Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

That’s fine. I won’t be using my defensives and self-heals to make your job easier, then. I’ll even stand in the fire for you. It’s your job to keep me alive, not mine

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Yes exactly

Nobody who is pushing high enough will be taking warriors anyway

yeah but it’s not required. maybe i should be able to do like 3k overall. good enough, right? it’s not like we’re in the MDI. we’re still going to time. i’m doing the bare minimum and i don’t see the problem since we’re still going to time

Low keys are everybody taking tons of damage because they’re standing in stuff
Mid keys are nobody taking damage because they’re avoiding stuff
High keys everybody takes a lot of unavoidable damage while also moving out of stuff

It’s wild :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


i hope every time you proudly announce this they remove you.

They can kick me if they want. I heal to heal. End of story.

I’m not forcing them not to dps, nor am I advocating for Blizzard to remove their ability to dps. They can do it all they want. I am not going to.

Meanwhile, they have zero trouble campaigning for Blizzard to take away our choice. Gotta love it.

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You’ll be rerolling to another class because all paladin specs are in the bin ATM.

Tell the knuckle heads in the keys to try harder to die because you’re having too much downtime with how awesomely god healing you are and are feeling the scrub desier to sully your fingers of perfection with ugh damage spells Icky! Yuck I know!

They are the ruffians who want to make a mess. We fix the mess we don’t partake in such barbaric degeneracy.

I’m a healer.

As a druid I hit like a leaf anyway

I agree. I want to return to gigachad PWS and spot heals with POM, Renew, Flash Heal, Penance…doing damage as a healer is like asking your dentist to also check your upper GI since your mouth is already open.

XIV had this phase a few years ago when WoW started declining in numbers, now people laugh at healers who can’t weave dps inbetween heals.

You’ll get there soon Apple, you just have a hard time catching up to the modern features most other devices have.

I’m like 99% likely shelving my Paladin for my Warrior in DF as my main Plate Wearer.

Which is a shame, cause I was enjoying Pally in SL.

But the fact they leaned so heavily into consecration for Ret in DF ruined it for me. :confused:

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Absolutely agree.
while I would never want to put pressure on a new healer to DPS, if they have been healing long enough, Id bet most dont mind throwing in some damage when healing is slow…which happens a lot with good groups from my experience.

shrug Guess they won’t be welcome in my keys, and I’ll resort to guildmates who aren’t crapioli.

I have never had downtime as a healer except in leveling dungeons.

Y’all are either inventing scenarios in your head, or you have never played LFR or done dungeons with full pugs.

It has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with PuGs not staying out of fire, and knowing that the one time you opt to use Moonfire/Lightning Bolt/etc. some DPS is going to stand in something that will kill them because you used a GCD on something other than a heal.

You pro-Healer DPS people know you can talk without being condescending about it, right?

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I mean at what level key would it honestly be a detriment for the healer to not be dpsing?

Then you are either inefficiently healing, or just play with bad players who don’t avoid the avoidable damage.

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shrug Healers who don’t want to DPS are fine, but they should know that they are being casuals and the expectation in difficult content is to push DPS buttons.

Nah i’m hpal through and through :dracthyr_love_animated:

I don’t do keys though so i’m not concerned :dracthyr_love_animated:

…you mean lack thereof.

Your expectation. Not mine. Not OPs. Not many’s.

Again, my issue was strictly with how condescending the statement you made was.

I have zero issues if you expect healers to dps. Just don’t push that belief on others. Let others play how they want to play.

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