Heirloom's out

“It makes it hard to level with friends if one decides to use them”

I think if one of the friends decides to use heirlooms knowing their other friend doesn’t have heirlooms, they deserve the odd I dinged lvl 14, why are you still level 12 moment.

This is really just another, “I don’t like seeing two veterans running around together leveling with heirlooms while I’m stuck with banked heirlooms because my friend just joined the game last week” situations…

If you want a normal leveling experience and the idea of not outleveling your friend, don’t put the gear on??? I think if it’s not the above reason, then I think it just annoys you to see others have an advantage that you don’t have…

As always, a man on a sinking ship will always carry someone down with him.

I wasn’t a fan, personally, particularly for the huuuuge impact on leveling BGs.

But I also agree with the sentiment that too many things that were broken, but not specifically bugs, have been messed with in ways that don’t net out any better.

No heirlooms, no Joyous Journeys. Please and thank you. If you want an alt, level it.

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Notice this is the argument for EVERY “qol” suggestion, and look how well it’s done for retail!

I think the ‘just don’t use it argument’ doesn’t work quite as well here anyway.

  1. For dungeons there’s the risk - particulary for tanks, that it will lead to kicks or heckling, since tanks in even a few heirloom pieces are gods, and people will expect that.
  2. BGs, where someone else wearing it absolutely impacts you every time.

Particularly new players draw the short end of the stick there where they both don’t have a choice and typically don’t even have the gold to AH farm gear to not be woefully undergeared.

they ruin the “experience” Shut up and stop gatekeeping and removing things that were in the game. You Anti everything people are the freakin worst.

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Yeah leveling dungeons are seeryus bizniz

Honestly, Heirloom gear didn’t ruin anything, especially now since people are buying gold and what not for gear and it’s so common that it’s just pathetic. People having Heirloom gear won’t be the end of the world. People not wanting to actually play and act like you can’t play the game unless you have this, this, this, and especially this.

the 2 top qol’s brought up are looms and flying… that most who have played more than a year like to use.

don’t use it fails since its losing out to no brainer items.

also fails because points brought up make no sense.

well in a leveling run of a dungeon like legion Maw looms get better meters.

No one cares in Helya about meters. You are more worried about 4 people stepping in a water hole and dying. I’ve 2 manned Helya when 3 stepped in water. it can be done. But it sucks. Massively.

PVP…in leveling is imbalanced for reasons waaaaay beyond this. Classes design is not equalized 1 to 60. The squish…has some ugly side effects. Some can’t counter MM hunter crits well for example. this levels off at 60. its then you get to play with shaman crits. they hurt way more when the procs line up right.

Of course they aren’t, but you run into people who treat them that way. :wink:

As case in point, see this thread: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-do-tanks-have-such-a-big-ego/

The top “qol” brought up right now is RDF. I haven’t been on the forums long, but I’d expect you’re right in saying people weren’t crying for it before wrath was on the horizon.

Always will fail for this reason!

Getting gear upgrades is both fun on leveling and in endgame. So, yeah, heirlooms def did a lot of damage here. Leveling with them is a chore without dopamine of getting cool stuff

Look, if I thought this would have a big impact on the game I would have a different opinion. Heirlooms for people who want to level alts is not a terrible solution, it does require some farming to get them and it will incentivize people to level alts and populate the rest of the world a bit more.

I don’t think protecting the integrity of sub max level BGs is worth removing heirlooms for, especially when twinks will dominate normal geared players anyways and twinks, like heirloom users, have a main at max level. You can argue that it will undermine a twink’s efforts, but heirlooms are not designed for PvP and I don’t want PvP to be the justification to disable a PvE feature.

As for the people complaining it would make them level up faster than their friends…don’t use them. Just don’t use the heirlooms. Or remove the EXP bonus, but I really don’t think they should be touched.

leave heirlooms alone, they are about the only reason you will ever see level 80’s in a dungeon outside of the daily once we’ve got reps maxed, with no RDF, and the fact we will be getting our emblems from raiding and not dungeons, about the only you will have anyone trying to do them is to buy a set of heirlooms for the next alt, without it good luck. And before you say something stupid but you will run them again when the next content patch comes out, think again. Blizzard is moving to a two emblem system. This means we are getting valor in Nax 10 and 25, thats 30 a week, and most of us will be doing both 10 and 25, now if it lasts as long as as its expected aka 3 months from october 10th, thats 360 emblems of valor for us, that when Ulduar comes out should be downgraded to heroism so ulduar drops valor, or heroism gets upgraded to valor and we get conquest from ulduar, they haven’t been very clear on this, but either way its 360 emblems approximately from NAX. That is enough for us to not only buy any heroism gear we need like the trinket but also our valor gear we need like bracers or rings. Now we move into Ulduar, now this is where Blizzard isn’t clear, will Nax be dropping heroic level emblems or remain dropping cutting edge emblems.

So if you want to see us in dungeons its gonna be because we wanna spend emblems on heirlooms which are the actual emblem sink, otherwise we have zero reason to go into heroics after we have the required rep.

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Both can coexist but if we can only have one, im going with heirlooms

From what I recall the heirlooms aren’t as good as their epic counterparts. They are only 1 or 2 stat points behind them. Heirloom Staff Of Jordan compared to purple Staff Of Jordan.

Heirlooms also arent BiS at level in comparison to the dungeon blues for twinking

Keep joyous journeys 1-70. Get rid of heirlooms. They short circuit the reward loop and kill the fun of basically everything.

I’d rather the buff goes away honestly. I prefer an acquired small boost in xp than turning Classic Wrath into a 2x private server. Why remove incentives to play the game more?

Isn’t that what you are doing when you have made comments of no rdf? I eman aren’t you making people play the game you want them to p-lay?