Healing Feels Terrible So Far

I have been playing Mistweaver and Holy Priest at 80 with 571 and 583 ilvls respectively and healing feels so bad. Especially AoE heals.

Mistweaver used to be so fun with Essence Font but they removed it entirely…

And as a holy priest, Circle of Healing and Prayer of Healing feel like I’m throwing soggy ramen noodles at my party. If I were to look just at the party HP bars, I’d barely be able to tell that the CoH or PoH casts had gone off because of how little HP they restore. What gives?

This doesn’t feel like the normal early-expansion healing doldrums I have experienced before, this feels unfun and I’m thinking about just playing a DPS. I feel like they gave me a bunch of useless tools to force me to play the game a certain way. Like, why even give me circle of healing at this point?

Anyone else experiencing something similar? How do druids, hpals and EvOkErS feel?


Fistweaver and hpal here. My heals do feel small, at least compared to DF, but didn’t they nerf healing going into TWW?

That said I kinda like how I have to put in a bit of effort to top people off, not just push one button and blamo everyone’s full health. But, I have a hard time keeping up in some spots in heroics, could just be people standing in things, so we’ll see how mythics and raiding feels.

My evoker is only 74 but it feels absolutely bonkers on the healing in comparison.

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Got a 581 resto shammy. Feels good so far on that, but we can’t even do M0s yet so I’ll hold judgment.


sounds like a class diff tbh. resto shams are the epitomey of op heals atm

but then again i’ve leveled all healing classes except for the uggo scalie and they all felt decent except mistweaver. and its not that mistweaver cant be used at all, its just… well you are essentially putting in twice as much work for around the same to sometimes less healing. that doesnt feel great in comparison.


certainly in Priory have seen people standing in the consecration before the first boss, happens all the time lol

priest def feels better for keeping the party up in heroics than mistweaver. i have seen that paladins are doing pretty nicely with the beacon that heals your entire party 20% of single target heals. that seems like a turbo aoe heal, how does it feel to you?


I don’t like virtue, I’ve always liked beacon of faith (two beacons as opposed to cooldown 5 beacons).

But I don’t really feel like I struggle much on my hpal, and I run a really off meta build. Definitely feels like it has way more healing than my monk. My monk I can bust my balls pushing every cooldown to just barely keep people up.

Though they’re reworking paladin talents again, and I’m goinna be losing a lot of healing, so we’ll see how it feels with the patch.

For me the most effective healer has been prevoker. People just never go below 90% health and I’m sitting there DPSing most of the time.

I think most of your attention for hpriest is supposed to be on pom/sanctify/serenity, not coh/poh which are both very weak. Flash heal to spot heal as necessary, halo when a good moment presents itself. Loving Archon so far, but both hero trees are pretty strong throughput wise.

At 580+ it should take a royal strategy screw up (looking at your Prior boss1 with all lieutenants , lol) to overwhelm your output.

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Dungeons work out better as Lightweaver with Serenity/Sanctify and PoM/Renews persistently ticking. Circle/Prayer of Healing are generally directed toward raid-wide healing.

Still gearing the priest, she’s fresh at the moment. I’d imagine I’ll see how it shakes out in heroics - normals have been goofy. Healing isn’t too tough, it’s the utter BOZO tanks that don’t consider mob abilities when pulling an entire corridor (chain CC).

Mistweaver wasn’t ready for launch like most things, so it’s getting it’s rework in November with a handful of other specs that missed the mark, just hang in there.

Also- it’s not even Season 1 yet, what are you gauging for healing lol

Not having any issues fistweaving, was a little effort when undergeared, now super easy. Not really much to say when we have heroic dungeons as the current benchmark

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Healers are not weak.
AOE is.
Seems like it’s only useful for ticking raid damage and mana inefficiency may still keep it in the dumpster. So stop using the weak stuff and blast with Heal, Flash, and Serenity. Lightweaver is vastly superior for dungeons & PVP, as usual.

so far my experience has been healing is either mindlessly boring and i’m dpsing the whole time, or frantically spamming the group. mostly due to tanks either pulling the entire instance or not enough mobs.

i suspect heroic raid will probably feel about the same way and m+, welp, we’ll see… i think the bad habits of the last 2 weeks might make the start of the season rough for alot of groups.


EF was rarely used in dungeons so i am puzzled by this

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Yeah I play HPriest and HPala. HPala feels very string right now in dungeons, but on my HPriest, I feel like my heals are barely doing anything and everything is on CD that does heal for too long. I am 588 on both, I can still hold my own on my priest in H Dungeons with tanks chain pulling, but the difference between the two are huge. I dont even have to think to play my HPala

Healing feels really good when you get them. Love me those healers.

My main healer is a resto shaman and I have no complaints so far. There are two dungeons that drive me nuts though - priory and brewery but that is mostly due to people standing in areas they shouldn’t and ignoring the mechanics.

Does it? Can’t say I’ve got those issue when I’m bored and go on Resto and heal whatever pve or pvp. Pretty smooth.

I really don’t get the love for Essence Font. Did that many people use it? Must be a raid thing, because I never really used it on my MW in DF.

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Everything is very weak. Sanctify is garbage too and you can’t even tell you used it. Hpriest has no aoe healing for dungeons. POM is the most boring spell ever put into the game. What’s so hard about just making your buttons feel like they do something?

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I’m not a healer but isn’t their goal to reduce spike damage? It would also require less burst healing to be available.