Heirloom's out

Yeah man those top stockades parses are pretty competitive! :clown_face:

In Wrath, heirlooms are bought with badges (and eventually Argent Tournament currency) which quickly start piling up if one is completing all the raid content each week and doing the daily heroic.

They are effectively free for players completing end-game content, and do not have to be replaced every level, and can be used by multiple classes.

In no way shape or form is a tabard buff or Joyous Journeys combined with buying gear off the AH the same thing.

Yeah, you are gonna have to show me where I made comments of “no RDF”.

Good Luck…

well I like them and it makes leveling fun. It’s also nice to feel like you’ve earned something on your main that can be used on your alts to make the rise easier. I enjoyed them before and will be enjoying them now.

Heirlooms just feel bad. They remove the RPG elements of progression.

It’s like the worst possible solution to buffing the xp gain of players who have a max level character already. Why not make it a tabard?

More importantly, why have an xp boost at all? If players want alts, they’re going to make them regardless of the time required to level.

Not the same at all, gear progression is only important at endgame. These heirlooms are almost worthless at level 80.

Not even remotely true. Gear progression starts at level 1. Like any other RPG. How are you this confused about the formula of the game you’re playing?

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I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that you play 5 minutes at level 1. Throughout to entirety of the leveling process you change levels at most every hour.

At max level, where you spend 95%+ of your time with your character. It is not an exaggeration or overstatement to say that gear progression before this point does not matter.

And blizzard agrees, see “level 70 boost.”

Go ahead and level your next character to max with the gear your character spawns with. Come back and say gear progression only matters at max level. See you in a year. Lol

You seem to be confused.

I never said that the gear wouldn’t help or be influential in helping you level. I am saying that in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter when compared to max level gear progression.

Also you can make a DK and get to max level in the gear you spawn with.

You can buy a store boost to 70 and just appear at the end also.

I am saying that you’re fundamentally confused about what makes an RPG an RPG.

Gear progression starts at Level 1. You start developing your character from the first time you log in. You don’t start developing your character only after getting them to max level.

Like what do you call getting Whirlwind Axe on a Warrior? Gravestone Scepter on a caster? I’d call those progression, and in the Classic versions of the game, upgrades like that are a big deal in developing your character.

You can max a level 1 of any class with the gear you spawn with. That doesn’t mean gear progression isn’t a thing. You are actually forced into quests that give you better gear during the DK starting quests.

What’s more, Heirlooms gain better stats as you level. That’s progression! It’s just empty de-game-ified progression, that is inherently inferior to the system of seeking out upgrades that will make your character feel stronger.

Is your point against the RPG element of gear progression really gonna come down to the biggest slap in the face to RPG elements that Blizzard has ever implemented?

Sounds like you want an MMO MOBA bud.

No, I want wrath of the lich king and I am tired of windy Karens that keep trying to change it for the worse.

At least heirlooms are in the game and this isn’t changing. Thank great green Jesus.

If you can’t see how Heirlooms make the game worse, then gz on the last retail-like Classic expansion you’ll ever play. Classic stops being a nostalgia museum tour here.

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