If you’re a coward who rolled HS -A, Stallag/Skeram -H, you picked the type of server you wanted.
If you want off, cough up some money, otherwise enjoy TBC being devoid of wpvp. Literally nobody cares about your ‘plight’ since it’s 100% self inflicted, and even if you were to merge you’d just repeat your stupidity and end with the same result.
These servers are holding cells for the worst types of players in the game.
Stalagg/Skeram were imbalanced on launch day. Most people didn’t become aware of just how imbalanced they were until Wowhead published a Census report a few weeks later. I had a sense that Skeram was imbalanced but it was hard to tell because of layering. Most layers seemed to have far more horde, but sometimes you would get an alliance-heavy layer, so you could just switch layers when you had problems.
Also, the people focused on leveling weren’t that interested in PvP because they were trying to hit 60 asap and start raiding. PvP’ing slowed you down, so the people who were “ahead of the pack” really didn’t see much PvP except for certain quest mobs with longer respawns.
At the bottom end of the pack there were a lot of people who basically stayed in STV for days if not weeks just to camp Nesingwary camp and be annoying. And once people at 60 had their prebis and became bored, they started camping places like BRM. At that point it became not only obvious that the factions were imbalanced, but it became increasingly hard to play the game.
My guild decided to organize about 30 guys to break the horde blockade at BRM and hold it for alliance, killing any horde that approached, but within 20 minutes the horde had grouped and flooded BRM with more than a hundred people, then camped the bodies to the point it was impossible to do anything but run into a corner and hearth or just take res sickness.
I started thinking about what the server would be like in phase 2, and the fact that world buffs would be pretty much impossible. Then they opened free transfers to Heartseeker, and the choice seemed obvious. Get out.
It wasn’t self-inflicted because pretty much everyone on Heartseeker were people who either A) Transferred to avoid queues and didn’t know that the server would become so imbalanced. B) People who transferred from servers that were just as imbalanced.
I didn’t make a character on Skeram knowing that it was a 30/70 Horde server. By the time we found that out, I had a level 60, had already been raiding MC, and my more than 100 guildies also had various levels of investment in the server. It would have been impossible to convince everyone in the guild to level new characters on another server a month after release.
In any case, Blizzard should have just given us faction balance information for the servers so that we could have made informed decisions. Blizzard also should have managed queues by faction. And Blizzard should have made an attempt to balance servers that they opened free transfers to/from.
If I had known Skeram was 30/70 on day one, I would have rolled on a different server. And in those early days the queues were so bad that my guild nearly rerolled on another server anyway. But we were worried that the new servers that Blizzard was opening up might end up dead, and since Skeram was one of the earlier servers that it would be less likely to die.
Nearly everyone on Heartseeker/Skeram/Stalagg would have liked a 50/50 server. And had they had it, they never would have left.
I don’t know why everyone wants to blame the players for what happened to Skeram/Stalagg. I would bet that no one still playing horde or alliance on Skeram/Stalagg are in any way responsible for what happened to those servers. So why should they be forced to pay to fix the problem that they didn’t cause?
Blizzard did the same thing to Incendius, which was at one time the largest server, now it is dead. All through free transfers. In fact, Blizzard could literally ruin any Classic server at any time, merely by opening free transfers to it or from it. Which is what happened to Heartseeker.
HS/Skeram/Stalagg were all clearly, massively faction imbalanced early in phase one, everyone saw it, and everyone knew that it’d only get worse unless something changed.
So they were given A SECOND wave of free xfers later on, but Horde did not take them off Sk/St.
Then phase two came, and knowing full well they had the numbers advantage they quite literally farmed the smaller faction so hard that eventually IF was more Horde than Alliance, and they still kept at it 24/7, camping every portal room, camping flight paths, using second account level 1 alliance spies to track any movement so they could easily swarm and camp.
Not to mention in places like BRM and Searing/Burning you’d have hundreds of Horde roaming looking for single Alliance levelers or parties trying to reach BRD, camping so hard it’d take half and hour or more just to get from the FP to BRM.
Those are simply not the actions of people who want 50/50 balance, and you may forget the forums but there were basically no Horde even remotely interested in balance at the time- it was actually ‘reroll or quit’ that was the default response to any discussions on faction imbalance.
This was a problem caused 100% by the people who now want to cry about it- and the issues those left on St/Sk/HS face now are ones we predicted literally in the first month and were dismissed.
There’s nobody that has sympathy for you people, nobody wants Blizz to give you yet another lifeline, and if your choice is to go into TBC on one faction servers or pay to xfer- good, couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
They cared about their customers by giving them a choice. The customers chose single faction servers. You want Blizzard to take away that choice and force them back together. It’s never going to happen. The solution is warmode. Either that or players given a choice will eventually create single faction pvp servers
No one chose Skeram because it was imbalanced. It wasn’t even clear it was imbalanced for the first month since you don’t see the opposite faction until you’re in your 30’s. And even when you did, there was layering so it was hard to tell what the real faction balance was because it varied a lot by layer. I had no idea Skeram was so imbalanced until I saw the Census data a few weeks after launch. Once it became known, there wasn’t exactly much anyone could do about it other than reroll. I’ve been raiding with the same guild for five years, getting our 100+ members to reroll after a month would have been impossible… Heartseeker didn’t start out imbalanced. Both Heartseeker and Earthfury were actually pretty close to balanced when transfers opened up between Skeram and Heartseeker. Heartseeker was the bigger of the two, and a few guilds transferred from Skeram to Heartseeker, then people began talking about it in world chat, then there was an avalanche of people transferring to Heartseeker. In the span of 1.5 weeks, Heartseeker went from about 1.2/1 to 4/1 alliance-to-horde ratio.
When Blizzard opened transfers to Heartseeker for horde only, Heartseeker was very imbalanced. Expecting horde to transfer from Skeram to Heartseeker makes as much sense as expecting alliance from Heartseeker to transfer to Skeram. Maybe if the horde knew for sure that Heartseeker would become 50/50 they would go, but who is going to go first? If your only choice is between an imbalanced server where your faction is the majority, or an imbalanced server where your faction is the minority, pretty much everyone will choose the former. You act like Blizzard offered people a balanced and well-populated server but they preferred to stay on their imbalanced server. No, Blizzard offered two bad decisions and they chose the best of the two. The same logic also applies to Incendius, which basically had the same thing happen to it.
Phase 2 was a terrible idea. I warned everyone about it long before Classic even launched. I played on the private servers so I understood that if you don’t have BG’s, PvP’ers have no choice but to roam around 50+ leveling areas, ganking everyone. On Northdale, APES would camp Searing Gorge/BRM when WSG wasn’t popping. And what other choice did they have? It isn’t that rogues were camping Ironforge because they wanted to run the alliance off the server. They were just going to where they could get honor. The Vanilla Honor System basically forces people to behave in the most sadistic and psychopathic ways if they want to rank. And since the PvP gear is so good(especially for the time), people felt like they had to rank to compete.
If people didn’t care about having balanced servers, these servers wouldn’t be dying. They obviously want balanced servers, and if Blizzard gave them free transfers today, they would go to a 50/50 server. When they offered me free transfers off Skeram, the choice was a few dead servers, Heartseeker, or stay on Skeram. I would have gladly transferred to Benediction if that had been an option. I had friends there and it was pretty much 50/50 at the time.
Lastly, I spent weeks trying to recruit people from Stalagg/Skeram to transfer to Heartseeker. If you don’t believe me, go to the server discords and look up my name and what I was saying around that time. I told them repeatedly that if they would come to Heartseeker, we would become the best NA server. They called me a coward, and said that Heartseeker was dodgeseeker. I explained clearly that Blizzard was offering them free transfers to come to Heartseeker and not the other way around. That they could at any time fix the problem. I also spammed the same thing in world chat.
If they had listened to me, all of this could have been averted.
First of all- completely wrong. We knew within days that the numbers were heavily skewed, and by the end of week one it was very clear the Horde utterly dominated on numbers on Stalagg, it wasn’t even a question. How did we know? Because by the end of week one the average player was in the 30-40 range and was doing the only viable levelling strat.
