Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

honestly, i miss the XP boost. Heirlooms are great for leveling I GUESS but after around 60 I just throw 'em in the trash frank reynolds style.

they are not worth the gold sink by a long shot now, just one more thing blizz has aimlessly nerfed.

Their costs should be overhauled, and it should scale all the way to level 70, with each piece being roughly 25% weaker than an actual piece of gear between 60 and 70.

That way, heirlooms can go on to still serve their purpose as a fuss-free gear-gap-filler. No more xp adjustments for 1-60, in or outside heirlooms.

Timewalking Badges, Darkmoon Fair Tickets, Marks of Honor, various holiday currencies. Easy enough to trade time instead of gold.


As for the Heirlooms, I still use them on a new character just so I don’t have to upgrade their armor and compare armor pieces after every other quest. But plus it provides a more cohesive look so I save money on transmogs.

Not sure another revamp is going to benefit players more than the current configuration.


I have been investing in heirlooms ever since they came out. I have a set for every class upgraded to the max. It’s no big deal that the XP boost is no longer on them as we really do level ridiculously fast. I also have multiple sets with enchants on them that have wonky scaling stats. It’s awesome to be able to make a new character, send them some instant gear, and proceed on my journey feeling like an absolute powerhouse. I also appreciate being able to vendor 80% of my quest rewards for gold.


Heirlooms were originally designed to fix a bandaid problem during WOTLK. It just took forever to level alts through Vanilla-BC content.

Jump forward many expansions later and it took an absolute eternity to level 1-120 even with Heirlooms during BFA before the level crunch. A very long leveling experience turns off new players. So removing the XP bonus allows the devs to standardize how long it takes to get from 1-70.

Bring back my XP on my pvp trinkets, hated how the Gurubashi Arena and darkmoon arena trinkets are completly useless now. I had to do some much work just to get the heirlooms.

Oh sure sure…

But it’s not like any of us work for Blizzard or this is, in any way, a meeting for ACTUAL change. lol

We’re just spitballing ideas.

NORMALLY around here are just … immediately dismissible.

I don’t think my idea is bad, I think it’s quite good! The fact Blizz won’t take action isn’t the point. It’s just for US to talk about. :slight_smile:

bring back the xp bonus

I think what they did to them was a travesty. They need to revert them back to the way they were originally.

Remove the ranks.

They’re fine as is.
Not mandatory, purely optional, minor gains for those that want them.

Mine pretty much go up to level 50 and stop. I don’t see a reason to spend even more money on upgrading them with the way that they are now. I liked the XP bonus, even if leveling is faster now, it would be more faster if that XP bonus was back in.

I hate the 2 minute boost thing, very seldom am I actually out killing crap when it goes off. I am usually turning in quests and not at all out leveling when it happens. If you are out leveling and it dings, you can’t stop to update your talents or you will miss the stupid boost all together.

They did fix the level item of the heirlooms at least, when they first changed it it was below the green items, now it’s at least equal or above the blue items, so that a plus, but not enough to make me pour any more money into them, unless they fix them in some way. It also used to cause yellow NPC’s to attack you, and they fixed that.

Just not worth it anymore. I still put them on my lower level characters, just so I don’t have to keep fixing their transmogs.

I level exclusively via dungeon spam and so I appreciate that I don’t have to worry about gear with how fast I level. Otherwise my item levels are way too low. Especially since I only really level tanks/healers

So I like heirlooms for that

I agree the xp bonus isn’t really needed with the pace of leveling these days, though I’d never really say no to faster levels

Don’t use gold, use holiday currencies.

They’re adding the Siege of Org heirlooms back in. No, they shouldn’t be deleted.

Why so people keep trying to delete things from this game?


Revert the changes and make them actually worth wearing again…


I have full sets maxed for all armor types for every spec, they aint goin anywhere. They should be buffed though for the amount they cost.

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i would be happy to get xp bonus to quest turn in and remove the kill xp rested bonus decay

I don’t have to have to drop 5k - 7.5k gold on every piece of heirloom gear every expansion. It’s super tiresome when such a meager upgrade only nets 5 or 10 levels worth of iLevel.

It’s funny you should mention this because I’ve been writing up an overhaul to the heirlooms and leveling process. Unless I posted it without remembering, but that seems like a nonissue since I don’t remember what I don’t remember.

