Hearthstone Added An Undead Paladin

Keep in mind that Hearthstone adds lots of things shortly before WoW. Tortollans were created for the Un’goro HS expansion. Pretty much every Undead Character in Hearthstone has elbows and knees. N’zoth was first seen in Hearthstone. Every League of Explorers member from Hearthstone made it’s way to WoW later. The Medivas were added to Legion’s Karazhan, Etc.


I mean, we are having Lightforged DKs. It seems like a good time to add this in.


That’s not an Undead Paladin. That’s a Dragon Rider. A Paladin card is not a Paladin character.


It’s an Undead full of holy light wearing plate armor.

It’s a Paladin. Lots of Paladins ride Dragons.


If it were a Paladin, it would be named “Paladin Talritha”. Her name is not Paladin Talritha. It’s Dragon Rider. She’s a Dragon Rider.


Dragon Rider is not a Class.

Or are you going to argue that Highlord Tirion Fordragon wasn’t a Paladin because he was a Highlord?


Undead should have never been playable in WOW.


Hearthstone lore is so wonky, it’s like the comedic side of WoW turned up to 11. Really wish it didn’t cross-pollinate with WoW so much.


But then we wouldn’t have Tortollans, or Sir Finley Mrrgglton!

Or the Medivas!


I’m not seeing a downside lol. Tortollans are OK I guess but I don’t think the game is missing much without them.


You know what? Seeing as Lightforged Draenei will have an option to become Death Knights in Shadowlands (a decision I’m heavily against) I guess Undead Paladin isn’t too far a stretch anymore. Actually… Now that I’m thinking about it with the new leadership the forsaken will be under… hmmm.


I mean they also had a Gnome Paladin recently in Hearthstone which had people pumped for the class to be available in WoW. Still no Gnome Paladin for 8.3 (as far as we’re aware).

Given that Calia will be a significant force in 8.3 wouldn’t surprise me if there are LF undead later on.

That does look like paladin armor and that hammer looks like the one from Gruuls that I like to keep on my Draenei paladin. Yes, because it looked super cool in the BC opener. :smiley:

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That’s the set you start the game with if you’re a Boost or an Allied Race.

Broken in the knees and elbows because Undead lol


Calia is a Lightforged undead. With that logic I’m not sure why an undead paladin would be so unbelievable to some people.


I don’t think people ever see the long term.

When you sit there and eat breakfast, do you really prefer to jam it all in your glass of milk and drink it like a depraved fiend?

Apply the same logic to race/class combos. We shouldn’t want that.

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Undead paladins make sense to me, more so than Tauren or Blood Elves to be honest.

The undead are the former citizens of Lorderon and there were lots of paladins, it would only be logical that they would still be paladins when they were brought back to life.



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I’m amused and my gag reflex is activated at the same time.

I think many people agree with you but Blizzard gon’ Blizzard.

‘game suggestions’ is more just meant to be a discussion for us. Everyone else would take them with a grain of salt because they’re not tangible.