That’s they key, you keep seeing Disc Priest, every other healer isn’t like this or anywhere close to it.
You just gave me BfA Greater Heal flashbacks and I’m now in Vietnam.
In the current kit climate it’s definitely a huge disadvantage.
Holy Priest feels like a spec designed for Vanilla raiding.
Give hpriest a damage reduction cd, and make them cast.
Actually, make all healers cast. Instant cast healing is extraordinarily lame. For everyone. Makes healers feel extremely overpowered.
Learn to juke bro idk what to tell you.
The current iteration of Mistweaver is an abomination. I want to go back to cast weaving and not be forced to just mash wind kick and play for openers
Fixed cast that’s effected by dampening and MS. The alternative is s1 TWW hpal, which honestly is WAY worse.
damn wait till bro learns that hpri casts an absolute crazy amount
So buff casted heals. Why does everyone just want instant cast nonesense?
You should be able to top somebody if you’re casting. It’s that simple.
Make healers take talent outside of listening to weakauras again please.
Hpri burst heals with instants and throughputs heals with casts.
like literally every healer not named rsham
Agree to disagree I guess.
Game was more fun when it wasn’t instant casts, and more popular.
So never?
Literally every healer has had instant casts forever and throughputs heals through casting lol.
I don’t think you’ve ever actually played the game if you comment something as stupid as that
Not worth explaining how healing functions to someone who doesn’t understand what healers are doing.
Bro look at an hpal healing breakdown and tell me you want that for all healers with a straight face
Hpal has 1 season where they’re so disgustingtly overtuned with massive amounts of garbage and you think that’s indicative of hpal for the rest of it’s lifespan?
Idk how to explain this any simpler to you. You’re just dense and still figuring out there’s a game beyond your character
The irony of what you’re saying actually blows my mind
WHO SAID THAT LOL. Time to take a break and walk away from the keyboard. You’re actually getting heated over literally, nothing.
Nothing he said was indicative of being emotional, insulting maybe, but not emotional
you’re welcome for the cheat sheet earlier in my comment
I mean if all healers have to cast then yeah fine
pretty sure I know how to juke considering hpriest relied heavily on halo and flash heal last season and I was 1 of 4 to get glad on it, maybe I need to pipe down and take advice from 2s heroes tho u right
Is that oracle loadout ur current preferred build?
yeah imo archon is pretty garbage now because flash heal is (for some reason) super undertuned unlike last season. might be worth testing this spec with the same priest/holy talents and an archon loadout (with the apoth talent instead of halo dmg/healing) though
UPDATE: I now recommend 2/2 light of the naaru over 2/2 prismatic echoes based on analysis of my overhealing and overall cost/benefit of each; what I wrote about desperate times below is outdated and I’d take it into rot teams over light of the naaru rather than prismatic echoes
oracle is super strong because pom is super strong; it’s either my top heal or just under my mastery every game. also, despite being centered around aoe healing, the build doesn’t really struggle with single target pressure either, particularly because it gets a ton of serenity cdr from all the pom procs and apoth uptime (you’ll have apoth up for ~22-23% of every game) but also because it has oracle’s “oh s***” buttons.
desperate times, divine word, and divine image are all worthy talents as well, but I think the aoe and during-cc stability from all the pom bounces outweigh the below 50% healing from desperate times, the fact that you’d be wasting throughput by taking divine word without resonant words as well, and divine image’s relativity low healing (usually only 3-4% of overall in a given game) make the pom build the optimal choice. also lightwell is absolute garbage because 15 stacks are not enough for the <75% threshold and because the heal is pretty small anyway
holy isn’t on disc level or even rsham, but it’s definitely at least middle of the pack now rather than absolute tier like it was last season
Oracle felt way better to me but I was doubting myself because of your previous statements. Thanks for the update
yeah gear changed a lot of things. it’s a shame too because I enjoy archon way more
updated the spec very slightly if you wanna take a look
Have you also considered moving Epiphany over to Divine word after Tuesday for the option of doing damage?