Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

So, you’re trolling, got it

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:dracthyr_hehe_animated: Oh my god I love this kind of reply every time.

Yes carebear, all along my desire to speak regarding a matter you wanted to post about is 100% trolling.

One would think so, but there’s a surprising amount of talk on GD about damage output factoring into which healers are “best” to bring, which implies that said healers are pulling DPS numbers somewhere close to theoretical maximums because otherwise that wouldn’t matter.

Ah, context is crucial in those instances. Min/max discussion can often be seen negatively at a glance, but it’s important to remember the difference between that and elitism

And while there are absolutely the sorts who act is if not playing to the 100th percentile is trolling, those are the sorts not included in the “reasonable” group mentioned above

enjoy failing keys if you dont dps as healer (but you will need hard carry on 15’s) on a +20 you def need to pump damage to time it.

These threads are very toxic, seeing the arguments play out, nothing positive getting done here.


I put myself in other people’s shoes sometimes. Wouldn’t I just love to be attacked for having different colored text.

If the only thing CC’s got were a squint-eyed tiny icon behind their name, nobody would point it out so much to validate their arguments. I think it’s in very bad taste, hence why I wanted to comment on your post.

As for the subject of the thread, I don’t care, I was just curious. So I’ll take my leave.


There’s like 1 healer actually healing in LFR, the rest fight for snipes. I’ve queue’d HPal in LFR recently, I can equal pretty much other healers with just double Beacons and spamming Light of Dawn in melee, just DPSing the boss.

Not to mention how are you playing Hpal without even doing damage ?

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So the healer who is doing his job and keeping people alive is now suddenly kicked for not doing the job of DPS? What the hell, man.

im a hell warrior

Hey all you mplus pug healers, do whatever you like! The more of you who refuse to be a team player increases the odds of my friend’s list continuing to widen and my options to broaden every time I log in. Don’t pop explosives, don’t use cc, roots, stuns, etc…for sure don’t dps! I’ll be glad to take your spot. You can stay in the lowest of keys, np! I prefer to climb up a little where others tend to use their buttons as well. Glhf.

I never mained a pally always want and hope blizz will make me want to but it fails to and especially in DF looks like they missed the mark completely for most paladin players.

Tbh that’s like 90% of the GD

Skill issue tbh.

“Bro just stare at the healthbars man.”

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He is representing my viewpoint.

This is how most dps play. They are not even cognizant of what the healer is doing.

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So your goal is to pass under the radar while you’re half afk and the tank and DPS just carry the dungeon for you ?

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Tell the tank to pull more? I mean if you have downtime, clearly you could do more/go faster.

Too high. Bare minimum only.

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