Scarlet Monastery. At all times, it was clogged from the entrance to the portals with Horde and it was already a BRM situation, perhaps even worse since Horde weren’t flagged so there was no counter play, Alliance would just get flag jumped every time.
Plenty of guilds, dozens if not hundreds, were willing to transfer- it wasn’t nearly the massive undertaking you’re making it out to be.
And Horde were bragging how if the numbers weren’t in their favour they’d still dominate- if they’d wanted to prove it, and the braggarts alone had xfer’d it’d balance numbers. Discord servers allowed a lot of mass server moves even with paid xfers later on- so doing it free would have been a cakewalk.
Exactly my point- people chose imbalanced servers in their favour. They got what they deserved. There’s zero reason for Blizz to move in, yet again, and give yet more free xfers to try to save people who dug their own hole, were already given an offer of salvation and didn’t take it.
You can tell someone eating a bucket of ice cream every day will kill them early, you can clearly lay out the consequences for them- but if they do it anyway, they’ve picked their poison. The people who chose imbalanced servers, ignored xfers off when it was clear they were imbalanced, engaged in extreme camping and exploiting in pvp against the smaller faction when they were warned many times that’d just drive even more away- were given ample warnings, ample chances to change course, and had the consequences very, very clearly laid out for them.
We called exactly what would happen within weeks of launch, we did so again when phase two was about to drop- the bigger faction players utterly ignored it. They got their buckets of ice cream, they don’t get to ignore the consequences.
The servers died because they did things that’d cause them to die- H on Stal/Skeram and A on HS had chance to not go mongoloid during p2- but even as the server was basically dead and less than 100 Alliance were on Stalagg around xmas, almost all in IF, there were still roaming Horde in 60 zones, spies at FPs, dozens camping portals/inns, exploiters safe spotting in IF, etc…
There are people who get dealt a bad hand without doing anything wrong, and with no chance to escape the consequences. But this is not that- these are groups of players who did everything wrong, were given every warning and every chance to change course, decided not to- and now face dead servers they made.
The average player probably took 8 days played to hit 60. There is no way the average player was in the 30-40 range in the first week with 5-20 hour queues on the big servers. I basically didn’t play for the first 3 days because of queues.
Even on balanced PvP servers Scarlet Monastery is 80% horde.
We couldn’t get our entire guild to transfer even when transfers were free. Far fewer would have gone if they had to pay. Especially now that people have so many alts.
They had only two options. Stay on a server where you’re 80% of the server, or transfer to a server where you’re 20% of the server.
I told them they had to transfer if they wanted a balanced server. The transfers were to Heartseeker, not to Stalagg/Skeram. If the server had gotten closer to 50/50, more probably would have come, but very few were willing to make the jump to a server that was imbalanced and could end up dead. Though ironically, if they had come, it wouldn’t have. And because they stayed, it killed both.
Again, no one chose Stalagg/Skeram because it was imbalanced. And while I agree that they should have transferred over(and Blizzard should have reopened free transfers for horde once phase 2 began), understand that the honor system forced the horde to be ruthless. The choice was between being ruthless, or not ranking in phase 2.
I was dealt a bad hand. My guild chose Skeram before launch, reserved our names, I sat in 5 hour queues for two weeks just to find out my server was horribly imbalanced. Blizzard opened free transfers and tons of guilds started leaving. My guild left to the only non-dead server eligible for transfers. We were some of the earlier transfers, and a week after we transferred over the server was absolutely bursting with alliance. I tried to get horde to come over, and again when Blizzard reopened transfers, because I wanted a balanced server. I spent hours and days on discord and in horde world chat trying to convince them to transfer.
All Blizzard had to do was give server faction ratios so that people could know if their server was imbalanced or not. Or Blizzard could have managed queues by faction. Or they could have managed the free transfers to prevent server imbalances from getting worse. Somehow after everything they learned from the Stalagg/Skeram/Heartseeker debacle, they messed Incendius up even more. Blizzard could literally ruin any server in the game right now by offering free transfers either to it, or from it. It was Blizzard’s incompetence that created this mess. I’m guessing Blizzard believes that the number of people who will quit because their server is dead is less than the number of people who will pay to transfer, so they would rather make money off paid transfers than to fix the problem. I know you’re bitter about Stalagg, but why do you give Blizzard a pass? Why should I pay them for a problem that was mostly created by them? Isn’t it their job to manage their game, and make people want to play it?
