Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

The members of the group don’t pay your sub and we’re sought after. We’re the ones that are harder to replace.

If you don’t want to DPS you don’t have to. You may say you will before the key run but once the key is in its up to you to DPS or just heal. They can’t change this.

It’s your sub and your dps.


What else am i going to do with all the free globals?


The same could be said for dps or tanks, frankly. “You don’t pay my sub, you can’t make me!”

Group: Ok.

You have been removed from the group.


Spam toys!


What am I going to do when nobody needs healing right at that moment?

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That is YOUR choice.

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Why don’t you guys want to dps?

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From what I’ve been hearing DF dungeons are more like cata with actual mechanics so you might not have any free global’s.


For some, it’s that all of their heals, mitigation, support spells, etc already occupy most of their keybinds and bars. Depends on the healer, I think. The result is goofy, awkward keybinds for dps spells sometimes, and I get why some people are like “You know, I’d rather just heal than try to hit uncomfortable dps keybinds all the time.”

Note that this is an observation not in search of a solution.


This whole argument and the three other threads about it are getting stale…
Healers having to dps in mythic plus to contribute damage to beat a timer? No way :scream:

If you don’t like dpsing as healer, then don’t do end game 5 person group content. Stick to raids… But something tells me these people don’t do that either.

Stop making these stupid threads already please.


I get if you don’t want to, I personally don’t care, but don’t you get bored when you’re in a good group that doesn’t take a lot of damage?


I use alt key macro’s for my spells and pair up stuff with a cooldown, like Holy fire with non-cooldown spells like SWP. Same with heals, Alt for circle of healing, prayer of healing no mod. Didn’t take me all that long to get used to it and reprogramming the button under the mouse wheel to alt makes it super easy.

they know that they can make an easy bait thread and get lots of bites, so they’ll keep doing it until people stop giving them the response they want



I wish I had MORE damaging spells. I heal when the group needs it. Otherwise I DPS. (Though a mage got mad when one of my DOTs spread to the mob she sheeped.)


Indeed, Sunfire can be a pain, but it’s just soooo good.

Blizzard caused this with their speed-running, zoomer friendly game play style


This is 100% true, you do not have to use your empty GCDs to DPS. But it only works if you are plugging because pre-made groups will probably avoid you after the first time.

That’s not zoomer friendly because getting higher keys and gittin gud in mythic plus requires WORK

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90% of you playing a healer will never actually need to toss in a little DPS anyways. It is really only a thing in the much higher level keys, something the vast majority never do to begin with.

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i agree, but let’s take it one step further.

why should i as a dps have to do more dps than the bare minimum required to time the key? if the other people are doing 20k a piece overall in a +16, i should get to afk. my dps isn’t necessary so i shouldn’t have to be an esport sweaty gogogo mentality gamer

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