Heirloom's out

Overall I think heirlooms should be taken out of the game due to the fact they ruin the whole sense of progression during the leveling system. Yes, they look cool and give an XP boost while leveling but it also makes it hard for friends to level together if one decides to use them and the other doesn’t.

If Blizzard was willing to take them out and keep the 50% XP boost till level 70 or maybe a 30-40% XP boost it would combat the whole heirloom system. People would still enjoy leveling with that leveling pace. Obviously, you’ll still have the players who can get a 70 in 2 days of played time but for the vast majority of people, it’ll still take them longer to hit that point.

Just my opinion. I enjoyed the heirloom system when I first played Wrath but now that I look at it more it kinda ruins the whole aspect of an MMO to keep using the same gear from start to finish.

EDIT: As someone pointed out below “Heirlooms ruined the bg PVP” and I totally agree on that front too. It’s extremely easy for players with heirlooms to go into lower pvp matches and steamroll everyone which can have the effect of turning players off of that aspect of the game. :man_shrugging:

At the end of the day, this is a chance for Blizzard to correct WoW now and take out systems that weren’t actually good for the game. You can say “don’t use them” but its the fact the system never should’ve made it into the game.


Heirlooms ruined the bg pvp for me when i was a noob at this game first starting.


but it also makes it hard for friends to level together if one decides to use them and the other doesn’t.

this is a personal problem disguised as a game problem


True but if you have them it’s hard not to use them lol :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Just don’t use them, this is something that only affects you personally. I get exactly what you mean about ruining the sense of progression, but if I ever decide they ruin my experience I just won’t use them.

It’s not like new players can have heirlooms, they have to progress to max level at least once.


I don’t see how the game at its end at it’s peak having all the features it had then a bad thing. If we’re already adding things that didn’t get put in till the end of Wrath or the middle why does it matter? We are already playing off of that final version with the raids being locked and coming out in phases. So having this taken out or this added is a stupid argument. Just make it the same as when the most amount of people played and let them have fun playing Wrath. This truncated version of Wrath is going to bleed casuals and they will just add it near the middle or the end to make them happy so they stay subscribed. It’s like Taco Bell with Mexican pizzas they show up when Taco Bell needs a bump in revenue.


This is a really good point, I agree.

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Nope they shouldn’t be removed this is one reason Wrath was so awesome. Besides heirlooms are no better than blue gear from dungeons so idk what you’re talking about.


i love heirlooms, they give me solace in knowing that when i don’t get dungeon drops or good quest rewards for several levels i’m not gimping myself by being unable to upgrade certain pieces of gear such as weapons, chest, or shoulders.

to me upgrading pieces of gear while leveling is not fun, its tedious because i know i’ll just replace it again within 10 levels most of the time.


The best part about getting gear for alts is grabbing some epics from the AH that last a bunch of levels.


We just had this discussion this week (RDF thread)

I done fought this fight back in the original game. All I got back was trolls and suspensions. No good changes would ever be made. I wanted heirlooms removed, or at the very least, nerfed so they did not replace blues at their own level. But as an original player, the modern entitled/lazy mindset which infected other players, developers, the game itself, did not agree. They always wanted everything to be easier/faster, to hell with any consequences. At the time I joked that you may as well sell instant level up if you’re going to do all this other crap… which they then went on to do… and are now doing here…


Oh god. People are hell-bent on changing the Original WotLK experience.

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This isn’t original WotLK already whatcha mean?

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Imagine putting it all onto a tabard, ez fix ez game, but blizzard can only think and process stuff at 1 mph.

It’s very upsetting to me that there are players – who are not me – who are spending their time and money playing the game in ways that I do not approve of. This includes gearing their characters via means that I do not approve of.


And the award for best comment in the forums today goes to:


And you are making sure of that, aren’t you?

This about sums it up.


So let me summarize your point:

Everyone should play the game the way I think is best. And even though what other players do has no bearing on what I do, it is still ruining my experience.

It does not matter that other players are spending their own hard earned money to play the game in whatever way they feel enjoyment from, they are destroying my experience and therefore Blizzard should change the game so I am personally happy.