Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

As someone who has healed, I am obliged to let them die, if it is repetitive) then ask them what they learned. I’ve had pugs who were unable to function in a cohesive group, even at the most base levels of interrupting, not standing in crap, and doing respectable dps (anything that isn’t less than 50% of potential). I haven’t had too many issues with kitty weaving and going into a swiftmend/regrowth.
I’ve also had healers who literally only heal and it is complete crap most of the time. Not only are they struggling to heal, they struggle to do anything useful. Where the average healer might pull 500hps per pull, up to 1.2k hps, sometimes 1.5k if its dire, these “I only heal” individuals tend to be sitting at 124 hps. The ones who can stun, root, incap, or otherwise don’t. They offer less than bare minimum. I don’t feel bad for them, they definitely can make the game unfun for others. Dying happens sometimes, but no one wants to run from the start of the dungeon to where you left off 6-8 times because the bozo wants to do nothing.

Yeah we can, but when the ultimatum is "We’ll hold your key ransom, lie to you, because “Why not?” " isn’t going to go over well. Its a good way to find themselves crying on the forums about how they can’t get into pugs (next).

When you threaten that you’re going to kick a healer that isn’t dpsing, yes, that’s going to happen.

You disrespected first. (Not specifically you, just how the arguments started in the first place)

Feel free to kick said healer - you killed your own key cause you want to dictate how someone else plays the game.

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I say healers shouldn’t have to heal!

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Posted by a DK. I find it strange that the majority of “anti-DPS healers” post from classes that have no healing spec. Trolls gonna troll.

Then I simply won’t pug, and people will cry on the forums about how they can’t get into keys and “Toxicity.”

You don’t tell people you won’t work as a team. If I went to any job, or even an institution like a school and said “Hey, I’m just X,Y,Z I don’t have to work with so-so” You’re going to be reprimanded for that in one way or another. If I show up to school unprepared or to work unprepared, that is going to happen. If they don’t like it, then they need to cope with anyone pushing keys isn’t going to be interested in grouping with them.

Furthermore, the thread was toxic from the start. Thank the “We only heal” crowd. You don’t make threats about holding people ransom, thats not okay. Our response is pretty legitimate here.

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And just like that, Healers are required to perform two roles. Else be kicked / ignored.

Hell yes, heals the best, we won’t do your DPS!!

…sorry I’m late to the party…but I came with a protest chant! That’s something….right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I personally think both sides are right with all this.
Yes healers should help out with damage spells while waiting to heal players. But people are approaching this in a odd blanket statement way.

I think this argument really is only valid when discussing high mythic keys. Its the only time this will ever really matter.
Any other situation this is a joke of a position to take.

I really dont think your healers are being bad or lazy. Me personally I like the reactive playstyle of healing. DPS rotations put me to sleep.
Yes I throw dmg spells when i have free time, but its not why I am there nor should it be a expectation.

Its strange that GD is so stuck on this topic, its ridiculously situational and a massive non issue imho


Yeah especially after OP literally suggested that they lie to the team, don’t cooperate, and do bare minimum if anything at all. Its okay to blackmail people, but don’t be “Toxic.”


That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Healing has a finite requirement, it is what it is.

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With a name like that I wouldn’t be taking you either regardless of your class

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do you think the changes blizz has done to HP will help fix this? Give healers more to heal? less time to dps?

I for one have been very vocal on this Healer doing DPS crap.

I recently decided to try it. GCD kinda bit me in the butt and caused me to die twice.

I would still rather not do it. I feel I have enough stress in a healing role.

What I really want to do is to be able to Q up as a DPS and use my Holy Spec for that. I can do nearly twice the damage that this priest can do as Shadow.

But no there is always some idiot that shouts to the rooftops that I am in the wrong spec. I get kicked.

I pay my sub…let me play the way I want to.

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Maybe? There will definitely still be time to do damage as a healer, though, even if there is less time than previous.

They pay their subs as well, and are entitled to want to run with players who play DPS specs in the DPS role. If you wanna pay my sub, you can do whatever you want in my groups.


so no interrupts, no lust, no cc, no dispels, no purges. sounds great!


I am in a guild. My own. There are no players in it but me.

I hope so.
Reactive playstyle is why Im on a healer. Im ok with sending out some dmg spells but filling health bars has a greater appeal than sticking to a solid rotation.
I am one of those players who does not enjoy the dps part, but understands why someone would want it to push against a timer in tough content

Careful. That’s the kind of stuff that gets people trolled. Tick off enough people and you’ll find 3 of the 4 keyboard turners in your group brick your precious run on purpose. Karma escapes nobody.

I think you’d be hard pressed to find a healer that disagrees with this sentiment. Healers do play to support the party, after all. The only thing I ask, and it seems the majority of reasonable people ask, is to fill your healing downtime to the best of your ability with useful spells – it just happens that DPS is often the most useful thing you can be doing during healing downtime. (Utility usually finds more use when there aren’t lulls in healing)

Fine, don’t dps.

But you have zero right to complain when a raid lead or party lead kicks for leeching off the group.