Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

Do these posts get funnier the more theyre spammed?

I feel like im missing the joke

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I’d be okay throwing in some smites, but I’m not going to try to parse.

no, the people making these threads are the people who just want to skip to the part of the dungeon where they get the loot. anything that requires effort to get to that part is anathema to them.


Pump those overheal numbers up and burn your mana, obviously!

Dps healing is arguably the most fun type of gameplay imo. Doesn’t get much better.

you signed up up to dps. You should do it regardless of what everyone else is doing

It’s a bait thread but it’s wild how people come into these threads and declare very proudly they do less than the minimum.

Well considering HPal has serious mana issues in DF, maybe let your mana regen a little? If you only run with Warlocks, then you dont have to heal and you can dps as much as you want.

Pretty simple,
Each person has a role to play… Tank, Dps, healer… it’s pretty f@&”ing simple…

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No mana issues with 880 mana flash of light and veneration :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

We really needed another thread on this one, didn’t we?

Listen. To be clear. As a healer main, we should be doing damage during open globals. The key phrase there is ‘open globals’. In other words, when people do not require healing and people are performing mechanics correctly, there is nothing wrong with us doing damage.


I mean, I like dpsing as a healer so I’m out this fight.

This argument is what is going to drive more healers out of pugs and to join the tanks in closed groups. Only so much crap people will put up with.

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Healers and Tanks need to DPS… because… why, FF14 does it?

This isn’t FF14 - and that’s a good thing.

Who’s “we”, you’re a level 50 death knight, you’re not a healer.

To hold aggro silly goose.

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I don’t understand this mentality. What “crap are people putting up with” when all we’re saying is that if no one has, or is taking damage, and mechanics are being performed correctly, we would rather people do damage as opposed to sit there and do nothing. If there is nothing to heal, then we should be doing damage.


Well not like Holy Paladins have the mana to dps anyways. lol.

Somehow Im betting that a majority of healers dont mind doing some DPS and arent going to unite with this, lol


If the DPS try harder then they can do the DPS that a healer does in a few globals. Unless you are in the top 1%, then healers do not need to dps. The only time a healer has to DPS is when low dps toons like ret pally and arms warriors are in the group.

If the healer has time to DPS then it means the tank could be pulling more aggressively. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: