Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

You do you, OP. I’ll continue to dps and beat the dps in aoe damage :laughing:

Don’t play with bad players and you will quickly realize how much downtime there actually is in PvE.

Of all the takes for a CC member to come out against: “You shouldn’t spend combat time AFK” is not one I would have expected.

I’ve definitely had plenty of downtime healing in +20 keys.

there real trick is when no one needs healing, spam decurse over and over.
people will think you are busy, but really you are being a naughty little lazy healy hehe :upside_down_face:

Blizzard doesn’t understand how to keep roles in their own rights so badly that arguments like these have to crop up everywhere.

I mean even DPS role can’t do it’s job because they need the Healer role to back them up so badly lmao. Tank is a given when it comes to DPS, naturally we have to do more to prevent aggro from being taken away from us.

I’ll never not be amused that someone like Maizou actually got onto the community council

That right there is all you need to know the entire program is a farce

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I’ll never not be amused when people don’t just see them as anybody else and target them for being thrown into a council that many know never even cared about them in the first place lol.

People like Maizou must see it as a curse by now. Blizzard just wanted to do it for show to say “Hey, yeah we care and do these important things”. But there’s zero real sincerity.

The point of the community council is for a group of players who represent the community as a whole through their knowledge of the game to be able to speak to Blizzard on matters within the game. When someone from said council makes it clear they don’t actually know what they’re talking about, it just shows the entire thing is a joke so…

thank you for agreeing with me and proving my point, I guess?

Also for the record, this isn’t about just this topic alone. Any time I’ve ever seen Maizou posting somewhere it’s been awful takes and outright wrong information. Seems to be a common thing with any CC poster, to be perfectly honest…

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DPSing or not DPSing as a Healer is literally a choice. I only saw her making a personal decision and a statement based upon this, not telling people how to play.

I don’t want to rush everything as a Tank, does this mean I know nothing about being a Tank? I don’t have a timer, I don’t do Mythic +, so I’m setting the pace and I’ll go my pace.

And using defensive cooldowns and self-heals or not as a DPS is also literally a choice. But one of those choices is clearly a bad one that negatively impacts others in my group

Then why are you in a conversation that is largely about Mythic+ and the point of making things that much quicker so you have a better chance of beating the timer?

I don’t know why you’re making it so personal wording things like “my group” here.

I’m sorry, I scowered the entire OP and didn’t see anything say Mythic+ anywhere, not even in the title.


Its okay i’m also conveniently ignoring the m+ aspect like i always do

This you, bro?

You do realize there is more to a conversation than a single post, right? And one of the main points for healers doing dps during downtime is for timing M+

-Post edit got butchered-

And I said conversation, not OP. Is this really the hill you want to die on?

Yeah in short, it’s the combination of the additional set of targets (yes, mouseover macros help, but it’s still a second set of targets) and extra mental juggling. I don’t really have to do that when playing a tank or DPS… it’s almost exclusively a healer thing.

It doesn’t take much brain power to throw a damage spell here and there, and I’m willing to do that. The line is crossed when I’m expectied expected to put as much energy into dealing damage as healing or to try to meet some minimum amount of DPS.


I thought my statement implied quite well that I only cared to read the OP thus it was all I really saw.

I just skimmed and commented on your post regarding an entirely different matter.

To be honest, as long as we aren’t dying or low hp all the time, I don’t care or notice what the healer is doing.


I think most of us are more than reasonable enough to be perfectly fine with this. Literally anything is a way better contribution than just standing there waiting for someone to need healing, and you’d be surprised how something as simple as just spamming Smite now and then actually contributes