Healing Feels Terrible So Far

As a resto shaman I can say our healing feels generally fantastic. But we are also the best healers in the game RN.


mistweaver and resto shaman both feel great idk


Cant’ say for DF, but in SL, Legion and BFA I loved essence font. Just a solid AoE healing button.

I’ve played every healer except holy priest since Cata. The beginning of Cata was the least fun I’ve ever had healing. Is it worse than that?

edit: Also is essence font really gone from monks? That’s a huge L. That is like the bread and butter of MW.

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Essence font was soo bleh, but anyway on mistweaver play for your mastery and fistweave it does soo much more then it used to.
Oh and holyp dosent use the aoe heals for talents rn.

As a holy priest main, i tend to take Light weaver and Divine Word. Archon helps with some AoE and giving you Surge of Light procs to help funnel big heals with Heal. And divine Word is to help supplement the situational responses that holy also has a hard time dealing with if not prepared.

being able to buff your single target healing with DW: Seren during high burst output while your Halo is going out is a very strong combo.

It’s really hard to say because our hardest content are heroic dungeons, and tanks are pulling like mad men.

So you’re stuck either frantically spamming cooldowns and heals trying to keep people alive. Or you’re bored and dpsing because the tank only grabbed one or two groups and nothing is happening.

Can’t judge it that well until we get into harder content. But when there is a lot of AoE dmg going out, it feels very panicky because generally AoE heals are extremely weak right now.

Mistweaver feels bad?? D: I’m a windwalker main and have been since MOP.

I’ve been raving to everyone how great they did with Mistweaver this xpac. Ever since they removed essence font I get to mostly just be a windwalker and heal at the same time. I have so many cooldowns that sometimes I don’t even use all my abilities. I’ve tried to play fistweaver in the past but it always felt like it was more work than fun, like it was missing some oomph. This time though, my heals actually have some kick to them :joy:

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Both R sham and Mistweaver feel great for me.

Excited for m0’s today.

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I have very little idea what I’m doing on my holy priest, and even at 570 it feels a lot better than my 587 druid… Not entirely sure what you’re expecting from healing but it feels beyond fine on the 4 healers i’m playing (HPriest, Pala, Druid, Sham). Tbh the worst feeling thing about priest is their dispel profile is garbage for these dungeons so you’re forced to endure some high damage dots that other classes are able to dispel

Why I wouldn’t pull like a mad man when I can do 80% of the dungeon with 4 randoms that support me for 20% of whatever else? Looking forward a couple wipes in Mythics however so I can finally adjust on my Prot War.

I’m rolling resto sham. But I do feel like our “big heal” is more like a “tiny heal” and the success relies on making sure you have done your setup/prep work properly so passive totem heals and big CDs are effective. But straight up “heal this toon” really sucks.

Also, if you judge heals based on a run of people who use their defensives, CDs, self-heals and don’t stand in garbage, well… any healer feels fine :slight_smile: I judge mine on sub-par PuG runs and dps just standing in bad stuff all day long…

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HPriest Main here, you aren’t supposed to take CoH or PoH in a dungeon environment specifically because they are so weak. I find that my AOE healing in dungeons is actually better than in Dragonflight thanks to the Oracle hero talents, so you may want to try out a lightweaver/oracle build and see if that fixes part of your problem.

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I have Evoker 585, Shaman 585, and Druid 585. They’re all 3 healers. I haven’t had any issues nor has it felt absolutely terrible to me. My MW just hit 80 last night.

Single Target heals seem to do a lot more than AoE heals do, that I’ve noticed. On my evoker my top heal per dungeon went from being Dream Breath to Living Flame which feels a bit odd to me, considering how it was in DF. But, honestly I’ve had fun healing so far. It felt spikey on beta, but we were stuck at a 580 sub +10s, so I imagine now that we’re not being scaled down and can actually gear up in sub 10 keys, it’s not going to feel nearly as bad.

Heck, some heroics I don’t even hardly have to heal if the group isn’t purposefully ramming their faces into things. There are some where the damage is exacerbated solely because they’re pulling multiple backs of mobs together that do a ton of AoE damage (Priory second half) or ignoring mechanics (barrels in Meadery). But healing feels decent. It’s not great, but it’s also not as bad as it’s been in the past.

Edit: I was in heroic Dawnbreaker the other day where they pulled the ENTIRE area around the fountain + the second boss. I finished combat at 1.2M HPS and still had 30% mana. I was on my resto shaman. That group was far from executing things wonderfully, lol. It was a lot of fun.

Not really. Farseer is is a joke. Riptides about whenever and Primordial wave into Acestral Swiftness for guaranteed ancestors and every one affected gets healing surge x2 or x3. The gimmick is pretty much planning your acestors / using windows to duplicate your heals. Once you got it down, it’s pretty straight forward.

Put down healing rain with a healing stream totem once the group stops to fight and continue your riptide or DPS if you can.

Healing Tide is your big healing totem, spirit chain link is probably the best healer CD there is in the game, any in it goes up to the % of whoever got highest hp.

And you got the support stuff, like earth shield totem which is pretty an aoe shield for whoever stands in radius upon putting it down. Thunderstorm upward disrupt, capacitor totem for stun, etc.

I could speak about totemic but chain healing isn’t the best for dungeon as it’s more stationary.

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Discipline is a LOTTA fun right now, in my personal opinion. I love void ball atonement healing so very much I’m torn between that and my dragon(s). Prolly just play both.

They brought back SL Shaman in a great way too, very satisfying and fluid. Big lightning damage, heavy aoe with totemic. Fantastic all around.

I still got lots to learn.

But note that when I tried spirit link, I slaughtered 2 or 3 dps each fight - every-single-time. Granted PuGs, but yeah, it wrecks them so bad. One finally was looking at the logs and barked at me for killing him (a few times) :slight_smile: I took the spell off my toolbar.

I’ve only healed with my restor shammy so far but it feels really good.

So far ive done holy pally and pres evoker to 80. Loved both at 70, by 80, I wanted to leave my palladin while my evoker still feels strong.

I’m struggling with my druid. I feel weak and useless. I can heal people, yes. But I find myself running out of mana faster and I feel like my healing isn’t doing enough sometimes. It’s not bad, but it certainly isn’t great either. Rejuv feels like I am casting it at level 60

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