You’re completely missing what happened here by so much I have to wonder if you even were playing at the time.
We had faction ratios, the sites we got them from were relatively reliable, the information was constantly on the forums and within days we were already talking about the St/Sk imbalance. This didn’t take weeks, it took days to realize.
The community knew about the imbalance week one- but even if they didn’t we had free xfers all the way up to the phase two drop by which the imbalances were massively clear.
The community decided to do this- yeah, maybe Blizz could have handled things better, and they definitely did some things horribly- but the community knew what it was doing when it created imbalanced servers, anyone on the forums at the time was aware of that since those who had faction superiority were gleeful about it, and bragged constantly about how they intended to make it WORSE during phase two.
And they followed through with their threats.
Blizz didn’t manage faction balance, and maybe they should have- but it was that lack of management which let the community do what it wanted- and that was create imbalanced servers. I’m sure that Horde on Sk/St wished the balance remained at 80/20 so they still had punching bags rather than going to 100/0, but nobody wanted to stick around and get camped 24/7, as we predicted.
I’ve been very, very, very active on the forums since day one with this avatar, and if you think I’ve given Blizz a pass you’re out of your mind. I was calling them out on the free xfers the day they started offering them. Blizz has handled all their changes horribly, hence why I’ve been #nochange through everything- the AV changes that made it a 100% WR for Horde, the first round of xfers for St/Sk/HS and the second for Incend, their lack of action on botting and gold selling, their dungeon cap, frankly just the decision to start at 1.12 instead of the launch patch. I wanted warts and all.
I’m not going to pretend the community didn’t do this to themselves though just because Blizz is also awful- people were given ample, reasoned warning right from the start, and we predicted exactly what would happen if they kept up with their behaviour that seemed intended to kill off the other faction.
They got what they deserve, and they have no right to complain. Trust me, I’d love a free xfer off Stalagg with the characters I have here, I have a few in the 35-55 range that I just grew bored of trying to level without any dungeon runs. But I don’t think Blizz should give these servers mergers or free xfers- if they do, I think it should solely be for HS Horde and St/Sk Alliance. The dominant factions worked hard to get their 100% advantage, let them keep it through TBC/WotLK classic.
It was a problem created by the community- Blizz only added fuel to it but at its core Blizz weren’t the ones 24/7 camping with roaming raids looking for small parties, Blizz wasn’t sitting out SM with 50 other Horde flag jumping single parties of Alliance trying to do the best xp area for almost 15 levels, Blizz didn’t force Horde on St/Sk to stay and keep their huge numbers advantage heck they gave them free xfers for a very long time.
You’re completely missing the problem. The problem isn’t that Blizz didn’t manage their game- it’s that they did.
They saw a problem and gave free xfers to try to fix it (though the initial problem that caused queues was them releasing basically no servers leading them to be overcrowded, then overcompensating and releasing way too many leading to half being dead within months).
Those free xfers were them trying to manage the game. If they’d not done any management at all, if they’d accepted what we #nochange players were saying all along that any changes they do will cause damage because they do not understand Classic and they can only think from a retail mindset- we wouldn’t have had those week one xfers that caused so much damage.
You’re saying they should have managed the game, but it’s the opposite- they should have left it entirely to players, just like it was in Vanilla. We’d still ruin servers for the same reason, but it’d be authentic.
Instead, retail players whined about week one queues, and retail devs gave those retail players the power to ruin their own servers as they chased pvp advantages.
Blizz gave players this power- but end of the day it’s still the players on St/Sk/HS that ruined their servers by intentionally, systematically making the game atrocious to play for anyone on the other side. That is 100% on the players, and again- you get what you deserve, and you should have to pay to go to another server, and imo if you are a St/Sk Horde or HS Ally you should only be allowed to xfer to pve servers even with the paid xfer.
Someone in my guild posted the image to our guild discord. Prior to that no one in my guild had talked about faction balance. Nor was it being discussed in world chat.
