Heirlooms are trash now

It’s not for you to decide either sooooo… you just yelling at clouds?


I don’t think thats what they meant. I believe they meant. What is useful for you in your opinion isn’t what’s useful to them in their opinion.

They told you what was happening to heirlooms like 2 months ago…way to pay attention.

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Make some lvl 1’s right this second and park them in major city until 2nd patch of SL. Should get all the use out of rested experience you need from those looms then.

Even if they didn’t, it’s unreasonable to expect these items would stay the way they are forever. I have invested a lot into my looms, but even I knew they were way more powerful than necessary to still be worth using, and made levelling really awkward, especially with weirdos equipping heirlooms over azerite gear and handicapping your group while levelling in dungeons.

The nerf was long overdue.

I mean…i’m pretty sure they knew what was going to happen. I believe the OP clearly stated that. They were just hoping it wouldn’t be final.

I have not played since Cataclysm, and only just discovered heirlooms. I certainly didn’t ‘get my moneys worth’

It’s kind of a catch-22. I have several allied races that are sitting at fully rested so I intend to play them and see how long it takes to burn through it. For what it’s worth I wasn’t able to burn through it leveling my monk from 45-50. I think I got through about 70-80% of it.

Might make sense to take the two chunks of rested EXP consumption reduction and put it into one then replace the bonus with a faster rested exp gain bonus.

See the only thing I don’t like what Blizzard did is that back in Beta they took off heirloom set bonuses and we spent about a week speculating about why and thinking it was “just beta” and then eventually they dropped the ball on us that they were reworking how heirlooms worked. Essentially they sat around with their thumbs up their butts full well knowing that they were revamping heirlooms and didn’t tell us until the last possible second.

The reality is that whenever they decided that they were revamping heirlooms they should have told us so people in the process of purchasing heirlooms could stop if they didn’t think they may want them without an EXP perk. The fact that they finally decided to revamp how heirlooms worked after leaving their design untouched for 10+ years is not an issue in my book nor grounds to prevent them from ever wanting to revamp how they worked. The issue is simply that they weren’t forthcoming of what they were doing until they had to be.


You didn’t win darkmoon deathmatch, the STV fish tournament, etc to understand the thing here. Its not the XP buffs, but the fact we got bonuses that were supposed to reflect and justify the time, effort and resources dumped into our heirlooms…only to get bonuses so bad that they might as well be account bound grey items now and the difference would be the same. You can’t be telling me with a straight face that a out of combat hp regeneration is even remotely useful on leveling when everyone got self heals starting at level 10, plus 10-50 doesnt involve situations where your toon would ever need it.


I’d be drunk in 15 minutes if I played this game…

In 30 minutes, I’d need my stomach pumped.


Everyone makes excuses gor everyone thats adorable.

This is literally one of the examples used last pre patch for the loss of water striders. And no, I don’t have any posts saved.

Seems like it happens every time.

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Nah, they’re fine.

The gear still scales and it’s good for retaining low level transmog. And since baseline leveling is much faster now, I don’t care about the set bonuses or the fact that they lost the exp. bonus.

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So much this ^.

Why on earth would you add a bonus that promotes not playing the game (i.e. waiting so as to earn rested xp).


except i isnt.

rested xp requries u to not use it for a while.

bonus xp gain rewarded you for actively using it.


I love the fact that the set bonus for the xp is IF you have all 6 pieces. If you are casual and don’t have a huge guild, the pants are basically off limits, unless you want to get 600 skill points in all professions.

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I mean idk if its making an excuse or just trying to help someone understand someone’s original post more clearly. Since someone clearly didn’t understand what they said. Before coming in with a snarky remark. ^^

You do know you can join a big guild any time you want… buy the leggings and then leave… right?

I swear it’s like you all were born yesterday.


gotta love how whenever people are talking about blizzard taking the fun and excitement out of wow if you look into it most of the time they are actually just whining that they have to put minimal amounts of effort into things.


agree the set bonuses are like a negative feedback system, really bad design choice