Healing is too high

Nothing dies. Revert 5% stam buff. Nerf all healers and make trinket 2 min cd


agreed BIG difference compared to last season in time to kill, nothing dies and spriest feels absolutely immortal.


Brb rerolling


Idk I tried healing on mw and hp bars don’t move. Even with 3 modifiers and tft crackle it just creeps up slowly lol.


Havent seen one yet lol. I have only seen priest and 1 hpal.

No thank you. Keep whining.

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Tbh sounds like a skill issue since your still playing crackle after nerfs

What’s the right way ?_?

My MW Monk doesn’t even barely move my party’s HP. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Are you fully geared??

You want healers to suffer? The easier it is to heal or make a gameplay loop the better chances you have more people picking up Healer Specs.

If you want things to die you have tools to Interrupt and CC as a DPS that can hurt a healers throughput way more than a DPS…


I suspect the difference in experiences is related to what healers you’re playing with.

Make penance and pws cd 1 sec longer, but give us door of shadows

Man, I actually agree with you on this troll attempt, biebz!


Too many DPS classes can self dispel, idk if I’d chalk this up to heals being too strong. Could be though.

Pacing feels too slow for season 2.

“Nothing dies”, meanwhile I’ve seen people get chunked from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds in shuffle several times.

The game is too slow in 2s, but I don’t believe that to be the case in shuffle and presumably 3s (except at the top end most likely). Besides, it’s going to speed up once everyone gets weapons and 4pc.


If they nerf healers then no one plays healers and you get 30 minute que times.
If they buff DPS and increase CC no on plays healers and que times are long.

Blizzard cannot in here because the players are so entitled that they think they shouldnt ever die.

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Was gonna say the same thing. People are complaining about nothing dying and things dying too fast right now. So which is it? lol


Ah, you mean the game mode that starts with highest dampening and has the fastest ramping dampening. 3’s is slow af unless someone really messes up bad.

Even then my placement games on this rogue were taking 2-4 minutes avg yesterday. In 3 of the 6 games I played I nearly got 3 Deathmark goes off. Which is a bit insane.

Both? Some players are great or have good teammates that support them being good, that could make time to kill feel high. In other modes like random bgs and solo bg folks are most certainly dying fast. If more than one player that knows what they’re doing can target the same. I’m no arena master and I will leave tuning recommendations to you all for arena.