If everyone knew in the first couple of days like you claim, they would have switched servers. No one knew Blizzard would offer free transfers. If they wanted to play on an alliance majority server, they would have rerolled on an alliance majority server when they were still under level 20, sitting in 5-hour queues.
Free transfers from Skeram to Heartseeker for alliance lasted from September 19th till October 2nd. Phase 2 launched on November 12th.
Again, no one created imbalanced servers intentionally. What actually happened was, people made characters on Skeram, long before the game launched by reserving their names. Blizzard would have known the faction balance at this point, but didn’t release any information. People logged in on launch day, began playing, and were largely oblivious for the first couple of weeks because there are no horde in low-level zones. Then information began spreading about massive faction imbalance, but a lot of people were pretty invested in the server and didn’t want to leave. Then a few days later Blizzard offered free transfers off. At first it was only a few people, then it turned into a tidal wave.
I’m not here to defend their behavior. I intentionally avoided phase 2 on my server because I wanted no part in it. But understand that phase 2 rewards that kind of behavior. It requires it. Someone who was part of the gank squad from Thorium Point to BRD complained about how he wasn’t having any fun chasing people down and killing them repeatedly for weeks at a time, but it was either that or he couldn’t rank.
Your anger is misplaced. It was Blizzard who was to blame for everything. The players were merely reacting rationally to the situation they found themselves in. Phase 2 was a terrible idea, period.
You could argue that it would have been better if Blizzard had never allowed free transfers at all. Skeram was imbalanced, sure, but not much worse than Herod. And it had several good alliance guilds.
But to say that Blizzard “managed their game” is kind of silly. Free transfers without consideration for faction balance isn’t managing their game. And it isn’t like they don’t have the power to manage their game right now. They could have fixed Heartseeker/Stalagg/Skeram 1.5 years ago. They do nothing.
That’s exactly what it is, and that’s precisely why #nochange crowd did not want Blizz changing the game. It’s not that Vanilla couldn’t be made better, we simply did not trust Blizz to do it. When you open the door for Blizz to start ‘managing’ the game, you need to realize stuff like Incendius will happen.
They tried, they’re just bad at it.
But the playerbase is absolutely to blame too, they knew what was going to happen, they were given opportunities to change course and not chase away the smaller faction- the absolutely did the opposite leading to HS/St/Sk.
What do you think free xfers were? They were Blizz trying to manage the population which had completely stacked some servers, resulting in large exoduses.
If Horde on St/Sk were concerned about being on a skewed server, they were given free xfers to go elsewhere- that is your management attempt by Blizz, and it was the community, not Blizz, that decided to stick with their overwhelming advantage, because that’s what the community wanted.
No, they did try- they gave the community transfers for free. It was the community that did not want to have balanced servers. And nobody that played A on St/Sk or H on HS is going to buy into your revisionist history. Blizz was ineffectual at making the community want to be balanced- but at the end of the day it was the community that decided to ignore every opportunity for balanced servers, while also taking every opportunity possible to force even greater imbalance.
I have stuck with Stalagg long enough to see first hand that the Horde were very much driven to push the Alliance off the server- it was in their actions, it was in the way they spoke on the forums “reroll or quit”, it was in the way they ignored and mocked warnings of the current scenario back when we saw it coming week one of release, it was in the way even as only a dozen guilds remained they still mobbed every part of the open world and infested every part of IF.
They created the situation, not Blizz, and there’s zero reason for Blizz to try to save them yet again.
Let’s say you merge HS/St/Sk together creating a more balanced server- do you know what will happen?
I guarantee, 100%, that whichever is bigger, likely Horde, will learn from their past mistakes and realize they’ve been given a third chance and- no, absolutely not. A merger happens and they will blockade the dark portal for a month if need be to prevent any Alliance to even experience TBC, Alliance will go somewhere they can play the game they’re paying for, it’ll be H/A 100-0 in a few months, and end of the year people like you will be crying that it’s all Blizz’s fault while the rest of us look at you guys with the same disdain we have since launch.
Then you agree that it was ultimately their fault. That their free transfers made faction imbalance worse.
