of armor for all 4 types and a good spread of maxed out weapons and trinkets. I feel like it was relatively affordable and easy to do.

Yeah, I feel that the stats could use a bit of a boost. Like you said though, nothing too crazy.

There was a time when they could one shot a lot of lower level things. While amusing, it was definitely a bit much.

I also feel that they should be cheaper, yeah. The prices have definitely gotten a bit out of hand.

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if they remove i want all my (expletive) gold back and i mean close to mil or more from all the years of upgrading over the multiple squishes.

I want them to make a full iconic set per class (or spec if they’re feeling frisky) with an item for every slot. Bring back some xp buff and some set bonuses. Quest rewards are pretty useless already anyway, you out level them too fast.

Add some heirloom enchants.

They really just need to add an experience to get to max level - 10 in a respectable amount of time.

This would be nice

Thanks to wrath I saw some missed mogs I liked.

The pvp sword loom…looks nice. I never got that in retail since not BIS for like…anything.

So I took a 60 and got it.

They are are at least cheapish mogs lol.

also some may uprade to be done . I personally upgrade weapons and trinks since rng can be hell for these. Haste loom is spammed all the way through. And dual wield hell I know well.

YOu have found the good weapon! and your offhand is not even 50% of its ilevel. when they get fixed…only rng knows. Or wowhead says your next one is a quest reward about 6 levels away.

Yeah they need some bonus brought back. I also really think they should rip out most of the tiers because it’s just too darn expensive for the benefit you get and at this point those of us who have invested hundreds of thousands for it up to say Legion levels (as I know I stopped around then and BFA with azerite armor further convinced me not to do it) would have to invest half a million more to get up to near current max level.

Simplify the tiers, cut them in half. There’s 6 currently. Bump people up one tier from whatever they’re at. Those at max keep them there, those at 5/6 bump them to new 3/3, those at 4/6 move them to new 2/3, those at 3/6 to 2/3, those under that to 1/3 or 2/3. And cut the costs. Make subsequent upgrades for each expansion level bump cost no more than 10k for an entire armor type.

That or they could, gasp, just cap them forever at a 3/3 and upgrade players who get to that each expac up to the new cap.

XP bonus may not make sense with reduced xp to level and squish but there has to be something they can do. Movement speed bonus seems a good idea (just don’t allow it in BG’s I guess or do, twinking has been broken and unpopular anyways so not sure it would matter). Say 2-4% movement increase per piece in the armor sets plus WoD rings for up to 20% movement speed increase (or 10% at 2 each though I think chest/legs should at least get 3-4 so it’s over 10% which doesn’t even feel that fast).

Maybe add another bonus like increased resource generation (mana/rage/focus/energy) by 5% a piece or have them give you a stacking buff or series of buffs like 10% stamina, 10% primary stat, etc.

I’d take the speed bonus most of all though. The worst part of the leveling slog is moving slowly around the world in areas you’ve done before a dozen times and visited hundreds of times for other reasons.

Well, it doesnt matter because leveling is so fast even without them. Xp bonus would be just overkill…they need to slow down leveling and make heirlooms stronger.
Upgrading is too expensive…idk maybe just yet another desperate shot for gold sink…

But you will still level 20x faster than new players…just by the sheer amount of knowledge of the game and the power that the gear gives you to one/two shot mobs till like level 40…then you have to use 3 abilities.
Dont be naive.

They should be an upgrade system: For half the gold cost of a WoW Token (this way their value remains consistent with whichever expansion comes), their effects can be placed onto a Character and give that character the benefits of the Heirloom gear… As for gearing… Heirloom gear currently makes any obtained gear effectively worthless, so why not remove that factor, and allow quest rewards to scale more…

I think they should remove the level bracketing system and instead the higher you upgrade them the stronger they get. As of right now they are green quality in their current state if fully upgraded they would be epic(purple) quality for whatever level your new character is at(of course tune it for pvp or have them only be a certain quality in pvp). I could care less about the xp buff since we level super fast anyway.

They are absolutely not fine as is. Blizzard removed the primary function that most of us bought them for and refused to refund us

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So in other words they went from being virtually mandatory and over-powered to being a very minor Quality of Life change?
Why is this a bad thing?

And no, you don’t get refunds years/months, even weeks later.

I feel like its pretty idiotic the heirlooms were changed from being really good pieces of gear youd use throughout leveling to their current state of being almost completely useless.


Overhaul. Current iteration is useless unless you park alts for extended periods of time to build up rested xp. If anything buff the stats power back up to where they used to be before they nerfed them.

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This is a weird situation that Blizz doesn’t know what they want to do with. They removed the XP buffs from heirlooms, yet at the same time seem to want to rush you to cap. If they are really want everything to be at cap, then embrace it and put the XP buff back on heirlooms, if not, then actually make the leveling experience better.

Remove the heirlooms and just give veteran players a toggleable XP boost toy after their first toon has reached max level.