Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

You mean half their job. If there’s no dmg going out then you should be helping kill the boss faster. So yeah, bye bye. We’ll get a healer that can actually press some DMG buttons.

It means healers are going to struggle most likely. If one hit, hits you like a nuke, i.e 80% of your health, your healer is going to really hate life. Currently healers are struggling with just topping players off (keeping them alive) and just doing dps rotations (apparently). I can’t imagine how well they’re going to do when they need split milisecond reactions to heal the entire team while CD’s were blown on the last pack. It’ll be interesting. I bet you the Tank and DPS won’t complain about having to off heal and use CD’s though!

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And you are the reason IO exists… so we can weed out the terribles.

It’s a new elitist point of view, I dps when there is nothing to do or simply help push the boss when I can.

I haven’t healed since Legion, so this pressuring and pushing movement is new to me. Play how you like is what I say, that’s why dps heals and non dps healers exist.

Evokers work as a dps heals, I’ll be too clumsy to play one in dungeons. Evoker heals I bet would be awesome in pvp and raids.

I’m thinking of returning to heals not 100% sure, has nothing to do with the movement.

Playing poorly probably. Had one of them. Hpal who used Holy light/flash of light entire dungeon, no dmg, and only 5 holy shocks. A meme to say the least.

If, as a healer, you do 25% of the damage of your 3 dps it is significantly easier than your dps doing an additional 10% damage a piece. It doesn’t seem like a lot but it turns an 80% wipe into a dead boss.

lean back sip tea and yell at your screen about things not dying quick enough obviously


I’ll DPS just out of boredom (as Holy priest, Dotting actually does help my Flash heal, so theres that). Nah I usually get into a group who (not tank), runs in like an attention starved sugar high kids and am forced to heal (oh the humanity lol). But on those rare ones, I’m throwing out whatever I can (and it ain’t much) to DPS, again killing the monotany.

Not true at all.

Just remember if the key fails, or boss hits enrage, its your fault.

Am I wrong in my statement?

I guess that 4-5% of total damage is that important. Either that or youre just a control humping jerk.

I am honestly flabbergasted at how often this topic gets made.

I’m not topping any meters. I’m just using extra globals for dots or smites. Both of which literally give me something towards healing if I do lol (my talent setup)

Can I have a list here of anti-dps healer so I can add them to my do-not-invite list. I dont like a carry that doesn’t pay me

It’s explosive week. Wait when the next explosive week happen again and we’ll get another set of this complains


It’s the new “Soar is broken”.

Half these folks don’t even believe what they are spewing, as every healer I encounter just does damage in dungeons out of sheer boredom.

As a healer, I love this week

I dont >.> they broke glaive toss again and if it doesn’t crit explosive have 30% hp left

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It’s a lot easier for a healer to do 60% of a dps’s dps than it is for 3 dps to boost their dps by 20% each.

If I start a key, and some chad healer is all “well actually, I’m not going to hit any dps buttons” I don’t even care, I’ll boot that deadweight bottom-tier player and run the key back -1 level with someone who will actually contribute fully to the run.

but considering that will never actually happen because healers at the key levels I run aren’t trash at their classes, it’s not really something I worry about.

also this OP is just a troll.


From what I’ve seen, healers don’t have to heal if they don’t want to either. :smirk:

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