Heirlooms.. Overhaul or Remove?

They were like that when they first came out…but like everything else, the PVP’ers had to go and mess things up.

I agree, it was nice when they were more powerful.


BoA was fun because of the xp boost but they took it away so they could have xp weekends and didn’t want people to have stupid xp boosts with the set. It sucks for me cause I’m not a speedrunner like Harldan or whoever that can level in a few hours to 70.

The last few characters I leveled I didn’t even bother using the Heirlooms. Leveling is a bit faster without them. I’m not going to use the heirlooms anymore unless there is a change or something. But this is just my opinion.

I know your idea does allow it, but Blizzard doesn’t seem like they’d like to give you the choice is what I’m getting at.

They’d look at it like “Well if they have the option for Heirlooms then they won’t take the slow route for exciting loot” and it wouldn’t get any further, sadly.

Not to mention are significantly worse than actual dungeon gear and, in some cases, questing gear. Most dungeon gear will have 10 or 15 ilvls on the heirlooms, so you are purposefully making yourself weaker using them.

Just not worth the gold to upgrade them anymore.

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I dunno. I fully upgraded my cloth armor with gold and idk if I’ll bother doing anything else.

But I feel like heirlooms should have never been in the game. The main perk in the day was letting players level 1-80 faster on alts. They should have made a toy or a tabard or something that granted a xp buff but no power.

You can upgrade with timewalking tokens, too. I don’t think you actually need heirlooms above like level 30 or 35. There’s enough gear in the AH that’s affordable and usually with multiple stats. You can also craft gear at any level now with those relics things. You can also queue for some random BGs and get gear that way but the AH gear is often better.

I feel like they should make them scale up to level 30, 60, and then 70 instead of the current system where you have to upgrade them 5 times to get them to scale up to 70. I really only use the weapon heirlooms most of the time, and 7500 gold for each upgrade is a bit hefty.

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It’s not about how fast you kill something, but that you do not need to find gear for those slots until you hit max level, the cost can be justified on that basis alone, but I still miss the old effects.

The new effects they made just feel like they are giving you something for the sake of giving you something, like the 2 minute effect when you level, what a waste of breath that was in the making, the rested exp consumption is nice if you have enough alts to swap between when you run out of exp.

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You mean how it was for most of the game? New players don’t quit because they level slower.

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The amount of time walking badges needed to upgrade a single item from base to max level is disgusting.

Definitely would like to see some kind of overhaul. As they currently are now, I see no point in using them except for when I make a new alt and opt-in to Exile’s Reach. Once I’m done there and make it to Orgrimmar/Stormwind, I take them all off.

They need better set bonuses. Since 11.0 is going to undoubtably raise the level cap to 80, might as well bring back the +EXP bonus. Their stats should be buffed back to where they were before.

7.5K per item, per character that needs them. I have 10 upgraded to 5/6 and finished levelling all my alts before the new upgrade came in, I could probably have done it a little different and used less, but it’s still a lot if you have alts.

I cannot remember the total cost, but it’s hundreds of thousands of gold that really is no longer even needed, I maxxed mine out in the old level 120 when things took a fair bit longer.

Since so many people seem to be on a crusade to remove leveling altogether why even have heirloom gear at all? It’s basically useless as it is now with how scaling works. To get the full value from heirloom gear you have to play for a small amount of time then let the character sit in a rest zone for a few days. Why do that when you can level to max in a day or two at most?

For those of us who enjoy leveling characters and don’t speed through it as fast as possible the heirlooms serve only as some gear slots that don’t need to be replaced as you go. That’s it.

I’ve mentioned before that they should add a rep bonus to heirloom gear. So people leveling in old expansions (or people who go back to old expansions) can farm rep a little easier.

Why remove? It’s still gear that levels with you and saves the stress of some slots (rings and trinkets)

I guess overhaul is my choice? It’s way to expensive to get them upgraded for little pay off.

I don’t mind heirlooms. I do think Blizz would benefit from adding a “Vanilla Experience” leveling mode that doesn’t allow them, takes a huge amount of time like 15-20 days /played or more even given all the xpacks, and has a nice seasonal reward (xmog, mount, etc) that new and long-time players could enjoy.

I’ve been there. It didn’t matter to me because I actually enjoyed leveling. I’d mosey and drink it in, I do that with every expansion. But some of my raider friends will plow through it to max level.

TBH I only use them for a static xmog when I level. I wish I had the option to do that without locking down gear slots permanently, like they do in FFXIV. A speed bonus would be awesome though.

But quitting the game because someone has something in this game that you don’t (even though you can get it), is a weird vibe for this game.

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They’re… fine

They’re okay for filling holes in your gear while leveling but they’re not over/underwhelming strong. Leveling is so fast in the low end the xp bonus would be redundant and you miss out on some of the great gear you get from questing/dungeons.

Heirlooms are in a weird spot. I honestly don’t use them after level 20ish minus the trinkets. The trinkets and the ring are dank.

Not even that long, the longest part is 60>70 and it only took me a couple of hours to do that yesterday on my alliance alt.

Why remove it? Even if it offers no benefit in power or xp it still offers you the ability to level without worrying about swapping gear pieces.

Just log in and play.

Sure, it’s not the system it used to be and that sucks. But removing a system because you don’t like how it functions is just silly.

Don’t like it? Don’t use it.