Healing Feels Terrible So Far

Pick up the talent that makes spirit link heal 1 second after bring placed. Should help prevent that. ( it’s under spirit link totem - spouting spirits or something )

Chances are they still took a lot of damage inside the spirit link totem and would have died anyways.

Most situation you want to make sure your tank is included in spirit link. Using it for DPS only is a waste of the CD.

You’ll learn one thing about Shammy healer, you’ll hate people more than others healer. As a druid you got your Efflorescence, which can be annoying. A lot of the Shaman ability is like playing with multiple “types” of Efflorescence with bigger cooldowns.

So in a way… it makes you hate pug even more.

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IMHO mistweaver feels really good right now. Much, MUCH better than hpal feels. I think they did a good job with heal balancing/tuning so far this xpack minus the re-neutered hpal and some healers having an unusable hero talent tree.


mistweaver feels good to people who were used to being in melee and people who did dungeons in the past. i suspect if you mainly raided or insisted on playing “caster mistweaver” in dungeons for some reason, you’re probably less happy with the current state of it.


This is pretty sad TBH. Hpal felt like so much fun for a minute. They really gutted it hard because it was doing “too well”.

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I agree, the posts in this thread are boggling my mind. It’s hands down the worst change this expansion has brought to any of the classes I play. It made the mistweaver flow right, now it does not. Monk was my strongest healer prior to this expansion and now it’s clearly the weakest. Feels like they wanted to kill off the ranged mistweavers who didn’t do much dps and make people gravitate towards fistweaving since that’s really the only viable option now. Got mine to 80, tried to give celestial conduit a chance… but it just feels bad and the cool down is too long.

My holy priest feels slightly weaker than I’d like, but I’m hopeful that could actually change.

It’s always been a back burner of a class I’d play, but resto druid has quickly became the “favorite” of my healing bunch. It just does everything on par or better when comparing it to my other healers now.

Essence Font, Circle of Healing, and Prayer of Healing haven’t been good in 5 man content (the only thing available when you made this post) for a while now. Relying on the wrong spells/talents is bound to make things feel worse…

I haven’t leveled my monk yet, but considering we’ve only been in heroic dungeon gear, healing has been fine on my H.Priest main and R.Shaman alt so far. And it will only get easier as we gain more gear and the playerbase as a whole gets more familiar with which abilities to stop and how/when to avoid the others.


Thank yooouuuu. Finally a monk dare saying it, I wasn’t daring to because Mistweaver enthusiast are pretty adamant usually to deal with. But yeah Font was just a bloat to be honest. Last time it was good was during Legion for Raid healing and even then… not quite the best among healers.


They’ve wanted to kill ranged DPS healers for awhile. Shaman is the only one left really, and even then, I’m usually right up in the butts still, trying to position carefully and making sure we’re all close enough in case of split second emergency triage madness while throwing chain lightning until my eyes catch fire.

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Sounds like a class issue. Preservation still feel OP and resto druid do just fine. I’D argue the only problem I have on my resto druid is its damage output compared to my preserv.


Font being gone means more power was shifted into vivify, gusts, and invigorating mists and it just feels great. Plus the removal of EF means one less thing to “set up” before gusts can do anything useful. Gusts is just much stronger now, plus Celestial Conduit is actually useful as a cooldown. It’s great!

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Look if you went into playing DF with the mindset that essence font sucked, didn’t talent into it and never bothered with it you wouldn’t know that it was actually a really great spell. I raided and did dungeons where essence font was a good chunk of my healing. I’ll admit it was better for raiding, but it was essential and a rotational must for me. My personal experience is what it is and I don’t think I’m completely alone either from other threads I’ve stumbled upon (this one is clearly anti-essence font). It’s kind of lame to put people down for their spec choices, utilizing (imo) a great ability and being upset about it’s removal.

This. I was having a BLAST healing M+ on beta initially as holy paladin. Then they kicked the stool out from under it. On the plus side, they did me a favor because now I am not going to main a class with an absolutely atrocious tier set appearance.

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Haha, what, you don’t like the floppy wings?
Ugh, the green pvp set had me rolling.

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Can tell you one thing. Holy Paladin is bottom on my list of healer to invite for this season.

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It feels bad because tanks are overpulling and theres so much going on. Lets hope m0 slows it down and you can get a real grip on whats going on. But i’m sure the first m0 I do will have a tank just zip into the first room and try and pull everything.

Won’t deny I’ve been guilty of this. It’s a normal process in all honestly to get a feel for new content and you got to figure out how you gear makes you scale against content.

We have some dummies but not all tanks reacts the same on the field. And those dummies really can’t replicate a live situation, specially since they’re generalized “dummies” and one raid boss dummy.

Like today, wiping will happen in many, many group. Like the last 9 season start we’ve had. It’s just a normal thing.

People want tanks to join and often are stuck waiting on a tank to sign up, they got to be ready to accept the tanks needs a practice ground sometimes, especially this early.

583 R sham. This is the first character I ever made and has been my main since the release of vanilla. Right now the problem with healing is the stat distribution on the available gear.

I’m curious to see how it feels once the gear has more stats than 9999999999 stam. “Oh you have 8 bazillion health? Here have this 300k heal.”

There were some mistweavers who refused to fistweave even in dungeons for which essence font was one of the more efficient ways to keep a group alive.


Just a little reality check here. Things may change, but up until this point there has been no shortage of healers. Tanks, on the other hand, are the bottleneck. As a tank I have had instant <5 second queues so far this expansion. Every one. It’s less fun being a tank. Having to work to keep myself alive while I watch other players’ health go down and the healer struggling in normal dungeons is not fun.