Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

In b4 “The mobs hit tooo hard, we can’t heal this reeee”

It was my own key. If they can’t do the first room right, no way I’m doing the whole dungeon with them.

You don’t kick people from M+, it’s dumb. Just leave and reform the group.

Nothing in my post blamed the healer too, you’re just being a complete troll now.


As a dps, not thought for a second that healers had to do anything other than heal.

I think healers shouldn’t have to DPS. Never played a healer either. Maybe if they made healing more engaging like DPS and tank it would be more fun. They could also tune it for 3 1/2 DPS (including tank) so it doesn’t require a healer to do 10k+ dps at higher keys. Just my 2 cents.

coming from a level 50 dk. why dont you log on your main and tell me its not true at all?

From what I can gather of his game experience, that is his main.

Most healers can do enough damage without having to worry about healing significant amounts, assuming each role knows what they are doing. Healers only meant to keep the team alive, not afk 85% of the dungeon.

If your healers are only doing 5% of total dps that’s a skill issue homie.

I think it’s a funny argument as to why people get so mad at healers wanting to heal instead of DPS, because the SECOND you ask DPS to do anything other than tunnel the boss they throw a freaking temper tantrum. Imagine if the DPS roles had to also off-heal constantly - they’d lose their minds. rofl

or maybe your dps need to step their game up. 60% isnt happening.

So I just asked my wife, who’s never stepped foot in a raid and is as casual as you can possibly get, what would she do if she was healing and there was no raid damage going out.

She said she’d help out with dps because “what else would I do, stand there with my thumbs up where the sun don’t shine?”

This argument is silly and healer who behave this way are objectively wrong.

Just kick them, no one will question it.


I get that. I’m not saying they should be sitting idle for most of the dungeon. They could make the design more engaging for healers so they are healing as often as DPS are DPS’ing and as often as tanks are tanking. How they could do that, I don’t know. maybe make the healing spells less effective so you have to press more buttons more often? I don’t think I’d advocate for more damage yet though.

I generally do about 10-15% of total damage (ie about half a dps’s worth of dps). 60% was just easier to split 3 ways for the example than 50%.

That is easy and already implemented, Increase player health pools by 40% and Damage by 40%. Good luck finding a healer who can “prase” the healing meters. A lot of these folks “We don’t want to dps” struggle w/ healing. I wouldn’t get my hopes up with getting them engaged. At this point they’re deflecting the real issue (laziness).

Youre way off base with this crap. Theres nothing lazy about healing. when things go wrong the healer is the first to be blamed.

That said, some of us really enjoy it. Its different than being another mindless dps. I find it to be more engaging.

No one is saying healing is lazy.

They’re saying healers that don’t dps when no healing is needed are lazy, which is objectively true.

You’re literally standing there doing nothing.

Also can I just say, not doing dps can actually lower your hps.

HPS, like DPS is higher on shorter encounters where your cooldowns have higher uptime. Not to mention you can hard burn your mana.

No I’m not, I am someone who has Heroic Raid healed, I have healed keys, I have healed in PvP. Any healer making excuses isn’t doing what they need to be doing. Many of them don’t want to heal, they want to be carried. There isn’t a reason to not be dpsing after healing. That is a healer issue. If the DPS is performing as poorly you have a DPS issue. But those who only want to “heal” usually are the issue, not the dps.

Speak for yourself only.

If the key is missed, blame the dps dont look to the healer to carry your lack of damage.

Well sounds like you’re a crap healer shrug.

Nope, its a standard. If you show up to work unprepared, you’re probably fired. I expect DPS to also contribute outside DPS, such as interrupts, stuns, and assisting the tank if an accident occurs, and they should be using damage mitigation where possible. Individuals who have no concept of team work only consider the surface expectations and have no grasp of the concept.

figure it out.