Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

Oh really, when did you start keying in LFR and heroics? Get outa here.

If the key is missed due to timer and not mechanics, check who has the lowest activity uptime.

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Lots of people have been lazy in groups from time to time. That’s very different from it being your goal and your modus operandi. Deathyeet knows that healers are expected to dps, knows that healers not dpsing has a measurable impact on group times in keys, and chooses NOT to do it anyway.

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There are a lot of factors involved in why a key is missed. Thats another discussion.

Healers using damage abilities is actually good for adding complexity to the healer role for players who wish to play at a higher level. Healer design needs one of two things to be done correctly:

Enough damage to always be healing
something for healers to do when there is not enough damage to always be healing.

DPS can absolutely be one of those latter things and can be quite fun to make the decision of “Can I afford to put some dps GCD’s out?”

That being said not everyone likes this type of gameplay so by all means do whatever you are comfortable with.


Its one thing to toss out occasional damage, its another to meet a threshold of damage or to be filling every global with damage.

Right. For this level of analysis to be relevant, We have to have already ruled out stuff like wipes, deaths, pathing.

But if you can rule that all out, and you see that 4 players have ~90% in combat uptime, and the healer has 60% in combat uptime, that’s going to raise eyebrows.


The only thing a healer needs to be doing DPS wise is maybe a couple abilities or a DoT even when everyone is topped up and healthy OP, because it’s quite literally more useful than standing there and twirling your thumbs waiting for someone to take damage. The DPS roles are still the ones responsible for killing stuff and preventing the boss from hitting enrage, just like the tank is at holding aggro and so on.

It is not at all unreasonable to expect you to fill every gcd. Doing nothing has no measurable benefit to a group.

Nearly every tank and every dps fills every gcd with damage, or utility. Those that don’t, don’t because they have literally no relevant button to push. If they had a button to push during that downtime, they would push it.

I see that as the nature of healing. No other role has to keep an eye on what the other players are doing, or their health bars. The DPS can pretty much tunnel into targets. Tanks can do so at a lesser rate - maybe also having to check where the next pull is.

The healer is watching all the DPS and Tank and thier hp bars.

Every GOOD player is watching the rest of the group’s bars, all the time.


Uptime is a simple measure of how much of your time is spent casting spells and using abilities.

If your uptime is low, that means there was time where you were doing nothing.

If your uptime is 0% for a 40 second window because nobody took damage, you were effectively dead for that window.

well guess what that’s where you live because tank and dps are giving effort while 1 isn’t. Exactly what LFR is for

Why y’all arguing so hard with a level 50 DK who’s obviously never ran a key in his life without having paid for it ?

Guy’s legit just screwing with y’all.

those are bad dps who only knows is to dps.

You know tanks now hardly need healers right? I dont think my healer even bother spamming heal on me unless I mess up and tell her I’m in trouble.

yup they do and if there’s nothing happening I guess they AFK. yup max effort on their part

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Sweet, less competition for healing in keys.


They would be crap dps if that is all they are doing. They need to interrupt, peel for the tank, peel for the healer, off heal if possible, use damage mitigation, hit BUTTONS.

The Healer and tank are not exempt from the SAME policy. Being lazy isn’t an excuse.

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In all honesty it comes down to the healer, I know and do keys with an amazing Holy Priest, she’s great at healing the second she starts to thumble trying to dps she seems to get a little overwhelmed and begins to make simple mistakes.

She has done 20+ keys and all but her dps is abysmal and I prefer it that way, I’d rather be alive and know I won’t die rather then her trying to push 5k overall in dps and risk not timing a key.

I think if you can dps and heal, perfect, if you can just heal that’s fine too.

But currently in beta higher keys are limiting the “spare time to heal” anyways, theirs far more consistent damage coming or heavier hits, so many interrupts and dispelling needed aswell.

I DPS all the time I don’t need to heal. My one complaint is were on the low end of the damage pole. Nothing better than a resto shammy going “I can do 12k DPS as resto” and here I am doing like 4k lol

The point isn’t to top meters. It’s to just not be lazy. Can’t really compare classes to eachother.

She sounds like a good healer!

She’d be a better one if she practiced doing damage and was able to do so without dropping the other aspects of the role.

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