Hearthstone Added An Undead Paladin

The most terrifying of Worgen.

Pretty sure he existed long before Hearthstone.

I don’t see the issue. Paladins were the first to become Death Knights for Arthas. What’s the problem with Lightforged?

He existed, but he wasn’t seen.

The first picture of N’zoth was released on Hearthstone.

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He said “First seen”, not “First mentionned”.

I’m not sure why it matters when he was seen. He’s an Old God we knew we’d get to eventually. They’re all eyes and tentacles. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Man its crazy how many HS expansions come out every year. The lootbox thirst is real.

They are the literal embodiment of the Light, I mean other paladins were infused with Light but Lightforged were practically reforged by it. I’m sort of struggling with a good metaphor for it. Like I guess Paladins wear the light like a suit where as Lightforged have their entire being remade by it?

It matters because Blizzard does a lot of things in Hearthstone first then sends them to WoW.

N’zoth’s appearance was first introduced in Hearthstone, then in WoW. Just like Tortollans, Sir Finley and the Medivas.

Yogg-Saron had no eyes.

Other races wear the Light as armor, the Lightforged wear their skin over pure Light. I think. It’s never actually been explained.

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And Death isn’t the opposite of Light. Void is. Anything can die and be raised.


WoW had undead paladins since Cata. Where have you been?


Yes he did. Above the gaping mouth. They’re even shown in the artwork. And I spent lots of time up close and dead in the middle of him so I remember quite well the eyes. lol

Your other examples are fine. This one just seems like you’re stretching it a bit. But it’s whatever. Not important.

Zeliek existed in vanilla. The difference is that Zeliek’s body was controlled by Kel’thuzad, and the Risen were controlled by Balnazzar. There’s never been a free-willed undead paladin in WoW, and considering the limiting factor is pain, that’s what matters.

I was talking about Cata-revamped Eastern Plaguelands with the Scarlet Crusade/Risen paladins.


I know, that’s who the Risen are.

Man I just dont read sometimes.

Yea that’s a better way of putting it, thank you.

Theirs also Paladin Worgens in Hearthstone, Lightfang Enforcer! Put hey it’s wearing Paladin tier set from legion and glowing in holy light…but doesn’t say Paladin so it’s not one :joy::joy::joy:

Light is still incredibly effective against death or rather undeath.