Fair enough, you were talking about 1 specific spell. I didn’t notice.
I was talking about this happening to me every game.
Fair enough, you were talking about 1 specific spell. I didn’t notice.
I was talking about this happening to me every game.
What you think was ignored is simply not relevant. The default talent should be execution sentence and using it without proper setup or opportunity should be unrewarding, exactly. The game is less fun whenever any spec can run up to you without accounting for your healer and just slap their burst CDs across your face to demand a trade nonetheless. The less of that, the better
No its not, he was arguing about final reck and ES saying that no one is taking ES cause it has counterplay and you chimed in about 1 shots. You not reading what was being said caused this, you can relax now.
Edit - looks like this is already understood.
“Edit - my comment is irrelevant”
They PvP nerf passive talents all the time. For example Will of the necropolis and spellwarden.
Getting this back on track + bump
Your post hits the culprit talents on the nose. I would prefer the damage nerfs first with maybe slightly less on the defensive nerfs. SoV becomes useless pretty fast and we actually lost mobility into certain comps since Freedom is always dispellable now.
Plus, if our pressure goes down (as it should), people will have time to purge/kite/cc and we won’t be quite as tanky bc less damage → smaller Fading light shields. I could see hitting Aegis or Fading light but not both at once. It may not be enough but I would like to see them continue the incremental changes when it comes to survivability so I don’t go back to hiding behind a pillar all game. The damage def needs a solid hit tho
Crusaders reprieve only heals for 4k non crit and 8k crit it’s not really a big game changer as is. It helps buts it’s not op
Calm down buddy you will recover your little bit of shuffle cr when ret gets tuned down lol.
I actually gained CR because on my 2-4’s (Ret 6-0’s) lobbies, because my MMR was higher. I just want to be able to queue again.
Is the button grayed out?
More of a pink color.
Its not just jv. I saw a 190k final verdict as well. 150k+ are common, and that’s reliably available every minute; far more often than most classes have defensives.
THATS THE THING, THOUGH. IT IS NOW. prior to this, ret WAS a 1shot or not. Now its reliably doing 50k single target dps in games at 2500+ cr against the best players in the game.
You cant say they “dont know how to play around it”.
What’s funny is that ret saying you can’t pre wall gos lol. Only shows how clueless that idiot really is.
wtf man
Lol… I’m not saying it’s JUST JV, relax. I’m talking about the dmg modifiers in general need to be toned down along with the proc’s from Ire and EL with DA at 25 stacks. Everything is hitting at once for large damage. I’m saying outside of that Ret’s damage is strong but not absurd. Its almost like nobody reads.
So many dmg modifiers need to go. stacking and stacking and stacking dmg modifiers until you just delete someone from the planet is not healthy for the game.
Yeah, and thats just not correct. At all high levels of play, rets are doing the highest dps; 75-90% of it being single target. They currently have some of the highest burst, the highest single target sustain, and are honestly the tankiest and most survivable class also.
And they have insane utility to boot
The utility was never a problem, nor was the burst, because they could die.
Now that theyre no longer glass cannons, theyre broken having their burst availability as well as utility.
Tbh, if they just made wings 1 minute and gave ret wall as well as SOV theyd still be insane. Instead they got a 2x stronger soul leech, spell bop, amd ~35% sustained dps in pvp.
Yeah he’s 100% right on this. Rets are doing absolutely cracked damage right now at all stages of the game while being unkillable. Had 2 rets out dpsing, by about 10k DPS, triple dot triple kill starfall game where star burst was my top damage at 2900.
The class is no longer a melee juggernaught that one shots on windows, it just one shots all game.
It’s not even necessarily something that’s outplayable, because CC only does so much, and generally you’re under too much pressure to be able to get it out reliably to stall the game out.
“they could die” is an understatement, they were literally a wet paper towel and had the highest deaths across all forms of content in the game.
I’ve played a decent amount of RSS and BG’s after the patch and Ret paladins’ OVERALL damage is not that much higher than many other specs in the game. The BURST in those windows of opportunity is what is too much and causing an outcry. Outside of those windows of stacks and modifiers they are fine. Tone down the modifiers and it will be fine. Or get rid of some of them entirely TBH.
And for context, the HEALING from the rets was cutting my damage effectively in half.
On top of this, in the games they missed about 75% of their kicks collectively.
I went 3-3 in this lobby, and rightfully so, as I was not playing a pink class.
Now the one thing I will give it, and this is agreed on with my 3s team, is that having a high MS in these situations would’ve made them effectively worthless, but point stands.
WHAT world should a starfall triple dot triple target boomy be EVEN in damage with a melee without getting kicked AND CCing them JUST to survive? And that’s considering that for 4/6 of those games, star burst was my top 2 damage because those freaks just walked into every bomb like they’re in the middle east
Lol okay… I could show you my details too where me and other rets are on par at the end of any given match with Warlocks, Shamans, Arms Warriors ect… Yall out here acting like every class in the game is doing 5 million dmg at the end of a shuffle and rets are doing 20 million that’s simply not the case.
I’m not even disagreeing with you that Ret’s need a burst nerf that is causing their DPS to spike to an absurd amount of damage because you are getting hit with DA, EL, and FR/JV all at the same time. I’m just saying Ret’s base damage and consistent damage is fine and it’s the spikes that are the issue. While they need burst to secure a kill because they don’t have MS I do think its too much right now.
Bruh you trolling with those details right? You’re literally just supporting what I said. Ret’s OVERALL damage is fine. People just don’t like being shot down in one second because of all the modifiers. All I see from those details is nerf boomkin.