Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

Nope, because healing is what the role demands, and healing is what Im doing as we key and no one died. Upper management would say: Job completed.

Can we head off this whole argument yet again? We already did this, literally yesterday.

If you’re not dpsing in open space as a healer you are bad at your job. Some people won’t care, some people will absolutely not invite you again. If you’re ok with that, no-one can stop you.


I guess the cashier only has to handle transactions, not verify the cash he started with, deposit the cash, nor deal with customer satisfaction. Upper management wouldn’t give you a pay raise, I’ll put it that way, and being unprepared isn’t going to make the model effective nor efficient.

Teamwork is dreamwork. You’re not a team player, you’re the definition of mediocrity.

Keys complete yet you still whine and complain. Id say youre the definition of a Karen.

A successful healer is the healer who beats the timer, not the healer who does lots of heals.

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I agree that it doesn’t necessarily mean that the healer is being lazy… but it does always mean that the healer is playing badly.

I agree, healer damage is seldom necessary until high level keys… but doing damage is better play than not doing damage at ALL key levels. If you do not do damage, you are making an error. It’s unlikely for that error to cause you to lose, but it is an error all the same.

But the thing is it’s not a big deal for people to play badly in low level keys. That’s kind of exactly what I expect in low level keys since people who are playing better are moving on to higher keys. But I’m not going to lie to healers in those low keys and tell them there’s nothing they can improve on.

If they want to improve, healers obviously have a wide variety of skills that they can practice in order to improve. Learning to judge when it’s safe to damage and executing their damage rotation is just another such skill.


Yes, but if the key is not made, whats the reason?

Not enough dps so the timer ran out? Not the healers fault.

Poor tanking and route? Not the healers fault.

Really bad healing and not getting guys topped off in time for spikes or bad healer positioning: Healers fault.

No, you’re just trying to get by on a +1, you want to run a dungeon 18 times. I would rather run it 5 times. shrug

Again, asked and answered yesterday. Not making the timer due to lack of dps is absolutely the healer’s fault if the healer failed to dps where they could and that dps lead to the time loss. The healer has a responsibility to COMPLETE THE KEY in the same way that the DPS do. The dps failed by doing less DPS than necessary, but so did the healer.

Roles are not one-dimensional.


For every healer who doesn’t dps there’s another healer who will dps.

You lose this if you’re going this route.

It’s like the “Anti-work” people.

For every one of them there’s ten people willing to work hard to replace them.

Being lazy loses every single time, this is proven as far back as human history goes.

For every empire that refuses to adapt or be better, there’s an empire that does adapt, and strives to be better, that eventually topples the former.


Why Americans are so entitled and individualistic? Im a healer, but i do dps to help the effort of the group, in the 18 years playing wow i have seen many wipes at 1% or 0.05%, if my crap dps allows our group to kill a boss, ill do my best effort!

Its common sense.


Nah, Im not going for this. Didnt complete the key because damage was not high enough? Were not going to blame the healer.

This falls squarely on the shoulders of the damage dealers who failed to…do enough damage.

In your view, now not enough damage and poor healing are both the healers fault? Thats crazy.

Thank god you understand it. This guy has to be on the spectrum, because he is only taking the “roles” literally, not in the fact each role has its unique primary responsibility and secondary responsibilities. That is exactly why he is lazy. He wants to do bare minimum to get by.


Again; no one thing is the cause. Every problem is multifactorial. You are in control of YOUR portion of the blame. It is not their fault OR your fault; it is their fault AND your fault.


Do I need to get out my logs from when I offhealed in Rhygelon prog again?

All classes should use their entire toolkit when appropriate to ensure the success of the group. In Feral’s case, we have some uniquely powerful off-healing tools and since we’re an energy class, we have the empty GCDs to use them. Every CP cycle I use Predatory Swiftness to put a Regrowth on someone useful. When I ran Resto Affinity I would weave Wild Growth + some Rejuvs while pooling energy. I would even sacrifice an offensive Convoke in order to Heart of the Wild and Convoke in Night Elf form as an extra healer cooldown, both as a planned maneuver in raid and as an emergency tactic in dungeons. And now with Dragonflight, we even have Nature’s Vigil back!

Hybrid DPS can absolutely off heal when they want to - and good DPS do.

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If your issue is not enough damage and you’re not doing any damage, yes it is.

If your tank isn’t going the right way and you don’t correct them, yes it is.

If people stand in s word, that’s their fault.

A key is a team effort. It’s not about getting tunnel vision and sticking to just what your role is. If a tank goes down and the ret pally doesn’t bubble taunt, it’s their fault. If your resto shaman misses an interrupt on something that kills something, it’s their fault.

WoW is about doing what it takes to get your party across the line.


Every single time you have someone crying for less effort, there’s someone out there willing to replace them with effort.

Lazy people die off due to being replaced with better and harder working people. This is evolution as Darwin described.

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all you people in here saying lazy peope like you ain’t never been in a group your entire wow career and not been lazy for whatever reason lol get outta here.

And theres always another group to key with who arent all up in the healers business.

yup it’s called LFR and autoqueue heroics

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