Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

How do you all feel about the current state of heirlooms in this game? The amount of gold that is needed if you wanted to upgrade all your heirlooms is just so ridiculous. And while, yes, we don’t technically even need heirlooms anymore… (even though they really do make things go by faster with how much quicker you kill things) It just often leads me to the question… Where do we go from here with them? Would you like to see them completely overhaul this system, or remove it? Or do you think it is fine the way it is?


For their cost they are trash now.
The XP boost was the main draw.
Self updating gear just makes all leveling rewards pointless.

Bring the XP bonus back. I’d never vouch for removing systems, as someone, somewhere is bound to like them, but alternatives are always welcome.

Even a speed bonus per piece would be a great addition.


Use tw badges and it costs 0 gold.

I have all slots for cloth, plate, leather and spent 0 gold. Most weapons too.

Im assuming you have alts so just do the first weekly tw and get 500 badges. Every two tw you can upgrade armor

That said i want the xp buff back in them. The rested buff is useless and the proc on leveling happens in town on quest turn in or at end of dungeon.


^ Fully agree with this. I used them for the EXP boost, and actually kinda hated not being excited for quest reward gear. So I’ve stopped using them on my alts.

Someone said they’re really handy for the X1 levels after 40, but /shrug. I might upgrade the weapon since that should have the most impact on mob-killing speed. But other than that, I stopped bothering with even creating them for new toons.

They removed xp bonus so you can level at the same pace as new players.

Try to imagine being a new player seeing someone level 20x faster than you, just because of gear they dont have. Personally I’d quit on the spot.


I’m happy with them how they are. I don’t need to level faster as we already level lightning fast.



I feel they are largely unnecessary, because leveling is so fast.

I think the system is fine.

Always helps to do research on ways to get stuff for free.

What I did is just max out my Chromie reputation and tree in the Death of Chromie scenario. You can infinite farm TW badges much faster than dungeons and buy the heirloom upgrades for free.

DH is probably the most broken at doing it.

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I’m fine with leaving them as they are. They have become unnecessary luxury items and the people that want to use them will invest in them…

Which is much better than they used to be, since they used to make a huge difference in leveling in the past which made them almost mandatory.

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Currently Heirlooms are pointless beacuse they removed their one major draw; the EXP boost. Now they are only useful when you just make a character and before you start questing or dungeon diving.

I don’t see why they can’t bring back the XP boost, since you are only wearing heirlooms to get past leveling anyway.


I think the bonuses are pretty meh, but I still want them to add heirlooms for the remaining slots. I don’t want to keep re-mogging while I level.


Because leveling 1-60 takes 12 hours or less without the xp bonus. I think the record is less than 4 hours.

Edit: Looked it up, the DF 10-60 record is 3 hours and 21 minutes.

With the xp bonus it will obviously be much less, which doesn’t line up with how the want leveling to go. And it should be noted that 12 hours from 1-60 is already very fast compared to the old leveling system, even with heirlooms.

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I guess I’d like to see an option along the lines of this:

Let’s say all the pieces gave you a 50% xp buff. Ok?

I’d add a trinket that gave a 50% xp buff… but you COULD NOT use any other Heirloom piece.

What’s the point?

To allow for players that actually want to experience leveling up, getting new gear, that feel of getting better. Heirlooms remove that, because your gear auto-levels. There’s no point, no fun in getting new things. In fact, you’re not just “always current” but Heirloom gear is ahead of the curve. You’re not just current, but THE BEST! (This is actually only true about 95-97% of the time, but you get the idea)

But if you decide to go that route of “leveling on your own without Heirlooms”, you’re missing out on all that bonus XP.

My idea bridges that gap. Because trinkets in this game not only are OP and often make or break a huge portion of your DPS, but they’re also VERY hard to acquire. So utilize that one slot, which still allows you to try others out as you level … and now you’re not missing out on bonus XP, either.


The only issue I have with this idea, and I know this is Blizzards thought process too, is that Heirlooms aren’t available to new players, you have to already be in the game with a main to get heirlooms for alts.

There isn’t really much fun in getting new gear from leveling up or dungeoning anyway if I’m already at max level and getting heirlooms to speed leveling up already.

So trying to slow leveling down for people trying to make alts makes about as much sense to me as intentionally making things like useful renown rewards requiring regrinding the rep again on alts. It only makes sense when your intention is to not allow people to have fun but to increase play time.

Nothing about my idea changes that. I’m ADDING to the pool of options for Heirlooms, I’m not removing anything.

If you want to just equip full Heirlooms, get the (sic) 50% bonus, and speed level using that gear … you can. Nothing about my suggestion takes that option away.

But if you WANT to level up with “game-gear”, you’re throwing away the XP bonus of Heirlooms. My idea solves that.

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That is true and I should have been more specific. My only issue was what Blizzard would want, is “excitement at getting new gear”, which is likely why they wouldn’t do something like this.

I think their stats should be on-par with purples and everything else left the same. But that’s just me.


I’d like an overhaul.

Specifically, I’d like for the gold upgrade bit to be removed, and for quests/dungeons to award something like an “essence of power” that can be applied to an heirloom, making them more powerful the more you engage in content.

This would be exclusive to each item created, and not shared account wide. That way, each character you level (that uses heirlooms) would still have a feeling of power progression, but without needing to replace the base item. You just upgrade the power progressively as you level.

But that’s exactly what my idea allows.

I thought this idea was rather obvious, but three replies later and you still don’t seem to understand it. lol

I’m going to lean towards ‘neither’. They’re solid pieces of gear for the levels they cover and the stat boost from leveling is handy enough. Depending on your expansion slots like trinkets are harder to come by. In that regard they’re working as intended.

You already level really fast as is, and the whole point of their existence to begin with is for people wanting to level alts who happen to have an excess of gold laying around.

Totally not much of a reason to remove them either. I think their current state of existence is…fine.

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