Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

They’ve cultivated a player base that doesn’t consider leveling enjoyable or a pillar of the game. They will never redesign leveling to actually make it a compelling journey. They’ve spent years hammering in “End game is where the game begins” starting with Wrath. Now the vast majority of the playerbase that is left agrees with that sentiment and would revolt if leveling actually required skill or a time investment.

The leveling enjoyers are either in Classic or have went to other MMOs


To me, it’s not as weird as leaving in warforging in WoD dungeons only, putting gear in the hands of lowbies 30 ilevels higher than what blues of their level would be.

If you think heirlooms are weak, that gear makes everything look weak. Only upside is it takes a loooot of patience to gear out that way.

And it’s too expensive to upgrade to max level. Why can’t it just scale to 70 without upgrading? Plenty other gold sinks.

What is with this desire for Blizzard to remove old systems that people deem no longer necessary or useful (allied races being another example)? No, I don’t think they’ll remove heirlooms entirely, but they should reduce the amount of gold/event currencies needed to upgrade them, then significantly buff the bonuses that heirloom armor provides. Heirloom weapons don’t really need any other changes.

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This, the price before Blizz changed them was justified since it was an XP boost and made leveling faster. Now, it doesn’t make a difference, so they should be far cheaper to upgrade.


I guess I’ll say it again I think your maxed out heirlooms should be of epic(purple) quality for those of us who spent thousands of gold to upgrade them, as it stands now, heirlooms arent even better than the loot you get from normal dungeons. Heirlooms are in a terrible state currently and need to be stronger than they are. Maybe bring back a exp boost but not as high as it once was, but at the very least I would like to see them restored to being strong again at least heroic dungeon level

The biggest issue with Heirlooms came with the level squish and the removal of the XP boost. I wish sometimes they just didn’t level squish and left the XP boost in. Sure we’d be leveling to 140 since BfA was 120 and SL would have been 130 and then 140 in DF.

The other issue is the gear quality equivalent is only green level. When they first came out in Wrath they were Purple or Blue level quality. While I think purple is excessive, at least upgrade the status to be equal to Blue level gear.

Lastly the amount or ranks is getting out of hand. As the level cap goes back up with each expansion, they really just need to adjust the existing ranks going forward. Stop adding new ranks. Just adjust the current 5 ranks which is the most ever. So when the next expansion comes out and the level cap is raised to 80, just adjust the 5 ranks to go up to 80 instead of adding a 6th rank.

I get that it’s a gold sink, but it’s getting out of hand to keep adding new ranks when there was only 4 when the level cap was 120.