Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

I have an weak aura that’s designed to count who pops the most balloons (explosives). I’m always #1 and not by a close amount XD

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i heal; i don’t keal…

i sit there and watch.

Doing this is a good way to get blacklisted really fast. Especially for higher keys

People need to understand that healer DPS only matters heavily in upper keys, 15 and below it doesn’t matter. When you start pushing past level 15, and especially 20+, then it matters given the fights become harder and tighter. In which the DPS does matter in terms of pushing bosses and trash pulls down.

People need to calm down when it comes to keys too, it’s gotten to the point where people act like as if it’s life or death as to whether a key goes perfectly or not.

No lol. Healers are doing about 5% of cumulative damage across the total run. This is assuming that the players are wearing level appropriate gear, meaning not way overpowering the key level.

5%. A negligible amount.

You can DPS if you want to, you can leave your groups behind. But if your friends don’t DPS, then they ain’t no friends of mine.

It’s the principle, if heals are going to act entitled and behave like that then you get kicked.

Everyone else is playing to the optimal level, why shouldn’t the healer? I main ret and you bet ima throw a wog or lay on hands when needed.

Call me a jerk all you want but any lead that kicks a leech would be justified.

I think a lot of Healers be shocked come DF M+ 15 keys and higher.

While I agree if you have nothing to do, throw a couple dps skills in the rotation, but I’m telling you it’s very tight in those high keys on beta.

Its hilarious that a healer is a “leech” in a key run where no one is dying and the group is doing well.

You sound spoiled and entitled.

Tight as in the healer is healing a lot? Or tight as in, the group needs the extra damage the healer can provide.

The boss could be dying quicker but doing damage is too much for the LEECH? And I’m entitled?

Please don’t do this. If you don’t want to dps fine, but don’t be scummy about it. This will only amke people resentful towards you.


The healing requirement are a lot higher, some pulls you won’t even try to dps. But if you can go for it. But healing is definitely more the focus now then it was in shadowlands.


The boss could be dying quicker if you had a better talent build too. Aer we now checking to make sure everyone has the best set up for maximum damage?

That would probably be equal to the small total amount of damage a healer could contribute.

of course people don’t like being blackmailed. Actually I think a public video would be warranted exposing them for their behaviors.

if no one is dying chances are we probably dont need a healer anyways since everyone is playing well and that healer is just leeching doing absoulutely nothing

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I’m the same with my key sometimes. I see people sweat the -1, but frankly, -1 is nothing. I left my own waycrest once where I put the key in, said “Stay here for LoS”, ran to Heroic throw at the Entrance hall packs triple pull and turned around to see everyone already engaging, mobs casting everywhere, a big mess that couldn’t be pilled up and AoE’d.

I just left out the front door and left group.

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And I had a feeling when I read about the 40% HP buff that this is what Blizzards wanted. They want healers to work more - to actually heal. And Im all for it.

More healers want to see the green numbers, not the yellow ones.

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If you’re in a mythic guild, yes obviously.

If not, then no because at least your still doing your job.

If you’re a healer any there is ZERO damage going on then it is your job to contribute to dps.

Like there’s no argument against that…

Theres an example of a d*ck who will kick a healer because the healer just wants to do his job instead of having to also pick up slack for yours(dps).