Phase 2 was trash even on balanced servers. The horde left Incendius when it was only 60/40.
I saw several horde guilds transfer here. But Blizzard closed transfers after a week. Had they left them open for another month, Heartseeker would be 50/50, if not a horde majority.
They did the same thing on Skeram. I warned ONSLAUGHT repeatedly, showed them pictures that there were more horde in Ironforge than Alliance. They also said they didn’t care, and that they wanted to chase every single alliance off the server.
You could say that they got what they deserve. But keep in mind that the discord is not representative of the average player. And the horde camping Ironforge were a tiny fraction of the playerbase.
Your anger and bitterness seems to be clouding your judgement. You’re seeking collective punishment because of the actions of a few jerks, which is causing you to lose sight of the bigger picture. None of this would have happened if Blizzard hadn’t been completely incompetent.
That was the norm- it wasn’t just one guild, one guild could not have pulled off having 100s of players roaming the Steppes alone at all times, not to mention everywhere else.
If a tiny fraction had partook in what drove the smaller faction off these servers- it wouldn’t have had any effect. I’m not sure if you’re being serious or if you simply haven’t given this any thought- there are examples of bad apples, but an entire faction working together to use their numbers to drive the other faction off the server is not.
Not at all- this is a large group that were given ample warning, saw the warning signs well ahead of time, were given many chances to either change their ways or xfer freely off and help balance another server- and still decided to do everything they possibly could to make the situation far worse.
There is no possible way to rationally come to the conclusion that these people should get yet another chance, knowing full well that’ll only enable them and tell them they can repeat their mistakes and Blizz will bail them out yet again.
You clearly don’t understand what happened- it’s not a few jerks, it was thousands of players working together to being openly malicious to a smaller group of players knowing full well it’d eventually bite them later on.
The big picture is that players acted horribly, were told what would happen if they kept doing it, they kept doing it, and what they were told would happen happened. That’s as fair a consequence as there can be- and yeah, I am 100% in favour of fair consequences to bad behaviour when the offending party both has the ability to change, and the knowledge of what they are doing both hurting others and eventually hurting themselves.
Consequences are how you learn.
None of it would have happened if the larger faction had any interest in balance, in keeping their foes around, or even just in their own well being a few months in the future.
This is a Dark Knight scenario- Blizz didn’t kill these servers, but they didn’t stop the players from killing it themselves, they didn’t save these players from their own bad behaviour. They could have, they could have done something about the camping, banned the safe spotting exploiters, implemented queues that let in the small faction first to discourage stacking and benefit underdogs.
Should they have? I don’t know, it would be unpopular not letting players decide how to play themselves- in the end they largely gave players the ability to make their own decisions and face consequences, which is far more authentic.
I just want to go back to this, because this is false. I did not seek this punishment, actually, it is the opposite. I was one of the loudest, most frequent speakers on the forums warning players of what would come and how to avoid it, and since the forums are largely Horde dominated I got to see just how many Horde were fine with ‘reroll and quit’ being the mantra and driving the Alliance away, and how almost no Horde were willing to see the later consequences or care about them.
I never sought this result or these consequences- the players who are now facing this ‘punishment’ entirely brought it on themselves, they were the ones who despite knowing what was coming decided to charge head first into it.
Now that reckoning has come, they might not like it- but it was the people facing the punishment now who sought that, I tried to stop it from happening.
I believe what you mean is not that I sought their collective punishment, but that I don’t think they should get to weasel out of what they rightfully earned for themselves. And that is definitely the case- they knew what they were getting, they had ample opportunity to avoid it, they decided to keep going, and now that they are suffering a little they want out.
Too bad- and think of the big picture. Lets say you let them freely xfer to another server. They now know they can destroy that server and get bailed out again later on- so now everyone who was enjoying the game and doing nothing wrong will get punished- much like Horde on HS, and Ally on St/Sk got punished harshly, brutally.
If you want free xfers for HS Horde and St/Sk Ally to escape, I’m all for it- but if the people who destroyed their servers want off, they should pay. Giving them free xfers will just ruin the experience of innocent players.
