Heirloom Upgrade Question

So I farmed my Heirlooms back in WotLK and upgraded a few back in BFA but since then it seems that they changed the levels at which you upgrade certain armor / weapons. So when I go to buy tokens it says “up to level 30, 35, 40” etc. Well some of mine are at level 34 and when I purchase tokens to upgrade them it won’t upgrade for some reason. Is there a work around or do I need to open a ticket with Blizzard to fix this? Thanks for your help and time. :smiley:

You’d need to double check to see if you’re looking at the right area. A loom will have something like “0/6”, “4/6”, “2/6” is where you should be looking at it. From the sounds of it, you’re looking at your toon, assuming it’s the one doing the upgrade, level rather then the ‘rank’ of the loom itself.

It’d be right under the item level and say “Heirloom Upgrade level: X/6”, (x being the level it is and if it can be upgraded more).


The Hellscream bow is like that…
Was a 90 drop…

Sorry for the confusion.
The toon below is my Alt. Not the OP’s

This… Toon for example.
0/4 upgrade.

To clarify some of my heirlooms worked fine being upgraded and I have them upgraded now. Yet when I went to purchase the next “x of x” tier it won’t work yet it did for the other items I have. That’s why I’m confused and posting.

I do have a bow I can’t upgrade for heirloom. I wonder if that’s one of them then.

This is just odd that I could upgrade some with no issue and yet some of them refuse to upgrade despite me buying the proper tier of upgrade. x.x

The bow that dropped in Siege of Orgrimmar is this one:

The Staff does 4/4 for its upgrades as well.


Weird it’s a different bow I checked. I just am not sure why some will upgrade and others won’t at this point. I may just open a ticket to see if perhaps my items are bugged some how.

What is the name for the bow that you cannot upgrade?

Charmed Ancient Bone Bow
Also I can’t upgrade the following either:

The Blessed Hammer of Grace
Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver
Grand Staff of Jordan
Balanced Heartseeker

They’re all level 34 and I’ve tried to buy each weapon piece JUST to see if maybe I was trying the wrong one and none of them work. x.x

I have a few pieces of armor too that won’t upgrade:

Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed
Eternal Horizon Choker

Both of those are at level 34 too.

Sorry it took me a while to reply. I was handling some things. >.<

Just to make sure, you’re trying to apply the upgrades using the collections tab, right. Not a physical versíon equipped by your character or a version in your inventory.

Edited to add;

Since your items currently max out at level 34, you’d need the Timeworn Heirloom Scabbard for your bow to let it be used up to level 39. That’s the one you are trying to purchase, correct?


Yes I’ve done both of these.

I upgraded other weapons and armor successfully but THESE ones won’t and I’ve no clue why. x.x

just to add you upgrade the ones in your collection then you need to “remake” them to use at the new upgrade level.

edit: have you tried a UI reset to see if that fixes the issue? move or rename the WTF, cache, and interface folders with wow shutdown then restart the game and see if that fixed the issue. If not you can undo the reset by moving the folders back or renaming them.


here is my hunter and you can see his bow is 5/6

When you are using the Heirloom upgrade are you seeing the eligible heirlooms light up in your Heirloom collection?


So maybe a silly question, but have you tried just creating a new bow on your character that says it’s got 0 upgrades? It’s been a loooong time since I’ve upgraded an heirloom but you likely need to recreate any that were made prior to being upgrades in the collections tab.

It may just be some sort of visual bug if one character is showing 0 upgrades and one is showing 5/6. Assuming this is all on the same Battlenet account.

Though also hopefully the UI reset fixes that if so!


How do I “remake my heirlooms” to be 0? That might work and be a solution here. They were all heirlooms prior to being in the collections tab.

Yes some lit up and others didn’t despite me purchasing the appropriate level level tier scabbard / armor plating for the next upgrade.

I’m just so flustered because I can NOT get it to work. Sad Dwarf noises

I’ve done that too.

I’ve done all that I know to do other than the last post that mentioned setting something “back to 0” but I’m not sure how to do that. I’d be happy to try that out if it works.

Edit: Fixed my awful Dwarf spelling.

Sorry for any confusion. You cannot reset an heirloom to zero.
You said you had a levelled bow on one character but not the other, at least that was my understanding.

I meant to make another copy of that same bow on the character that says the heirloom has no upgrades on it. All you need to do is open your collections tab → Heirloom → click on the bow.

That will make a create a new bow in your characters inventory. Upgrades are account wide, but already created heirlooms may not get that upgrade if it was created before, especially if it was an item before they implemented the collections tab.

But anyway, just make a new copy of the bow in question and see if it shows as having been upgraded.

Hope that made sense.


I understand. I can try to make a few heirlooms but from my understanding you upgrade in the collection’s tab and not on the item in your bag. I’ve been trying to upgrade the items in the collections tab but it isn’t working. Probably will just have to open a ticket and hope a GM can reset / fix whatever is going on at this point. x.x

You posted on a character that has a 5/6 upgraded version of the Charmed Ancient Bone Bow, correct? So that means the bow is upgraded on your battlenet account.

The character that currently has the bow that says it’s at 0/6, just have them create a new bow from the heirloom tab and see if that works.

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No for me it shows 1/6. I just made it and it’s level 34 and max use of level 34. x.x

So armory shows 1 thing and the in game tab is doing another?

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