Heirlooms are trash now

Exactly. But this is Gizzard, and instead of just buffing the stats up some to make up for the xp loss on heirlooms they had to get all gimmicky with them, and add some weird set bonus lol.


Your leveling is way faster now without heirlooms than it was before with heirlooms. And now you have cool set bonuses.

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Goodness forbid some people actually go to sleep at night to be able to get some rested experience. You’re right, we are all mindless zombies that never sleep and therefore this is T R A S H. /sarcasm

The way I see it, if you don’t like them then don’t wear them. No one’s forcing you to and it’s not like your experience gain is going to be any slower than it would be if you were wearing them thanks to the new system design. It’s just incentivizing you to wear them so when you log off you get a boost.

Really no reason to whine about it.


Rested XP covers only kills, not quest rewards. It’s not 60% longer, it’s consumed 60% slower (so really, lasts 2.5x as long). But you need 10 days logged out to build up to the maximum possible, which (if you use it all in one stretch) only amounts to 1 to 2 extra levels out of 50.

Out of combat regen is meh. Most classes have ways of actively regenerating (either in combat, or healing spells useable outside of combat). A nice perk, but not something I’d invest in.

The leveling burst of knowledge AoE will rarely happen in combat (most XP is from quest rewards), and could happen at unfortunate times. Too much possibility of being a detriment.

Honestly, heirlooms are flawed. I would be happy if they left off the set bonuses, if they fixed the flaws.

The main flaw is they’re not worth upgrading. I’m not going to put in the gold for them if leveling is as fast as it sounds. From what I understand, after level 30, the iLvl consistently falls behind quest rewards.

Not a big deal in itself (that quest reward may not be upgraded for a half dozen levels, whereas the heirloom could be better in 2 to 3 levels), but at the cost I’ve seen for upgrades…?

Next up, the PTR sounded like almost all versatility has been removed. Only one or two pieces left with it. And none with mastery. We have some slots where the only difference between pieces is the appearance, but if a spec requires versatility and mastery, it’s out of luck.

Finally, it’s missing slots. Gloves, bracers, belts, and boots. There are enchants for those slots, and enchants, xmog, and shorter times to upgrades are the main reasons for heirlooms now.

So remove the upgrades (let them go from 1 to starter 50), give them better stat mixes (the “lagging a little behind quest rewards” is okay with me), and fill the missing slots.

And let enchants scale to a higher iLvl. Currently, Legacy enchants only scale up to iLvl 50 (around level 45 or so for heirlooms), which means they break the last few levels.


Ten days to max bonus, and leveling takes about 15 to 20 hours.

Are people supposed to play for an hour until they’ve exhausted rested XP, log off for the night, then repeat the process for a couple weeks?


They haven’t been taken off of you. And you’ve been playing for at least two years, I assume. You’ve gotten a ton of play time out of them. You’ll get a ton more play time out of them.

Try actually leveling a character from 1-50 before you throw a tantrum.

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Except for the fact that it could have been something more useful. Like movement speed increases or something.


Nope. Just a crappy rested XP cost reduction for the entire set now.

Also, rested XP only applies to kills.

Bonus XP applied to kills, quests, and maybe exploration and gathering?


Debatable. Garrosh heirlooms are the only ones this statement really applies to universally across the board.

I’m not going to disagree on that fact, but for the rest of what I said it still stands. If you don’t really like that it’s just a little extra (since you don’t need exp help anymore) and it doesn’t hurt you wearing them as they level with you, then there’s no harm in not wearing them. No, I’m not happy that I spend a ton of gold leveling almost all things to 120, but I don’t think that the sets are necessarily flawed to the point they are unusable or not worth wearing.

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Will you feel the same way when they nerf the leveling to where it was? Cause you know that will happen, right?


Sorry, you don’t know what you’re talking about. This is a knee-jerk reaction to expecting something you shouldn’t, because you don’t know anything about the new patch yet.

It’s day 1.

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I think they are much better now actually. They should have never given xp bonuses in the first place.

We know that its broken af, and we know that the tuning is WAY out of whack. But nope, dont know much else cause most cant stay ingame long enough to do anything, or, its so laggy there is no point in trying.

That rested bonus (maxes out at 10 days) will contribute about 1 to 2 levels out of the 50 to get to SL content.

Given that it takes about 20 hours (conservative estimate) to level to 50, that’s not even a full hour saved.

Personally, I’d rather replace the reduced consumption of rested non with more secondary stat combos. Almost all the stats are critical strike, haste, or combos of the two. There’s almost no versatility (they removed it from most of the gear that used to be for tanks and healers) and no mastery.

I’d gladly give up the other two set bonuses to see the heirlooms go from 1 to 50 without requiring an upgrade. Frankly, with the faster speed of leveling, getting to 50 is too short to justify upgrades at 30, 35, 40, and 45. Combine all of those, and the gold sinks just aren’t worth it.

I can handle that the heirlooms are worse than quest rewards after the first 30 levels (you may only get quest rewards for those slots every five or so levels, and the heirlooms will be better again after 2 or 3 levels, so heirlooms roughly double your gear upgrades).

I can handle that they still haven’t filled the four missing slots (though Legacy enchants exist for most of those).

But expensive upgrades for poor stat combos? Please. /s

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Sir this is an Arby’s

Why not just take the turd they turned it into outta the game, and refund the gold that was spent on it now that it is worthless?


Heirlooms aren’t great, but it also takes a fraction of the time it took to level even with heirlooms so there’s not really a huge issue. Heirlooms still serve a purpose in that they are very good gear. The leveling bonuses are designed with the assumption that you don’t play your alts as much as your main, which is the point. They won’t help you as much if you’re starting over and dedicating yourself to a new character on a new server or something, which is also the point.

Also the buff you get lasts for quite a while. Leveling’s so fast that it can last almost an entire level sometimes.

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Just give me the option to get the gold back for them since they are useless now.