Anyways here’s the post. Sorry, it’s a long one, also the first suggestion is about a talent tree for impacting the leveling experience and the second is about heirlooms.

Two humble suggestions.

1 . A second talent tree which targets the leveling process and allows people to target things they’d specifically like to do. This tree would be much smaller, and cap out much faster, but you’d be allowed to choose to either level faster, find more drops or get more upgrades or get raw stats for dps/tanking/healing etc.

  • Leveling faster would literally be more movement speed, more exp, more rested exp, more dungeon group exp.

  • More drops would increase boss drops and random loot. This would be better for people without heirlooms, but would still be great for people farming for transmogs or gear to sell.

  • More upgrades would help instigate random gear upgrade when finding new items. This would of course take improve item quality from common or rare to epic quality but could also affect bonus stats. This would certainly help people leveling a character, but it’d also help people farming for things to sell on the AH. Also, it’s just fun to get upgraded items.

  • Raw stats or boosts would just be a power increase for people that want to run dungeons or do quests. If people think that that content is too hard or are scared to get into tanking or healing, this would help players by giving them a greater buffer. So, heirlooms would be less mandatory for new tanks healers or new players, and there’d simply be less stress.

  • I was tempted to suggest a farming buff for trade skills, but bots are a big deal so I don’t know if that’d be a good idea or not, I’d have to think on it more.

  • I’d also like a passive talent that states that upon the first completion (?) of a dungeon when the final boss dies a chest will spawn that everyone will be able to loot. This will make dungeons feel like more of an event, instead of watching everyone leave group the second when the boss goes down. When the chest spawns fanfare with music or fireworks would be a nice touch.

I think this talent tree would have to be deactivated at max level, but reactivated if people do legacy content.

An Heirloom overhaul.
2 . Allow players to collect weapon, armor and curio fragments from quests and dungeons. These fragments would be used to upgrade and purchase heirloom gear. This would normalize the upgrading and buying process, introduce newer players to heirlooms in a cleaner way and allow all players to interact with quests/dungeons in a new more rewarding way.

I feel like this system would have to work for every dungeon, with greater drop rates of fragments at lower levels, so realistically a person could maintain parity with their leveling and the upgrading of one or two heirlooms.

If my math isn’t terrible, as it is now new and old players are expected to spend 14,500 gold for each armor item (X10 for a full set) and 27,750 gold for a weapon (55,000 gold, for some classes). A new player will generally acquire several thousand gold in their leveling process. This means that by the time they get enough money to buy an heirloom, it’s already going to be too low a level to be of value even if it’s upgraded once or twice.

Ideally this overhaul would be introduced in the capital cities where all players new and old would receive a popup quest directing them to an NPC in Org or Stormwind/Ironforge. If players don’t have the chances to go into the capital city, they can also loot a random quest-starter item in dungeons, sending them to the capital cities. Once in the city players would talk to an NPC that will tell them about creating powerful weapons and armor. Also ideally, this NPC would be a Dark Iron Dwarf in a lava filled smithy, because it just makes sense and Dwarves are cool. So, basically, we would collect fragments and the Dwarf NPC would craft and upgrade our heirlooms, ez pz.

With things being more efficient and centralized we can now freely craft just about all of the heirlooms currently in game. Unfortunately some heirlooms are purchased from factions, pvp events, story events or rep grinds, so just farming fragments wouldn’t exactly make sense for these items. So, we would have to introduce a second NPC that would inherently be interested in exploring other peoples cultures, where accepting strange currencies would make more sense, and for that a Pandaren or Dracthyr would work perfectly.

That’s all I have. Blizzard is free to use or ignore these suggestions, free of charge either way, as usual.

Sorry, that was a wall of text… I also can’t remember if I’ve already posted this, so, there’s that.

Closing thoughts; I think crafting heirlooms in an RPG is much stronger thematically than simply buying them from some rando. I think if the look, feel and pacing is done properly that this could work out very well. So, going up to some rando and buying an heirloom? Boring, terrible. Going up to a Dark Iron Dwarf and having him craft you an heirloom in a lava filled smithy covered in cool runes and what not? very cool, fantastic.