Healing Feels Terrible So Far

I find healing feels the same as it always did. Boring. I have a 580 Druid(this toon), 2 Shamans both 580 and a Disc Priest. Only one that feels bad is Disc but now with gear she feels better.

People are over pulling trash, that’s the only issue. Not the healing itself.

Resto druid is okay for the most part (I use the treant hero spec, I don’t know the name) There is some struggle in heavy aoe situations but they can manage.

Resto shaman is ridiculously good, there is no struggle, pull the whole instance for all I care! This is with uhh Totemic I think it’s called. I tended to struggle with the other one (Farseer?) in the heavy aoe situations.

I don’t have any experience with the other healers.

they have the game out of balance again…
this is pretty much par for the wow course.

I’ve always done druid main, and I also have an hpally and hpriest at 580.

Unfortunately druid is just too weak. You push more buttons (almost frantically) to keep HOTs up to keep mastery stacks up to do 400k regrowth heals, especially with the nerfed trees.

Holy priest feels way better. Still lacking an AOE, but better. Heals routinely hit for over 1M.

In a big trash pull in Priory I may be hitting 500k hps with moderate effort on hpriest, and 290-330k hps on druid with my fingers melting.

I will not be playing the druid unless they buff it. As someone mentioned before AOE is particularly problematic since there’s no strong AOE (Wild Growth needs a buff, trees didn’t need a nerf), and Regrowth is too middling to keep up with high rot damage.

Hpally I just don’t enjoy the resource gating, and for it being a resource gated healer I’m surprised at how non-massive Eternal Flame is. This is the only healer where spot damage can potentially come in and leave you unable to generate resource efficiently enough to cover it, and for that to be the case I think EF needs to be stronger.

I think everyone except Shaman needs an across the board 5-10% buff in addition to the specialty buffs needed by specific healers.

I love standing in bad stuff its my class fantasy as a warrior

Resto druid feels fine to me atm you just gotta adapt to treants + rejuv being the new aoe ramp combo instead of wildgrowth+gutted flourish(rip) for keeper.

Wouldnt mind a slight wildgrowth or soul buff since health pools are only gonna get larger and beta keys were still so bursty that everyone but shamans was struggling in 10s but theyve done some nerfs since then so we might still be fine. Gearing itself feels pretty bad though since stat distribution sucks, no haste/mast ring til the season starts hurts our layering.

I’ve played a lot of holy paladin so far and it feels pretty strong to me.

Looks like in patch 10.2 they “revamped” healing, and to be honest I think this is the root of the problem I defined in my first post. I have now tried healing on a resto shaman and I just feel like most of my heals are ineffective. I have to cast 3 huge single target heals to top off the tank and chain heal, even with surging totem, feels weak and ineffective. I think I’m just going to retire from wow again or at least from healing in general until they come to their senses. It’s like no one at Blizzard plays a healer. It feels awful.

Here are the patch notes in question: https://www.wowhead.com/news/healing-throughput-and-mana-generation-in-patch-10-2-resource-and-cooldown-334895