Heirloom's out

Haven’t played with heirlooms before but am excited to try them, if I can even afford them that is. 40 emblems a piece might be out of my range for quite a few months.

Just do your argent tourney dailies when it comes out and you’ll get there eventually. Its not too bad.


I’m wearing my father’s watch. I have every day since it was given to me. This bad boy will tick till the end of time. He didn’t have it at my age but now I do until I give it to my children.

You hit the nail on the head.

But have you considered that the fun of life is getting new watches to wear throughout life? /s

What is with people’s obsessions with not wanting heirlooms? No one was leveling phase 2 TBC. Even if Wrath will have more staying power than TBC, there won’t be an active leveling player base. There’s nothing wrong with getting an 80 and getting rewards for it. These heirloom-obsessed weirdos need to find a new hill. This one is just embarrassing for multiple reasons.


Disagree. Heirlooms are an incentive for those that already did the leveling experience to make alts. It’s fine.


The crowd that wanted TBC Classic to stay unchanged seems to have completely swapped their stance with WOTLK.


Don’t use them.


So many of these people who talk about “the leveling process”, “experiencing the world”, or “exploring” and complain about things like heirlooms clearly don’t even play the game. They just like to post about their non-reality based version of what WoW is and for some reason hyper-focus on parts of the game. No idea what the point of it is.

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This is the kind of thing you get when you remove a feature most people want.

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Hmm if yall go onto Reddit and a vast majority of people support a tabard that gives the XP boost instead of having heirlooms. I bet if they had a poll people in this thread would be surprised at how many people would remove heirlooms.

At the end of the day either way works for me but I thought I’d post my opinion.

Right? Who TF are these people to say things like this? I’m new to the classic community and it seems like there are some unbelievably broken people in it.

Seems like classic has a ton of HOA board members or religious zealots who insist other people follow their own personal religious rules, even if they aren’t part of the religion.


My god will people like you just go away and let people play the game the way they want to!

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I could break down every point on why you’re wrong, or you’re conflating personal issues with overall game health issues, but honestly? I’m going to say this as simply as possible:

We already are barely getting Wrath. So many little tweaks and changes that come from Blizzard’s “godly” hands coming down and trying to fix things that aren’t broken. I, and many other people, are already disappointed with a lot of those changes. Any hype and excitement I had to play the expansion that made me truly love WoW is almost gone.

Stop making changes. Don’t do any “balancing” nonsense. Don’t IL squish. Bring back RDF. Don’t take out heirlooms.
STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WRATH AND LET THE PEOPLE WHO ENJOYED WRATH ENJOYED WRATH. If you don’t want Wrath, don’t play Wrath. I mean, it’s the same junk y’all shouted at us when we wanted to play Classic and TBCC, right? If you don’t want to play our game, go play your’s? Look in the mirror. You have Classic, Season of Mastery, and TBCC. You’ll probably have TBCC Season of Mastery.

Please stop altering a game that was already good. Just admit Wrath isn’t for you, and move on. Please. Please. PLEASE. PLEASE.

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As if anyone will give up an advantage… especially if everyone is doing it within a leveling group.

yep, like in every other situation, when you give these people an inch, they try to stretch it into a mile. they’re just seeing how far they can go with their BS.

Looms are here to stay.

People will be enjoying them in 2 weeks time.

So… because you lack self-control, we should change the entire game?

Honestly, it’s this mentality here ^ that changed and ruined the course of WoW. You don’t like something, for some arbitrary reason, so you whine and cry until it’s taken away from everyone.

The entitlement is real.

That seem like a “Not my problem” kind of thing, even back then I never used Heirloom while leveling with a friend who didn’t have them beside maybe the Weapon to flex on them, so they would want to grind to get them too.

If people decide to still use full Heirloom sets to out level their friends during leveling then its their fault not mine, don’t punish everybody by removing something fun because some people have no self control.

This is my opinion but I think people use Heirloom not to only level faster, but to absolutely destroy everything, feel powerful and badass its really fun, you can AOE down a massive pack of mobs with zero issues, something you couldn’t do before at all.

It actually make the leveling experience not only faster but more fun for people who enjoy being overpowered, something they probably grind a decent amount of time to achieve and earn if they have the full set.