Heirloom's out

Opinions = being mad apparently

WoW Community = 12 year old logic

Where’s yall brain cells people :rofl:

I brought this into a topic cuz I went around asking during dungeons and had a vast majority of players agreeing.

It depends. Where did you lose yours?

I doubt this.

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Whos mad? I am also expressing my opinion. You are free to disagree as I am disagreeing with yours.


There is no sense of progression while leveling…

WoW is nearing 20 years old, any sense of progression is artificial nonsense at this point.

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hell it doesn’t even have to be epics, if i “need” to replace a certain piece or gear, or want to see whether or not i am a high enough level to fill in a slot i’ll just go to the AH and check to see if there’s anything there i can buy that would be an upgrade.

oh but people my say things like “well it would ruin the economy” like no, things on the AH are either extremely over priced or they are thrown up for 2-3 times vendor value (which for low level gear is like 2g max so its super cheap). or even the “someone had to put in the work to get that item and put it on the AH for you to buy” like ok but i put in the effort to get the heirlooms for my alt in the first place so let me use them.

Doesn’t matter. No changes.

My 100’ish heirlooms I’ve collected over the years in retail (and intend on collecting all over again) completely disagree with you OP.

You’re free to not use them if you level with your friend, but leave the rest of us alone with this nonsense.


His friends wear heirlooms when leveling with him so they can quickly outpace him and get away from his whining


I would be ok with both. But woukd be ok with just the 50%…

I hate leveling but i started a low levrl shaman and have actually enjoyed the pace. Keep the 50% forever.

why are there so many unofficial blue posts asking for the removal of heirlooms when they’re selling us a paid boost?

Imagine taking issue with heirlooms, items that encourage character progression.

But not having an issue with boosts, yep.

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I disagree heirlooms ruined low level pvp. If anything if vastly flattened the playing field. Before they were introduced I had a BE pld that I’d run around in mid on warsong without a chest/shoulder piece absolutely dumpstering people because I put the time and effort into gearing a twink. If things got dicey I threw on that gear.

Wait everyone doesn’t have every class at 70 already?

Heirlooms should have been account wide bonuses and not gear. That’s my only problem with them.

Honestly I support making Joyous Journey permanent and removing Heirlooms.

All of the people saying “Just don’t use them” are ignoring the heart of this particular argument.

Leveling in WoW just isn’t fun for the majority of people. There’s a reason Blizzard made it easier with every single expansion.

Instead of having to get Heirlooms for a nicer, more streamlined leveling experience, just make the 50% bonus from Joyous Journeys permanent.

You’ll still have plenty of the really impatient sort who buy boosts because they have disposable income. But you’ll also KEEP a lot of people who might otherwise quit before hitting max level because the leveling is such a drag.

Damn, wouldn’t it be nice if we had a nice RDF to do dungeons during the leveling process?


The sense of progression during leveling mostly comes from gaining levels, getting new abilities, and talents. Heirlooms don’t ruin that, they speed it up. My character gets stronger faster and you can really feel the power increases because the weapons stay current.


Maybe this is the solution for some people, but for me personally, leveling through dungeons is even LESS fun than leveling through questing. At least questing is dynamic and ever-changing.

Despite it always being the ‘best’ method, I’ve avoided just spamming dungeons at every expansion launch I’ve ever been a part of, because GOD would that kill my desire to play the game faster than anything else ever has.

And heirlooms - so when for whatever reason no weapon drops or is provided as a quest reward for 20 levels, I’m not stuck slogging through everything.

The XP bonus was just that, a bonus.

The real benefit for me was not having to worry about gear, mostly weapons, though the shoulders and helm were also very nice in Wrath as before they made itemization and reward changes in Cata, those slots were fairly rare early on.


as an altoholic, heirlooms were nice to grab as i was able to pick them up, and i’m glad they’re in the game.