nah tbh I think that while it’s gonna be nice to have that little boost during goes, the main value of our damage will still be the cdr on chastise + epiphany is a crucial part of the build
You tested light of naaru over desperate? Feeds into the CDR even more idk doesn’t feel like people stay below 50% long with all oracle can do RN maybe with high damp but ur losing to the top tier healers at that point regardless
Damage is really high right now. The game paste feel faster then last ssn. The trinket change was good and it could have been more
haven’t tested it but that’s actually a pretty good idea considering the apoth uptime and the fact that light affects it as well. it might get outshone by DT into things like shadowplay and assa/aff but tbh that seems like an excellent pick
i cannot out-heal a disc priest on MW. My mana depletes too fast, I can keep people up but I cnanot keep them up as lng as a disc priest.
It feels like casted heals like Vivify or Flash Heal didn’t scale nearly enough, especially with HP scaling & trinket buff.
not even archon surge of light buffed + resonant words flash heal scaled enough tbh
prayer of mending is our new savior