Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

It’s called an incentive. Player sees other player leveling up much faster, wonders how and why, figures it out and is that much more determined to get what the other player has.

I mean, if I walked into FFXIV and saw somebody on a cool mount that I didn’t have, I’d totally quit on the spot, because it’s not fair. If I were a new D4 player, and saw someone had cool legendary pieces on, I’d quit on the spot because I don’t have that stuff.

Like wtf Blizz?!

Heirlooms need to be drastically cheaper.
And the whole upgrading them business needs to just go away.

But they dont need the rep boost or anything back. Levelling is already decently fast, and way quicker than when heirlooms did offer exp gains.


They could reduce that, I agree.


Personally I rather we only have 1 Heirloom item. Such as a ring that increases our XP gain by 100% and that is it. No stats at all apart from the one XP buff, and thus no need to upgrade it. Used to help level faster and that is all. That would mean every other Heirloom would be gone, or rather not usable however.

Reason being in that sense is so that gearing up while leveling is more meaningful, since ya do not have multiple slots filled and scaled to your level as you grow stronger. Apart from the 1 ring slot of course.

This just be my two coppers though.

The leveling process in general needs an overhaul

Heirloom itens should be only PVE, if the player attacks another player they had to have only a % of the status, it’s horrible when you are leveling up and see a guy with purchased items before creating a character that you can’t even dispute a fight.

A player with heirloom itens can tank a player that dont have plus de monster, spoils too much

Just make the leveling process outside of the current expansion optional if you already have a max level toon. While i have not timed it i would be surprised if 1-60 even took 6 hours played these days.

nobody cares about sub-max level pvp – more over absolutely nobody cares about world pvp in in any scenario. No balance, update, patch, or thought should be given to world pvp at any point in time.

“twinks” have been dead in BG’s for 15 years.

There’s even literally pvp heirlooms.

I don’t think you put a lot of thought into this reply.

see the changes I’d like to see them be made to them are the Stats / stat weights. be nice if they had all 4 stats on each for a reasonable amount.

that and something I’d think would just be Cool. A Set bonus for having a full set on, that will Buff everyone in your Group with a XP buff. so, if you’re doing a dungeon with a new Player! you both get a XP bonus of idk 10% from all sources. then if you are in a group with players who all have the full set on your all getting 50% more XP. Everyone wins.

Even if you didn’t overhaul it why would you remove it? Don’t buy it, but the ones who have it can still use it

Removing stuff is always bad for the game…

Add a tabard that has xp gain to the set (so, it can be optional)…

Add the missing pieces gloves/boots/belt/bracers…


This is the first expansion since they were introduced that I just ignored heirlooms completely. I’ve slowly come around to the opinion that they were a flawed solution in the first place to smoothing out or catching up gear while leveling.

imho remove.
makes leveling way to weird.

Again why would you remove verses don’t use them

Have you tried NOT using the heirloom gear?

Seems like an easier solution than removing it all from everyone else who spent the gold and wants to keep using it…

i am hoping they do something like this in the next expac. Like Cata, the story is relevant from lvl 1. And they should do this with every expansion.

They’re a crutch for the developers that mutes feedback about gearing issues by giving veteran players ( and only veteran players ) a workaround.

(At least this is the argument rolling around in my head and I’m willing to say it out loud to hear how it sounds)

Except you can use every major holiday currency.
It’s not for veterans only. It’s not worth it as much as it used to be. But that doesn’t mean it should be outright deleted for those who use it

Heirlooms cost way too much for little gain.

Reduce cost dramatically and add back in the XP boost.

TW Badges are better spent on Rep, if you haven’t maxed them, and the mounts.

Gold is far easier to obtain than TW Badges.