Hearthstone Added An Undead Paladin

You wouldn’t miss saving the turtles?

You monster

This should totally be a thing.

Sir Zeliek in Naxxramas already set the precedent.

Still doesn’t mean someone can’t die and be raised into Undeath. Light infused or not.


Undead Paladins would be a Death Knight going by the old standard in WoW from Warcraft 2 and i believe also Warcraft 3. The new lore might have changed that, but the new lore is imo pretty corny now, at this rate if Thrall were to have a baby with Jaina Proudmoore i wouldn’t be surprised…it would be done to “unify” the horde and alliance.

There is no pain. We have so many free willed wielders of the Light that that has been debunked over and over again.

The founder of the Silver Hand, Alonsus Faol, is a forsaken.

I suppose not, I imagine the feeling however would be akin to being set on fire for all eternity. But then again considering practically everything is being redone we might as well make a (Canon) WoW Lore and (Legends) WoW Lore like Star Wars before and after Disney.

It isn’t debunked. From an old Q&A:

While it is possible for them to use or be healed by the Light to its full effect like any living humanoid, it is accompanied by intense pain, making it require notable willpower to suffer through.

And Faol has even mentioned how it hurts.

You could argue there is already a paladin npc in WoW, and that there has been one since Wrath.


Besides, this doesn’t necessarily indicate playability, even if they ever did add this specific NPC to the world. Night elf paladins and worgen shaman exist, but alas, not in our hands.

But to be fair, everything the Forsaken do requires intense willpower. That’s why they have a Racial called “Will of the Forsaken”, about breaking CC with the sheer strength of their willpower.

The seeds are there. Blizzard just needs to let them sprout.


There’s nothing stopping them from using the Light or dealing with the pain, so it’s really a moot point and just adds a bit of strength and flavor to the characters.


I’d be OK with way more race/class combos than we have now, especially with Paladins. Can you wield the light and wear heavy armor? You are now a Paladin.


That’s just a Dev casually mentionning that in a Q&A to dismiss a question, not actual written lore. That’s just not cannon at this point.

Citation Needed. And even if it “hurts”, it obviously is not impossible to deal with for free willed Forsaken, as Alonsus does it, Calia does it as do the Lightbound Forsaken.

Heck, for 8.2 for a while, there was datamined information about them and an achievement for when you unlocked them as a playable Allied Race.

So again : Undeads can, have been, and should be playable Paladins.

i mean light channeling forsaken isn’t exactly impossible, they can still heal/deal damage with light, and arguably the paladin armor would hold their bones and soft tissues together. light forged as DKS on the other hand is rather ridiculous, since the light “disperses” from their bodies in an explosion when they die, then wouldn’t they just be raised as regular draenei and need the light tattoos carved back into their undead bodies? could you imagine how much that would hurt a forsaken?

Yes it is. Devs saying it makes it canon. Good lord.

Quests and novel.

I never said it was. I was never even arguing against this whole thing. Read:

Not arguing with you anymore. I just realized who I quoted. I’m done.

No, random devs saying something off the cuff during a Q&A is not cannon lore. There’s been a lot said over the years and often things said that were plain wrong or changed when shipped after a Q&A.

Q&A is not cannon.

Citation Still Needed. (ie, Alonsus Faol saying it hurts to use the light).

Ad hominem.

Listen I love games like SWG where you could do any combo you want, but this game started with a different flavor than that.

FFS, I’m agreeing with you on this freaking topic and you still have to act like this. Stop being ridiculous.

When questions are asked and devs answer said question, it’s not “off the cuff.” THEY ANSWERED A LORE QUESTION.

If you can’t be bothered to read quests or novels, that’s your problem. I can’t go back to quests I already finished and don’t even remember names of, nor do I have the damn book any longer.

Stop acting like you always have to be right and focus on the fact that I ALREADY AGREED THERE’S NO REASON THEY CAN’T BE PALADINS. Yet you still try to argue with me about that?!?!?!

What is wrong with you??

No. Don’t answer. I’m really done now. I won’t let you start harassing me again like you used to and pulling me into this crap nonsense. I should’ve looked before I said anything in the first place and never even said a word to you.

I can make an undead holy priest that looks just like that.

I’m going to post this cutesy cat video here to see if people will calm down :open_mouth:

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You can’t because that set is Paladin-only and that mace is 2H.