How can you possibly think that the only reason people would not pay real money for a transfer is that they have the faction balance they prefer. A lot of other things are simply more important like the friends and guilds people have, multiple alts, etc. Just because a person plays on a given server doesn’t mean they prefer the faction balance it has. That’s a huge mental leap on your part that disregards massive aspects of the game.
That’s exactly what it means.
If the balance hasn’t changed over time maybe you’d be right. But most servers had a healthy number of the opposite faction at one point even if they weren’t balanced
That’s not really true for the most imbalanced servers, which have been that way either since before paid transfers were a thing, thanks to free transfers, or shortly after.
Also, this thread isn’t about “most” servers. It’s specifically about Heartseeker.
Heartseeker specifically had a horde population that while being a minority still had a decent presence on the server. It’s now completely gone. There’s a difference between an imbalanced server and a server with a dead faction. To pretend that every player of heartseeker is there because they somehow predicted that blizzard would botch the release of the honor system and slowly bleed one faction to death because that’s how they’d prefer to play is ridiculous.
This statement is ridiculous for sure, but it’s not because Blizzard botched something. If you don’t like the faction balance or the state of the current population on your server, do something about it.
You can leave, and go somewhere else, or you can recruit for yourself. But hey, this is obvious, so you already know.
You mean all the alliance who ran away from their servers chased off the horde?
Its almost like it has come full circle.
Right, but that doesn’t change the fact that loads of ally flooded from Stallag and emptied that server.
Blizz has been screwing up faction balance since 2004. What they did to faction balance in Classic is almost comically incompetent. Trying to blame the playerbase is ignorant at best.
Most of players on HS ran from q times lol. You can’t run away from a server that you can’t even log into.
The idea that faction balance is something that is needed or should be strived for is not a narrative I buy into.
Having different server populations as well as different ratios of faction balance across servers gives a diversity of environments for the playerbase to choose from.
While I don’t think Blizzard should offer free server transfers ever, and personally am not a proponent of paid server transfers either, I think they served their purpose in solving the problems they intended to solve when they were implemented, which I supposed helped point to layering being a relatively better option.
That’s not the question. The question is “who is responsible for faction balance?” The answer is “Blizzard”.
That may be your question, but it certainly isn’t mine. There is no issue with faction balance to begin with.
If someone who has been on Heartseeker since 2019 is suddenly now saying, “We need faction balance,” they are (and have been) on the wrong server, according to their own preferences. And, they have it within their own power to resolve the issue (their own personal issue) for themselves.
Strange, it’s the one I was discussing.
I see.
OK, so…
We currently have a diversity of faction balance across several servers, in such a way that those who may prefer extreme ratios, ratios favoring one faction over another by a small or larger margin, or near equal ratios all seem to exist.
I suppose a reasonable answer to the question is, “Whoever cares about faction balance is responsible for selecting a server with a faction balance that is similar to that which matches their preferences.”
The answer is “Blizz”.
So, someone has a made up problem, and Blizzard should solve it for them? That’s like saying, “I’m not having fun playing WoW right now, because someone else has more gold than I have. Who should be responsible for how much gold I have?”
Blizz created the problem. They’ve always been indifferent to faction balance’s impact on server health, but their actions during Classic have been almost malicious.
The difference being individuals have control over how much gold they have.
There’s nothing that has supported the claim that “My preferences not being matched by my decisions is a problem.”
If you don’t like the faction balance of a particular server, don’t play on that particular server.