That’s a pretty normal game length tho. What do u mean by this?
This was at 1800 cr. Games are usually a lot faster down there. Even last season at 2100+ games were taking about 130-2 minutes. Getting multiple Death Marks off hasn’t been a thing in any season I’ve done Solo on my rogue.
Is this post serious or satire. I play an rdruid, everything dies lol.
Season just started. Current 1800 is last season 2200
Can we just nerf dps healing? It’s actually ridiculous now. Idk which dev decided that every dps needed healing but fxkc them and their whole generation. Plus, make mana an actual thing again. Shouldn’t take an hour to make someone oom. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but not often enough. I think that would help out a lot.
There is only one healing spec in the game lol it’s disc priest. That’s the reason nothing dies, disc is 200% OP
with all the micro cc that can land and not break anymore, you just throw cc chains into the healer and something eventually dies.
disc needs a 5% overall healing nerf to all aspects of its toolkit,
paladins need some MP5 or something, and a throughput increase or a defensive increase. like bop is standard 3 min or something. and 2.5 with talent.
holy priest needs insane through put cause they dont have mitigation defensives.
Rsham probably needs like a 5% nerf to riptide.
havent touched pres.
Like what?
The only one I can think of is ww incap.
Riptide is not why shamans strong. It’s because of buffs to Farseer tree and the new healing wave capstone talent.
Think issue with hpriests is there’s such long gaps in their cooldowns. Like guardian should be a 1 min cd whether it procs or not and should start counting down the moment it is pressed, not when it ends. Apotheosis should also be a 90 second cooldown and ray should be 1 minute.
Nah they just need to take a good look at penance/dark reprimand and the talents that buff it. Also take a look at the oracle tree. Also apparently pws ignores mortal strike. These 3 things are why disc is OP
That’s the most hpal thing I’ve ever read in my life
Just buff flash heal to do actual healing. Now kicks matter and good hpriests thrive.
Everyone wins.
True just buff flash heal and holy priest is fixed
And I’ve seen that break on literally every attack I’ve landed on them so far so the threshold is not very big
As of today, my SPriest is primed and ready! But not as a FoTM, thing. Just cuz I’ve always wanted to try it for an alt. I tried mage specs but still prefer Boomkin, but I have a suspicion I’m gonna like SP. I’m very slow to trying new things.
For the topic, we just need more frequent balancing and hands-on testing ahead of a season/xpak. For that, it has to be a priority equal to PvE tuning… but, imagine that
Idk I feel like the game would be way less frustrating if flash heal just topped someone off from 1% but had a fixed 1.5 second cast.
Does anyone actually find layering immunities on people and exclusively instant cast everything to 80% damp fun?
Because that’s tremendously fair and fun.
Why wouldn’t it? MS only reduces healing. Pws is clearly a shield lol
That’s like saying MS should cut the duration of Pala bubble by 50%
Yo biebz might be cooking something sick here?
A healer with literally 0 ways to reduce enemy damage having to rely on hardcasting is fried but that is just my opinion.
I think healing is perfectly tuned. Not all healers are equally good, which is sad, but in general I think its great when well placed CC is needed to secure a kill. No idea about BBG, but this is the arena forum and here I think healing is fine.
Only CC spam shouldn’t be a thing! But when dmg is high, healing needs to be high. Otherwise the whole concept of arena falls apart.
honestly man we’d probably be 100% fixed if we just had NF wall from shadowlands, dont even need the multiple guardians (although those would be great too)
that GS change you listed though could also be pretty impactful since the current design forces us to use it more like ironbark; if it’s used as a cheat death it’s so terrible for us and usually means the game is lost. the apoth change would be nice but it might be necessary to revisit the archon apoth talent if it went through
that’s the most “I have literally no idea how hpriest works” thing I’ve ever read in my life. flash heal was our top heal last season in most matchups, even above our mastery lol, and it regularly crit for over 3mil. we were still the worst healer in the game by far
yeah man let’s just turn it into a lightweaver heal cast which is already unplayable into anything that isn’t a melee cleave because it’s a major CD from at least one person if we get kicked once
imagine if we did, too. we already have to consistently react at “16 year old tweaker with a naturally gifted reaction speed” quickness being an instant-heavy healer. hpriest would be dead for good unless the meta changed dramatically