As for merging heavy H servers with heavy A servers for pvp- that’s a problem too, there’s way too many H dominant pvp servers and basically 2 ally ones, it could never work. Not to mention the merger’s already been rejected- if St/Sk Horde wanted to be on HS so bad they had months to xfer over for free, they’ve now lost that opportunity forever, as it should be.
Heartseeker Alliance is full of skeram fugitives who were too cowardly to keep playing on arguably the best server in all of US classic. They ruined it by dipping the first chance they got. We could have been as big as sulfuras or Faerlina, but no. Everyone on Ally went heartseeker first free transfer chance they got. The server deserves to die and even though I regret the situation for people who rolled there legitimately, I still have to laugh.
Skeram will have its revenge. In this expansion or the next. Ph2 deserters … spit
Free transfers killed them, and they killed Incendius. You’re spamming pages of text to justify why Blizzard shouldn’t fix a problem that they created. Not because you don’t believe Blizzard is responsible, but because you’re filled with hatred. You want them to suffer because they made you suffer.
Allowing them to transfer off Stalagg for free feels like an injustice. So you’ll do everything you can to stop it. To punish them in some way.
Let me ask you, do you think I was being a jerk for taking the free transfer off Skeram that Blizzard offered me, from a server that was heavily imbalanced after many alliance had already left? Do you think the horde who stayed on Stalagg are jerks because they didn’t want to transfer to Heartseeker and get camped in phase 2? Do you think the Horde on Incendius were jerks for taking the free transfers off Incendius when Blizzard offered them?
You have a right to be angry, but make sure you’re angry at the right people.
The idea that these sweaties would block the portal when they could be leveling is just stupid. They would race to 70 first, and then probably try to gank in hellfire. They wouldn’t be skipping raid lock outs.
Doesn’t matter whether they’re jerks or not- what happened to their victims really doesn’t matter at this point, but, there’s no reason they should be rewarded yet again for bad behaviour.
I’m not saying Blizz should punish them- the consequences are self inflicted in this case. But Blizz should not reward players for stuff like this, and free xfers or mergers would be a reward.
Jerks or not- these aren’t some elevated players that deserve to be treated better than everyone else in the game, that’s downright absurd. You’re the one arguing that these people should get freebies and Blizz catering to them but have yet to explain why.
You keep going back to making up emotions here because you have nothing else- I’ve explained my reasons fully, and it’s not anger but logic that has me saying that when people know the consequences of their action, are given the time and chance to change their action, and still decide knowing the consequences to go ahead and keep doing the action- facing the consequences is a GOOD thing. That’s how people learn.
What you want is for people to never face consequences, to never have to learn- and that’ll just make them repeat their mistakes, which’ll be to the detriment of the server they merge with or xfer to.
This is a learning experience, rather than trying to avoid learning you should grow from this- escaping consequences is the action of a child.
Blizz didn’t create the problem, they just let it happen- players created the problem, they made it happen. Blizz not stopping them from destroying these servers doesn’t mean players weren’t the cause.
You can keep making up hatred if that’s what you need to do to excuse your own mistakes and inability to logically counter my points, but at this point it’s you who is trying to appeal to emotion rather than logic.
The idea that these sweaties would sit outside SM week one for hours ganking Alliance parties trying to do the dungeon instead of running it themselves is just stupid.
But they did it, and they’ll do it again even if it slowed them from reaching MC, or Kara, etc…
I can understand why people doubted me when I told you the pvp mongoloidism of early classic would lead to one faction servers back when I was saying it during launch month because people didn’t have any experience with it.
But don’t do it again, when the one sided faction pvp servers see the other faction drop off a cliff due to being unable to get through HFP, and the forums are filled with people complaining that they haven’t managed to finish any quests in HFP week one on pvp servers- are you going to admit you’re wrong?
This is what I mean with people just not learning- we already know what’s going to happen and people are already trying to deny it.
Blizzard should fix the problem that they created, in a game that people pay money to play.
Blizzard was basically bribing people with epics to be jerks. Sure, there were some trolls on discord, but the people corpse-camping people in Searing Gorge weren’t doing it out of spite. Their only motivation was gear, and that was the only way to get it.